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Example sentences for "find from"

  • I find from my own experience that I can supply myself with the same goods at a less cost by bringing them from a considerable distance south, and by paying the expenses of the carriage, than I can buy them here.

  • On the other hand, the itinerant players sometimes invaded the province of the church-men, and performed their mysteries, or others similar to them, as we find from a petition presented to Richard II.

  • In the same way, we find from a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury (Clarendon Corresp.

  • I find from a letter written in 1696 (Fairfax Correspondence, vol.

  • And this is quite sufficient to explain those slight variations which we find from year to year in the total amount of crime produced by the same country.

  • As column 8 shows that these stars are rather far from us, so we find from column 12, that their absolute luminosity is rather large.

  • Generally we find from column 9 that these stars with large radial velocity possess also a large proper motion.

  • Its linear velocity is also very great, as we find from column 10, and amounts to 19 sir.

  • But Jesus could only rise to the position of equal or prime favourite by a very sanguinary process, as we find from Heb.

  • That angels were, moreover, supposed to possess thews and sinews, we find from Gen.

  • I find from Reville's History of the Devil, p.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "find from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    condition that; double refraction; find also; find anything; find from; find here; find herself; find himself; find mention; find myself; find some; find thee; find traces; find what; find words; finding himself; finding nothing; finding that; finding the; finds himself; powerful influence; progress report; tepid bath; that kind; this mountain; though with