I find from my own experience that I can supply myself with the same goods at a less cost by bringing them from a considerable distance south, and by paying the expenses of the carriage, than I can buy them here.
On the other hand, the itinerant players sometimes invaded the province of the church-men, and performed their mysteries, or others similar to them, as we find from a petition presented to Richard II.
In the same way, we find from a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury (Clarendon Corresp.
I find from a letter written in 1696 (Fairfax Correspondence, vol.
And this is quite sufficient to explain those slight variations which we find from year to year in the total amount of crime produced by the same country.
As column 8 shows that these stars are rather far from us, so wefind from column 12, that their absolute luminosity is rather large.
Generally we find from column 9 that these stars with large radial velocity possess also a large proper motion.
Its linear velocity is also very great, as we find from column 10, and amounts to 19 sir.
But Jesus could only rise to the position of equal or prime favourite by a very sanguinary process, as we find from Heb.
That angels were, moreover, supposed to possess thews and sinews, we find from Gen.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "find from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.