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Example sentences for "et"

Lexicographically close words:
estufa; estufas; estus; estuviese; estuvo; eta; etablir; etablissement; etaient; etais
  1. Madame Denis, the niece of Voltaire, and the Marchioness of Villette, whom he called his Belle et Bonne, and under whose roof he died, were present.

  2. He must have chanted fifty times: "Vive les English, Georges, et toil" He continued even after I had rewarded him with some cigarettes.

  3. In a review of Le Realisme Chretien et l'Idealisme Grec, par L.

  4. Let us hope that it will soon rival the flourishing French Societe d'Hypnotisme et de Psychologie.

  5. Taft for their surrender, on the condition of full pardon.

  6. The tables at the end of this chapter show the increase or decrease in the various branches of export and import trade.

  7. The obligation to convert was imposed by the Pope, and was an inseparable condition of the conceded right of conquest.

  8. There were a great many well-to-do Spaniards in trade, but few whose funds on starting were brought by them from the Peninsula.

  9. It is a repetition of the old complaints.

  10. Lateran Council, earnest souls like Jacob Wimpfeling permitted themselves to hope that he would set bounds to the moral plague which pervaded all the churches.

  11. At first Sigismund and the Germans, with the French and English nations, were united in demanding that reformation should precede the election of a pope in place of the deposed John XXIII.

  12. The insatiable avarice and ambition of clergy and laity will lead them to support any one who promises them worldly advantage, and they will unite in aiding Antichrist to conquer the world.

  13. That they do not exaggerate may be assumed from one or two instances.

  14. All these warnings fell upon deaf ears, and the Church, during the Great Schism, plunged, if possible, deeper into the pit of abominations.

  15. The writers of the period are as emphatic as their predecessors in describing the superabounding and universal turpitude of the Church during the remainder of the century.

  16. Franciscans were excellent theologians, but cared nothing about virtue.

  17. The monasteries had become stables for clerks, or fortresses for fighting-men, or markets for traders, or brothels for strumpets, in which the greatest of crimes was to live without sin.

  18. God, her constant theme is the corruption of every rank in the hierarchy and the immediate necessity for reform.

  19. Such is the burden of St. Birgitta's repeated revelations, and nothing that Wickliff or Huss could say of the depravity of the clergy could exceed the bitterness of her denunciation.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "et" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    eternal being; eternal bliss; eternal damnation; eternal death; eternal fire; eternal glory; eternal happiness; eternal hell; eternal justice; eternal life; eternal love; eternal misery; eternal pain; eternal punishment; eternal rest; eternal ruin; eternal salvation; eternal torment; eternal truth; eternal truths; eternal youth; eternally damned; ethical philosophy; ethical principles; ethical theory