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Example sentences for "chauvinist"

Lexicographically close words:
chaunter; chaunting; chaunts; chausses; chauvinism; chauvinistic; chaux; chave; chavo; chaw
  1. The pay received by these soldiers becomes a valuable asset to the tribe, and a strong inducement to give up their more predatory habits, in favour of the pax Britannica.

  2. He returned to me at the well, and by this time it had become known who we were, so there was less hope than ever of Taib being allowed to show himself.

  3. But extremists, whether chauvinist or pacifist, are not helpful in avoiding wars.

  4. The attitude of some newspapers in England, and still more that of the chauvinist minority in Germany itself, did not render this quite an easy task.

  5. So I think was the Emperor; but he was pulled at by his naval and military advisers, and by the powerful, if then small, chauvinist party in Germany.

  6. Even to-day our pacifists now join with chauvinist critics of a policy which was pursued steadily for many years, and was that of Campbell-Bannerman as well as of Asquith.

  7. Your Chauvinist is always a mere repeater.

  8. Your Chauvinist will excuse the former affections on account of "blood.

  9. Several times over the Porte, by wanton insults to Greece, wrecked the efforts of Trikoupis to establish good relations between the two governments, and played the game of the chauvinist party led by Trikoupis' rival, Deliyannis.

  10. A good exposition of the extreme Magyar Chauvinist point of view.

  11. Hungary's interests demand its erection on the most extreme Chauvinist lines.

  12. The Daily News suspends its internationalism, but the Daily Mail is more fiercely Chauvinist than ever.

  13. Athanasius and his chauvinist friends give a pretty lurid picture of the Roumanian villager who lives in Serbia, I visited a few places where the population is wholly Roumanian or Serbo-Roumanian.

  14. Labriola was considered the most arrogant and chauvinist of the trio, but not even he demanded Rieka--there was no question of it at the time.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chauvinist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aggressive; antagonistic; bellicose; belligerent; bigot; bloodthirsty; bloody; chauvinist; chauvinistic; civic; combative; contentious; doctrinaire; dogmatist; enemy; fanatic; ferocious; fierce; fighting; hawk; hostile; illiberal; inimical; martial; militant; military; offensive; pig; pugnacious; quarrelsome; sanguinary; savage; scrappy; truculent; unfriendly; warlike; warring