I shall have much pleasure in complying with your request; but I should despise myself, were I capable of making any reply to the allegation contained in your letter.
House of Commons against Lord Grey's Bill, or against complying with the prayer of the address of the Canadian Assembly, and sent to me with the request that I would prepare an answer to it.
But whatever difficulty they might have in complying with the European manner of eating, they seemed not to be novices in drinking.
If a plate or picture has been previously published in separate form, without complying with the provisions of the Engravings Acts, it will not subsequently receive protection by reason of its incorporation into a volume.
Jackson," it was held an insufficient notice ascomplying with neither of the two alternative forms.
I would not be complyingwith my obligation unless I entreated your Lordship to consider this matter deeply.
The principal motive for complying with this ceremony, was the circumstance of Mary's being in a state of pregnancy.
Be pleased therefore, good sir, to find or make leisure for complying therewith, for I would not appear concerned in this small matter.
The man that loves a woman best, would not lose her for not being able to bid so much as another, or for not complying with an extravagant demand.
Several Judges were put out, and new complying ones put in.
To excuse his not complying with the Company's claims, he says, "that his compliance would be urged as a confession of delinquency, and to proceed from conviction of his having usurped on the rights of the Company.
But whether the Nabob's requisition was reasonable or not, the Governor-General and Council were precluded by a special instruction from complying with it.
But, instead of promptly complyingwith the king's proposals they sent him a petition for redress of a long list of what they called grievances.
It would ill become the sincerity I profess, were I to dissemble that your goodness in complying with this desire will at the same time be extremely serviceable to me in my own private affairs.
You will represent this donation as his present and his liberality; I only claim the merit of complying with his request.
I shall find a more appropriate occasion of complying with your request than that which you propose, the subject you point out to me being attended with some objections; and when you reconsider it, you will think so.
The unfortunate King of Prussia was invited to appear at Tilsit; but, complying with this invitation, was admitted to no share of the intimacy of Napoleon.
I have discharged the office of a friend, by complying with your wishes, and freely admonishing you; it now remains for you to take my liberty in good part.
On complying with the requisitions of the Constitutional Amendment, I should vote for them.
No person could have been better fitted than Laura to conciliate such a temper; for on all the lesser occasions of submissions she was as gentle and complying as she was inflexible upon points of real importance.
The man who had brought out the eatables murmured something unintelligible to Heideck and shut the cupboard again without complyingwith his request.
Before complying with Brandelaar's suggestion, Edith glanced at the man whom he had indicated with a movement of his head.
At length be gave such a one as, before I waited on him, I was thoroughly convinced that he would give, namely, that he could not think of complying with the request of his fellow-citizens.
But on my telling her that I would give her double the sum she was to be paid for her witchcraft, and that thus she would be the gainer and not a loser in complying with my demands, she became calm once more.
Happiness is gained by complying with the duties of whatever condition of life one is in, and you must constrain yourself to rise to that exalted station in which destiny has placed you.
The eunuchcomplying with his request, went along with him towards the city, after leave obtained of the beautiful lady his mother.
Though they may be somewhat responsible for not complying with the treaty, yet, to those familiar with Indian superstition, it is not strange or unreasonable that great charity should be extended to these people.
Their chief requested that his reasons for not complying should be made known to the "big chief" at Washington, which request was granted and complied with.
In complying with the request of the queen, however, Ferdinand was favorable towards Ovando.
He no longer made hesitation or demur, but, complying with the peremptory summons of Bobadilla, departed, almost alone and unattended, for San Domingo.
He had experienced much difficulty in complying with his son's last request, and became painfully aware that it would not much longer be in his power to supply him at the same extravagant rate.
I should be glad to believe you are convinced of the impossibility of my complying with your wishes.
Pretended newspapers are started by business houses for the mere purpose of advertising goods, complying with the law in form only and discontinuing the publications as soon as the period of advertising is over.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "complying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.