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Example sentences for "clans"

Lexicographically close words:
clank; clanked; clanking; clannish; clannishness; clanship; clansman; clansmen; clap; clapboard
  1. It is the anniversary of the battle of Worcester; and then the Macleods were so smashed up that for a long time the other clans relieved them from military service.

  2. She struck a firmer chord; the bystanders withdrew a bit; and of a sudden it seemed to him that all the spirit of all the clans was ringing in the proud fervor of this fragile girl's voice.

  3. After all," said he to Mrs. Ross, "there were no more Highlanders killed in the cause of the Stuarts than used to be killed every year or two merely out of the quarrels of the clans among themselves.

  4. The Remi became naturally the leading canton in Belgic, like the Haedui in central Gaul; even in the latter several clans at enmity with the Haedui preferred to rank among the clients of the Remi.

  5. Moreover, the leading families of the different clans were closely connected and through intermarriages and special treaties formed virtually a compact league, in presence of which the single clan was powerless.

  6. But in the old days, when the clans hereabouts practically ruled the country, the Blakes of Emberon were frequently called to London to advise the king's ministers.

  7. I believe," she went on, as she saw that she had the attention of all the girls, "that the hero of that song belonged to one of the Highland clans and was captured by the English at the battle of Culloden.

  8. Now she saw in imagination the leaders of clans in days gone by standing where she was, watching the approach of the enemy below.

  9. All save the wild Baluchis of the more remote and nomad clans spoke that language, and it was of primary importance to obtain information of this kind at first hand, and unfiltered through a third party.

  10. The boys of Edinburgh were divided into clans according to the part of the city in which they lived, and carried on constant warfare as long as winter lasted.

  11. Although John Paul's father came of peaceful farmer and fisher folk who lived about Solway Firth, his mother had been a "Highland lassie," descended from one of the fighting clans in the Grampian Hills.

  12. The Arab nation was made by the genius of Mahomet, who welded together, by the force of his personality and the originality and intensity of his religious conviction, the warring idolatrous clans of Arabia.

  13. Relations of the Social Question to the Question between Orders The distinction between rich and poor, which arose out of these relations, by no means coincided with that between the clans and the plebeians.

  14. He was not wholly mistaken; the more judicious portion of the clans evidently from this time forward looked upon their exclusive political privileges as lost, and were content to share the government with the plebeian aristocracy.

  15. The clans retained, as may naturally be conceived, their religious privileges longer.

  16. The Later Patricianism The struggle between the Roman clans and commons was thus substantially at an end.

  17. The pedigrees of the noble clans were completed in a manner analogous to these -origines- of the community, and were, in the favourite style of heraldry, universally traced back to illustrious ancestors.

  18. For long the landward clans looked upon the incomers to it as foreign and unfriendly.

  19. Colkitto MacDonald was Gael by birth and young breeding, but Erinach by career, and repugnant to the most malignant of the west clans before they got to learn, as they did later, his quality as a leader.

  20. We may need good men here on Loch Finneside as well as farther afield, overrun as we are by the blackguardism of the North and the Papist clans around us.

  21. The men married women of strange clans and the children inherited the clan of the mother; there was no kinship between the man and the rest of the members of the family.

  22. The totem clans are not exogamous, and the marriage restrictions are brought about by a highly developed division into marriage classes which have nothing to do with the totems.

  23. Andrew Lang holds that it does not make any difference how clans acquired their animal names.

  24. They have the division into totem clans but the totem is not hereditary but is individually determined (as will be shown later).

  25. Their special priests are the members of the Great Coyote {96} People--that is, they consist of eleven members of the Eagle and Coyote clans and of the Prey Brothers priesthood.

  26. All the Pueblo Indians, of whom the Hopi are a division, possess similar festivals, which recur at various seasons or under the auspices of different totem clans or secret societies.

  27. You have, however, heard of my landing in the remote district of Moidart, with only seven attendants, and of the numerous chiefs and clans whose loyal enthusiasm at once placed a solitary adventurer at the head of a gallant army.

  28. To these he unfolded, in Waverley's name, a plan for leaving the regiment and joining him in the Highlands, where report said the clans had already taken arms in great numbers.

  29. The sounds around him combined to exalt his enthusiasm; the pipes played, and the clans rushed forward, each in its own dark column.

  30. But come, my dear Baron, you know as well as I that a hundred Uhlans, or a single troop of Schmirschitz's Pandours, would make more havoc in a country than the knight of the mirror and all the rest of our clans put together.

  31. The sort of complicated medley created by the hasty arrangements of the various clans under their respective banners, for the purpose of getting into the order of march, was in itself a gay and lively spectacle.

  32. As fast as the clans came upon the ridge which fronted their enemy, they were formed into line, so that both armies got into complete order of battle at the same moment.

