A climberas expert as himself, she clutched the rough trunk with accustomed hands.
The stranger, an English Alpine climber of scientific tastes, talked with him for an hour.
But the charm is at length broken: a victorious climber has transcended the point at which his predecessors were arrested.
Our climber continues his success: farther and farther still; he is a few feet only from the summit, but he is wearied, he relents.
Well, if Annie Climber wasn't captured why should I be?
Thackeray's climber who "licks the boots of those above him and kicks the faces of those below him on the social ladder," is a, very good illustration of what a gentleman is not.
Nobody cares whom she knows--nobody that is, but a climberlike herself.
Tis but the mountain's peak thou seest, and not The toilsome climb to reach it, nor those steps By which alone the climber guides his feet.
One old climber even thought that I ought to remain among them, and become a man of the mines; but as I took my leave notwithstanding, he gave me a message to his brother, who dwelt near Goslar, and many kisses for his darling niece.
Climbing a tree was of no use, with so good a climber in the rear.
They are then more dangerous even than slaty rocks, since this very roughness beguiles a climber into feeling that the footing is safe at a steeper angle than on the smoother surfaces, while the rocks are merely in unstable equilibrium.
But there is a chance that a careful search among the rocks to the left of the central couloir might reward a rock-climber with an exciting and successful scramble.
In the Philosophical Transactions for 1771 will be found noted an ascent which satisfied the climber and his water-level that the summit was higher than that of Snowdon.
In it there is a kind of skylight, through which the climber must go by an indescribable twist of the body.
Aran Benllyn itself offers nothing on its broken escarpments; though the face shows up rather well in profile from a distance, the climber need scarcely use his hands in zigzagging up the face to the cairn.
It can be passed by keeping to the right close to the obstacle, but would not be easy in wet weather for any climber single-handed.
On reaching the heads of the principal gullies the climber will fall in with some capital rocks on or beside his path along the ridge.
It is more highly cultivated and more civilised than a climber with a proper sense of his calling could possibly approve of.
From Lake Auger, in the Gap, the climber ascends at once by a series of precipitous bluffs to an elevation of about 2,000 ft.
This will land the climber a few yards to the west of the cairn.
Should the climber get pounded here (as not seldom happens) let him beware of undue haste.
The truth is that for the last quarter of a century hardly a climber has visited Wales without making Crib Goch a primary object, and consequently there is not a climb on it whereof men say 'See, this is new.
The road to Portmadoc on the south and to Penygwrhyd on the north are not only among the most beautiful in the kingdom, but present the most alluring of problems to the rock climber within a stone's throw.
Under such circumstances a climber ought to find St. Paul a better patron saint than St. Martin.
One other curious climber is remarkable for the vigour and vitality of its vegetation, a faculty in which it equals, if it do not surpass, the banyan.
He had to bring his long stride down to a very slow and cautious pace, and, since he was too old a climber to venture rashly, he must needs curb his impatience.
But he felt no physical discomfort, only the exhilaration of a rock climber with the summit in sight, or a polo player with a clear dribble before him to the goal.
An experienced mountain-climber told us that there are a succession of these falls, of which this is the seventh and last, and the only one that can be seen without painful and dangerous climbing, they are so singularly concealed.
Together we follow the High Level Traverse, the track that leads round the flank of the mountain to the top of Walker's Gully, the grim descent to the valley, loved by the climber for the perils to which it invites him.
But the girl had eyes as keen as a mountain-eagle, and she knew that, whoever the climber was, the climber was not her father.
Near where he was resting, some bushes of the trailing cedar grew out of the cliff; their dark foliage mottled its white face, rendering the form of the climber less conspicuous.
Housing myself to more energetic observation, I scrutinised the cliff from base to summit; and the more I regarded it, the stronger grew my conviction that, without great difficulty, an active climber might reach the top.
The power of locomotion is marvellous: a slight push with the foot, or a thrust with a stick, will swing the climber twenty feet to a side.
Few rocks are so precipitous but that a climber can generally make some use of his hands and feet; enough to cling to the rock when he wishes, and to clamber about its face.
The wind is seldom a gale above, but the air will be comparatively quiet upon the face; and therefore there is no danger of a chance gush dashing the climber against the rocks.
High walls can be climbed by help of this description; a weight attached to one end of a rope, being first thrown over the wall, and the climber assisting himself by holding on to the other end.
The use of the second rope is for the climber to haul upon, when he wishes to be pulled up.
A loop or hoop embracing the body of the climber and the tree, is a helpful addition.
