There was something ghostlike in the combination of this great wagon with its shrouded burden, the gendarmes, the clanking chains of the team, and the silent men, in the early dawn.
The inhabitants seemed restless like a startled hive of bees,--a disturbance due to the noise of wheels and the clanking of iron, which had reached their ears.
The object which they were removing seemed heavy, and at times the clanking of iron could be heard; it would have been difficult to say what it was.
After vainly attempting to divest the animal of his clanking trappings, Barnaby sprung up behind him, snatched the bridle, turned into Leather Lane, which was close at hand, and urged the frightened horse into a heavy trot.
So, waving his hand slightly, and putting on his hat as he turned upon his heel, he went clanking out as he had come, shut the door behind him, and tramped down the echoing stairs.
His attention was suddenly attracted by a clanking sound--he knew what it was, for he had startled himself by making the same noise in walking to the door.
He had not taken half-a-dozen turns up and down the yard, when, standing still to observe this door, he heard the clanking sound again.
The clanking ceased, and was succeeded by a rush of heavy feet, above which he heard Captain Brisket shouting hoarsely.
A horrid clanking noise sounded overhead, and with the desperation of terror he turned into the new cabin and, collecting his weapons, began with frantic haste to load them.
The clanking of the engine-pumps, and the spurting and hissing of the water as it fell upon the blazing wood, added to the tremendous roar.
There was a sound of jerking and fierce clanking of chains, mingled with loud chanting of pious sentences.
The major borrowed three little pack horses with rope-bridles, and thus mounted and followed by the clanking column, they rode on in triumph.
The train, pausing only long enough to disgorge from the baggage-car a trunk or two and from the day-coaches a thin trickle of passengers, flung on into the wilderness, cracked bell clanking somewhat disdainfully.
By way of reply Salig Singh lifted his sword in its scabbard from its fastenings at his side and, with a magnificent gesture, cast it clanking to the floor between them.
On reaching the southerly "trades" we were right glad to get rid of the stifling heat, and clanking of the engine, and spread canvass once more.
Mr. Trimm's ears caught the sound of the clanking bell before either the cow or her herder was in sight, and he limped away, running, skulking through the thick cover.
Behind came the long line of the army, the wheels of the artillery clankingover the stones.
There was much noise as the army began its march, friend calling to friend, the exchange of joke and comment, wagon drivers and cannon drivers shouting to their horses, and the clanking of arms.
And without a moment's hesitation he took Edouard's present address, and accepted that youthful Daniel as their referee; then looked at his watch and marched off to his public duties with sabre clanking at his heels.
There would have to be some way of producing that bluish light, that groaning sound and the clanking of metal.
There were no more queer blue flames, no more hollow groans and clanking noises.
But to his mother he said: "They have much that we will need if we ever fight them; their clanking clothes and shields can break many arrows.
On Tuesday we heard a strange noise,--a horrible clanking and rattling of chains, while a footstep was heard mounting the outside staircase, which was the only one.
The sound of galloping horsemen in great numbers and theclanking of sabres could be heard near by.
Every motion caused the most dismal clanking of chains, for the chains were not removed even in such a dungeon.
All hands sprang out and quickly the clanking of the windlass chain was heard coming in.
The clanking of the anchor chain was joyful music as it was taken on board and the Pilgrim under full sail soon glided away on a tack to the eastward.
The one who voted against was eaten that night and the remaining six, with the four empty rings clanking behind them, resumed their mournful march to the coast, six days away.
For days and weeks and months they marched along, their chains clanking and their shoulders bending beneath the heavy weight.