  33. The clans of which it was composed formed each a sort of separate phalanx, narrow in front, and in depth ten, twelve, or fifteen files, according to the strength of the following.

  34. Its chief families were the Armstrongs and Grahams, both clans being noted as desperate thieves and freebooters.

  35. The Border clans were constantly at war with one another, the slightest excuse provoking an attack, and not unfrequently was there no raison d'etre whatever for the accompanying ruin and desolation.

  36. Even its Highland clans were often led by their chiefs to support the Protestant succession.

  37. On the south and west rather, we find clans bearing such names as Mackay, Sutherland, Keith, and Gunn, the last certainly a Norse tribe who can wear only an adopted tartan.

  38. The quartering of Highland clans was among those means of grace brought to bear on the stubborn Whigs, with whose scruples the Gael as a rule had scant sympathy.

  39. Each section or tribe is divided into clans and sub-clans; these are strictly exogamous.

  40. Such a practice is clearly impossible in clans whose existence depends on the life of its female members; daughters among them are prized more highly than sons.

  41. In the prehistoric clans maternal descent would seem to have been established.

  42. All the members of such clans regard themselves as kinsmen, or brothers and sisters; they have the same totem mark and are bound to protect each other.

  43. The women were the great power among the clans as everywhere else.

  44. In some clans the name of the ancestress survives, as, for instance, Kyngas houning, "the sweet one.

  45. They preserve strict maternal descent, and like the Khasis, the deities of all the clans are goddesses.

  46. The tribe through various reasons has been greatly reduced in numbers, and whole clans have died out, and under these circumstances exogamy has ceased to be strictly enforced.

  47. The eldest women in the clans exercise the most decisive influence in the conduct of affairs; the head men do nothing without full consultation with them, and their power extends to affairs of state and even to foreign politics.

  48. All the clans trace their descent from ancestresses (grandmothers) who are called Ki Iwabei Tynrai, literally, grandmothers of the root, i.

  49. These clans are grouped together in villages and the life is of a communal character.

  50. Self-culture with a view to the greater satisfaction of all the clans and classes," he again added.

  51. There were clans of Norman origin in Ireland, too, and territories named from them.

  52. The tinker clans of recent times in Ireland and Scotland may well be survivals of some of these ancient industrial communities.

  53. If there were outstanding clans in Ireland, i.

  54. Most clans raise them, and they are a specialty of Clan Neill.

  55. About the best ratio most clans can expect is one w'woman for two to three warriors.

  56. Although its specialties are boating and seamanship, like most clans it raises most of its own food; because of Quivira's topography and relatively cold climate, it has more land than the average clan.

  57. Clan names probably had meaning when the clans were originally established, but those meanings have become lost over the millennia.

  58. We would like to see the Clans taking their proper places, by the "levelling-up" process of course.

  59. They now came in deputation to the Prophet's Town, carrying this great belt with them, and producing it among the clans of the Miami at the villages of the Mississinewa, accused them of deserting their Indian friends and allies.

  60. The young men and braves of all the clans were ranged in either open or secret hostility against the United States.

  61. It is more likely, however, that these additional clans were of later creation or introduction.

  62. In short, it is evident that the introduction of the new clans among the western nations has thrown this part of their constitutional system into confusion.

  63. If the other clans existed, it was probably merely as septs or divisions of these three.

  64. In the "Book of Rites" the first Cayuga class comprises only two chiefs, but their clans (which were supposed to be known to the hearers) are not indicated.

  65. Yet there are indications which show that when the list of chiefs which concludes the book was written, at a date long after this list of towns was first recited, other clans existed in three of the nations.

  66. This assertion is now confirmed, indirectly but strongly, by the testimony of the Book of Rites, which seems to show that only three clans were recognized in the whole confederacy when the League was formed.

  67. It would seem that the relative rank of the clans varied in the different nations.

  68. The origin of the additional clans among the Onondagas, Cayugas and Senecas is thus readily understood.

  69. Deyako-larakeh ranyaghdenghshon,--"the two clans of the Tortoise.

  70. There was wind, there was rain, there was fire on their faces, When the clans broke the bayonets and died on the guns, And 'tis Honour that watches the desolate places Where they sleep through the change of the snows and the suns.

  71. It was not a national spirit--the clans were never united, except by some common hatred; and the normal relation of the chiefs towards each other was a relation of chronic war and hostility.

  72. The Irish clans were gathering, but they were still at a distance, and his own presence was instantly required elsewhere.

  73. This was the relative position into which these clans had settled at the Conquest, and it had been maintained with little variation.

  74. Every man's hand was against his neighbour, and the clans made war on each other only for revenge and plunder and the wild delight of the game.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clans" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.