The climber is attached to the rope, as shown in fig.
But by starting early in the morning a good climber may ascend and descend Kearsarge, getting back to the village by two o'clock in the afternoon.
I did so, noticing that the last entry was in October--that is, five months had elapsed since the last climber wended his solitary way down the mountain.
A good climber now puts King's Ravine down in his list of excursions with the same nonchalance that a belle of the ball-room enters an additional waltz on her card of engagements.
Its water was hardly drinkable, but your thirstyclimber is not apt to be too fastidious.
The climber here tastes the full enjoyment of an encounter with untamed nature, which calls every thew and sinew into action.
The carriage-road to the summit requires four hours for the ascent by stage; a goodclimber can do it on foot in about the same time.
These two sections of the landscape first meet the eye of the climber while advancing toward the peak, whose rugged head and brawny shoulders intercept the view to the north, only to be enjoyed when the mountain is fully conquered.
It was of this gulf that the first climber said it was such a precipice he could scarce discern to the bottom.
To advance upon this ledge, as steep as a roof, and where one false step would inevitably send the climber rolling to the bottom of the ravine, demands steady nerves.
A palmyra climber will, it has been calculated, go up from forty to fifty trees, each forty to fifty feet high, three times a day.
It is haunted by both the fox and the buzzard--connoisseurs on whose taste in rocks the climber can generally rely.
To draw ourselves up so as to get our feet upon this was the difficulty; there is only one small foot-hold in that distance, and to have slipped here would have precipitated the climber many feet below.
It offers, in short, to the would-be climber a link, with the guidebook on the one hand and the local specialist on the other.
In this corner of the county the Yorkshire climber experiences the intense relief of seeing rocks which are neither chalk, limestone, nor millstone grit.
The tops of these in many places literally overhang the sea, and there are few points where a climber could make the slightest impression upon them.
This is a climb which offers no difficulty whatever, unless the climber is given to attacks of giddiness, and if that is the case there will hardly be any need to tell him that he has no business there at all.
For fear of the name being adduced as a proof of recent volcanic action it is well to say that it is so called not as itself smoking, but because a well-known climber of the old school loved to smoke an evening pipe upon it.
However, there are times even in the Lake District when the rain ceases and the sun shines, and it is then that the climber should gambol upon this crag.
Towards the top it tapers off again, and the climber will have to do a bit of scrambling to get on to the summit of the precipice.
The cliffs are rotten at one point, unclimbably vertical at another, and perhaps at a third the climber is pestered by clouds of angry jackdaws.
Owing to the proximity of the ground, they afford the climber an excellent opportunity of ascertaining the upper limit of his powers.
Patterdale= is a place where a climber may spend a week or two with much enjoyment, though the quality of the rocks is by no means first-rate.
No climbermay expect to survive many such reckless steps.
Any experienced old-timer orclimber could take parties up the Peak or on other alpine trips.
Whether or not searching parties start out at once for the unfortunate climber depends on the character of the country he was bound for.
Consequently the return trip is crowded on the edge of darkness, a dangerous condition on any trail any time, but especially hazardous when the climber is weary and, therefore, not alert.
There was a tension that held them still and reached the climber to thrill him with a weird sense of venturing into black darkness to face a fearful and mysterious danger.
A few hairs of these were compared with those from the tree and left no doubt that the climber was a Coon.
With angry squawks the scandalised birds attacked the unfortunate chick, and so viciously did they peck at it that it was in a dying state by the time my climber reached the nest.
I sent my climber to find out what was in the nest.
The climber might lie in wait through the bad weather at the base of the peak, seize upon his chance and stand upon the summit with a cry of triumph and derision.
He was the bestclimber I have ever seen," replied Kenyon.
Here is your husband's friend, Monsieur Lattery--a goodclimber but not always very sure on ice.
Periplaca graeca, is a climber of extraordinary growth.
This delightful greenhouse climber is seen to best advantage when suspended in a hanging basket, but it also makes an attractive plant when grown on upright sticks, or on trellis-work.
Rhodochiton--This evergreen climber makes a fine plant for trellis-work.
This evergreen climber is a good plant for training to the rafters of a greenhouse.
A pretty, evergreen, woody climber for the conservatory, which succeeds best in a compost of light loam and peat; is of easy culture, and readily increased by cuttings.
This hardy, deciduous climbergrows best in peat and sandy loam with the addition of a little dung.
This rapid climber is well adapted for the conservatory, but it will thrive in the open air if the root is protected during the winter.