The Spaniards had found immense droves of llamas under the care of their shepherds in the neighbourhood of the baths, destined for the consumption of the Court.
The excitement raised in the town spread through the surrounding districts, and very soon numbers of shepherds were allured from the green pastures unto the "yellow sands.
The Palilia were feasts instituted in honour of Pales, the goddess of shepherds (though Varro makes Pales masculine), on the calends of May.
In order to drive away wolves from the folds, and distempers from the cattle, the shepherdson this day kindled several heaps of straw in their fields, which they leaped over.
Thou, who shalt trace this bloody plain, If goodness rules thy generous breast, Sigh for the wasted rural reign; Sigh for the shepherds sunk to rest!
Had Nicholas lived in the old patriarchal times, when kings were the uncontrolled "shepherds of the people," he would perhaps have been an admirable ruler; but in the nineteenth century he was a flagrant anachronism.
Full-grown, bearded men wept because they had not been born in peaceful primitive times, "when all men were shepherds and brothers.
All day long the children played with them, and toward evening when the toy-like legs trembled with fatigue, the little boys carried the lambs across their shoulders as shepherds do.
The shepherds sacrificed to them the firstlings of their flocks, but more especially grapes and apples; and they addressed to them songs in their forests by which they endeavored to conciliate their favor.
The shepherds wear a sheepskin cloak without any pretensions to elegance, but they trim their hair with great care, ringlets frequently hanging over their brow.
The ruin is acknowledged by general consent to be the finest in the Peloponnesus, though for centuries it was known only to the shepherds in the neighbourhood.
Beside the workmen represented by St. Joseph, peasants appear, represented by the shepherds of Christmas night.
Anger disappears, hatreds are effaced, and the rough shepherds of England take, with penitent heart, the road to Bethlehem.
It is night; the shepherds talk; the time for sleeping comes.
First a child, from before the choir and on a raised platform, representing an angel, will announce the birth of the Saviour to five canons or their vicars of the second rank; the shepherds must come in by the great gate of the choir.
As the shepherds walk in, Mak meets them with a cheerful countenance, and welcomes them heartily: Bot ar ye in this towne to-day?
The shepherds know Mak too well not to come straight to his house; and so they do.
While Herod sacrifices to Mahomet, Noah invokes the Blessed Virgin, and the Christmas shepherds swear by "the death of Christ," whose birth is announced to them at the end of the play.
I can imagine that one day this strange man makes his appearance in the valley of the Jordan, where he finds a few shepherds tending their flocks.
When he had disappeared in the desert, I can suppose one of the shepherds saying to another: "Was he not a strange man?
But only the wise men knelt and praised, And only the shepherds came to see, And the rest of the world cared not at all For the little Christ in the oxen's stall; And we are angry and amazed That such a dull, hard thing should be!
When the angels had gone back to heaven the shepherds said they would go to Bethlehem and see this Saviour of whom the angels sang.
In a country across the sea, far away from here, shepherds were watching their flocks one night.
The sheep were resting on the grass, the little lambs were fast asleep beside their mothers, but the kind shepherds were not asleep.
Among the worshipful beings or gods, if indeed they deserve to be dignified by that name, whom hunters and shepherds adore and kill are animals pure and simple, not animals regarded as embodiments of other supernatural beings.
While the creatures were perishing in the flames, the shepherds guarded their flocks and forced them to leap over the fire, esteeming this an infallible means of preserving them from disease and witchcraft.
When amongst the Abchases the shepherds in spring eat their common meal with their loins girt and their staves in their hands, this may be looked upon both as a sacrament and as an oath of mutual help and support.
Cats used to be burnt in the fire or roasted to death by being held over it; and while they were burning the shepherds drove their flocks through the smoke and flames as a sure means of guarding them against sickness and witchcraft.
Brighter and brighter shone the light until it was like the day, and you can imagine that the shepherds were startled.
For a moment the shepherds looked at each other in silent awe and wonder.
So Dahvid became a man of flocks, and all his days he was known among the other shepherds as the one who had held the Christ-child in his arms.
Perhaps they have not yet forgotten how the shepherds conquered and ruled them for generations.
Nevertheless, there is some reason why the calling of the shepherds should be despised.
One clear beautiful night, many centuries ago, four shepherds were watching their flocks on these pastures.
The othershepherds were already there with their flocks, so Jean was not lonely.
So the shepherds who guarded their flocks in these wild pastures dared not leave them alone.
Stocking You have all heard of theshepherds who went to Bethlehem, but I do not believe any of you have heard of the shepherd who didn't go.
All the people in the inn visited Him, and even the shepherds left their flocks in the fields and sought the child and His mother.
The doctors in the synagogues teach only the law; the shepherdslove best the Psalms and the prophets.
There had been wolves in the forest, but the king's knights had driven them away and the shepherds feared them no longer.
The shepherds and knights and the king himself came running and riding to answer his cry, and as for the gray wolf, he did not even stop to look behind him as he sped away to the forest shades.
The flocks of the four shepherds were lying quiet on the plain far below the city, and near by Samuel, Ezra, Joel, and Dahvid lay wrapped in their shepherds' cloaks.
A dozen shepherds and labourers were enough for the largest run during most of the year.
When, in the evening, we reached Lama Chokten two shepherds came to greet us.
Two stray shepherds turned up half famished and naked, with long, unkempt heads of hair, and merely a coral necklace and a silver bangle by way of clothing.
This Holy Family, with nakedshepherds in the background, was painted for Angelo Doni, the same man whose portrait was painted by Raphael.
There is a strong suspicion that an Englishman, who made the ascent of Olympus some twenty years ago, was murdered by these shepherdsfor shooting one of these creatures in self-defence.
It is interesting to watch, as I have done, the yearly migrations of the Albanian shepherds to and from Olympus.
Their spies and agents in these towns supplied them with information, and the villagers and shepherds about their districts being in full sympathy, kept them in supplies and ammunition.
It was a weird sight, those shepherds in their heavy capotes of sheepskin, and their shadows reflected on the mountain, and gave one the impression of so many spectres gliding in the moonlight.
By the time the donkey had carried him up the hillside to the stone-walled enclosure round the watch-tower, the shepherds were at the gates with their flocks.
The shepherds talk to each other a good deal about such things, I am never with them though.
A distant rumble of thunder aroused them, late in the afternoon; and they started up to find the shepherds calling in their flocks.
A good-sized hut was built against the hillside, where the shepherds might find refuge.
The shepherds brought the sheep into line with well-aimed sling-shots, touching them first on one side, and then on the other, as oxen are guided by the touch of the goad.
I believe there are two thousand of these mutton-loving shepherds in the United States, and of these, how many have even the dimmest perception of their immense power, and the duties consequent thereon?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shepherds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.