Patriotism was the fount at which they drank, and it has created such master minds as Goethe, Schiller, Wagner and Gerard Hauptmann.
It was theirpatriotism that made them brandish the sword in one hand because they feared their enemies and still kept their other hand and brain free to work for social uplift.
In view of the excess of subjectivity which was unceasingly augmenting in the profoundly disturbed mind of Thomas Roch, no one will be surprised at the fact that the cord of patriotism gradually relaxed until it ceased to vibrate.
Nevertheless, I make one last attempt to awaken the sentiment of patriotism within him.
Now all notion of patriotism is extinct in his soul.
Yes, I will, attempt it, and may I succeed in fanning into a flame any spark of patriotism that may still linger in his rebellious soul!
All sentiment of patriotism is not then dead in his ulcerated heart, seeing that it beats at the sight of his country's flag!
There the very great public spirit is nationalistic rather than social, that is, it is patriotism rather than public spirit as we understand it.
They must take it out inpatriotism in lieu of salary; they don't get a living wage, now that the cost of living has gone up.
Manin shared that feeling, but his true patriotism induced him to push on the Fusion in order to avoid the risk of civil war.
The vigorous rhetoric of his Assedio di Firenze had warmed thepatriotism of many young hearts.
One outcome of this fuller knowledge is the conviction that patriotism was the monopoly of no single Italian party.
This was a good augury for Piedmont; D'Azeglio's patriotismhad received a seal in the wound which he carried away from the defence of Vicenza.
It was widely said that only patriotism prevented Garibaldi from throwing up his command, so dissatisfied was he with the conduct of affairs.
I am one of those,' he said, 'who believe in the sacredness of the thoughts which have guided General Garibaldi, but I am also one of those who have faith in the patriotism of Count Cavour.
On the other hand, he was strictly correct in his estimate of the patriotism of the aristocracy.
They had emerged into manhood while the drums of the Volunteers were beating victorious marches, when the public hopes ran high, and the language of patriotism was the familiar speech of every-day life.
The love of the alma mater --that college patriotism which is so sure a sign of the noble-minded scholar--never received more striking illustration than among the graduates of those schools.
He was the son of a member of the Irish Commons, proscribed for his patriotism and religion in 1641, by Anna O'Moore, daughter of the organizer of the Catholic Confederation.
A fund will erelong be derived from American patriotism in the United States, which will astonish your haughtiest opponents.
We shall need all the wisdom and patriotism the country possesses to save ourselves from irretrievable calamity.
An ardent American defined the instinctive warmth of patriotism when he offered the toast, "Our country, always right, but right or wrong, our country.
Towards the beginning of the war we may safely date the Children of Heracles, a mutilated but beautiful piece, which rings with this particular spirit of patriotism (cf.
These supply the clue to a large part of the patriotism of the Children of Heracles.
With most men patriotism is a matter of association and custom.
But the two plays we have described at length, The Children of Heracles and the Suppliant Women, give the best idea of what patriotism meant to our poet.
In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who would labour to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the destinies of men and citizens.
Surely it is nationality rather than patriotism which leads it thus to speak in scorn of the successful efforts of enlightened nations to win from every corner of the earth the riches which nature has scattered over it.
Where are "the eyes and the ears" of the State that such things can occur, and where is the patriotism which permits of them occurring?
At the same time, youths who dedicate themselves to this career must have sufficient patriotism and ambition to figure in the posts of honour.
John Carroll, of an old Maryland family distinguished alike for patriotismand for faithfulness to Catholic principles.
From these papers Philip Nolan, around whom a halo of false patriotism still lingers, was nothing more or less in the judgment of the court martial than a horse thief.
The power of example is lessened, andpatriotism turns with disgust from our practical application of that splendid theory, which declares that all men should be free and equal.
Twas to the noise, not to the patriotism to which the corporal objected, fearing censure or worse from his superiors.
Show them that such men "set the pace" for America, and taught us what true patriotism really is.
All children should be made familiar with them, and especially with the ringing lines and sound patriotism of the Iliad.
Few virtues are easy to practice, and perhaps unselfish patriotism is the hardest of all.
Whether this experiment, the greatest the world has ever seen, is to succeed, depends upon the kind of patriotism that is instilled into our children.
THE patriotism of war is far easier to teach than the patriotism of peace.
This is the side which is emphasized in the heroic tales which have been mentioned, and which makes for the development of patriotism in the child and in the man.
He displayed an unselfish patriotism by accepting the task without conditions for himself, but it may be doubted if he was right in leaving devoted friends under the scalping-knife, speedily applied, as might have been foreseen.
Death has recently clutched him, and would not be denied; and he is bewailed throughout the land as though he had possessed the knightly tenderness of Sir Philip Sidney and the lofty patriotism of Chatham.
The vulgar herd believes them to be wounds received in the Gallic wars, as it once believed in the virtue and patriotismof Marat and Barrère.
His opening words betrayed no elevation of feeling, no alarmedpatriotism transcending party lines, no great moral uplift.
The essence of the truest patriotism was distrust of one's rulers and dissatisfaction with one's country.
It is no crime to be a capitalist,' said one commentator on the late events, and neither is it necessary to attribute to this section of the community motives of patriotism to justify their association with the Reform movement.
Boer sentiment has been tested in secret, and the usual professions of fervid patriotism and of readiness for target practice with the Uitlander as the mark have been profusely evoked.
Day after day they were subjected to the disgusting importunities of these men--men who a little while before had been vaunting their patriotism and loudly expressing a desire to prove it by hanging these same Reformers.
In her overflowing patriotism she saw only a soldier of the Republic; and her smiling face had but unconsciously paid tribute to an ideal.
In this respect his isolation is likely to prove far more important than anything which Welsh patriotism strives to resuscitate by Eisteddfodds.
A similar island in the marshes of Cambridgeshire formed the last rallying point of English patriotism against the Norman Conquest.
Posterity has generally regarded that disquisition as proving Livy's patriotism more strongly than his impartiality or acuteness.
Two strong and brave nations can live side by side, strengthening each other through enforcing constant vigilance, and maintain in full vigour each its own national strength, unity, patriotism and resources.
It seems to us nothing short of a tragedy that you should be rallying Indian Patriotism to inaugurate a new era of good will under a watchword that divides, instead of uniting all.
He was the scion of a family which had given many distinguished men to their country, and with whom patriotism was traditional.
Yet, however dark and forlorn this period may seem, the national sufferings of those days are relieved and brightened by the glorious heroism and patriotism displayed by the people.
This munificent act placed Széchenyi at once in the front ranks of the nation, and the very enthusiasm roused by his generous patriotism was the means of exciting his best energies, and of spurring him on to further action.
The patriotism of the latter, however, was proof against all the allurements of the tempter.
Zrinyi did not for a moment waver, but was steadfast in his determination to follow the dictates of duty and patriotism alone.
Of his sternpatriotism and Roman severity of virtue the following story is a terrible illustration.
It is therefore of little use to seek motives of statecraft or of patriotism in the conduct of Il Medeghino.
He did not want, in any way, to embarrass the cause; thus showing a patriotism that was none too common in the army.
He came forward and was introduced, and made a speech appealing to the patriotism of the meeting.
The Mexicans have shown a patriotism which it would be well if we would imitate in part, but with more regard to truth.
Patriotism and esprit de corps are all very well, but masters a little forget that they must grow from sentiment.
The proceeding terminated with the broader patriotismof the school anthem, recently composed by the organist.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "patriotism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: chauvinism; jingoism; loyalty; nationalism; nationality