Such a dogmatist promises to extend human knowledge beyond the limits of possible experience; while I humbly confess that this is completely beyond my power.
When, therefore, the dogmatist advances with ten arguments in favour of a proposition, we may be sure that not one of them is conclusive.
But empiricism, in compensation, holds out to reason, in its speculative interests, certain important advantages, far exceeding any that the dogmatist can promise us.
In the former case, the dogmatist must take care that his arguments possess the apodeictic certainty of a demonstration.
The theories of dogmatist and traditionalist are not the authentic documents of the Christian religion.
The problems he discussed were formal rather than vital, and the spirit in which he discussed them was the temper of the dogmatist rather than that of the seer.
The old Master, whose words I have so frequently quoted and shall quote more of, is a dogmatist who lays down the law, ex cathedra, from the chair of his own personality.
I say the last of the Dynasty, for the conversational dogmatist on the imperial scale becomes every year more and more an impossibility.
The professor of one sect commanded me to avoid the dogmatist of another as the propagator of moral poison; and the dogmatist retaliated on the professor: but I avoided neither; I read both, and turned all 'into honey and fine gold.
Human intelligence, which the dogmatist had approached with unreasoned trust and the skeptic with just as unreasoned distrust, is subjected, according to the plan of the critical philosopher, to a searching examination.
Whether the critical philosopher stands nearer to the skeptic or to the dogmatist is rather an idle question.
He had doubted and denied man's capacity for knowledge just as uncritically as the dogmatist had believed and presupposed it.
He did not show to as much advantage under the Boswellizing process as the dogmatist of the last century, dear old Dr.
As a dogmatist =Calvin=, again beyond all question occupies the very front rank.
Pauline epistles, as a dogmatistby his Methodus theologiæ, as a homilist by his De formandis concionibus s.
I cannot, indeed, say that I trace as much scorn of others and exaltation of their own wisdom in the Alexandrian school, as in that which was most opposed to it, in the hard dogmatist of Carthage.
Calixt himself is known as a dogmatist only by his lectures; but to him we owe the generally adopted distinction between morals and dogmatics as set forth in his “Epitome theol.
The greatest dogmatist of the Anglican church was =Pearson=, who died A.
It is thus the dogmatist stands upon his self-confidence and presumption, his fancied superiority of knowledge and learning.
Sometimes the dogmatist seems to rule supreme in the company of which he forms a part.
The dogmatist is far from having influence with the wise and intelligent.
Even when the dogmatist possesses that amount of intelligence and position which legitimately place him above most of the company into which he may go, he is seldom or ever welcomed as an acceptable conversationalist.
He is no wrangler or disputant, no dogmatist or snubber.
Its protest is entered only when that condition is overleaped, and when the dogmatist enacts his canon of belief as imperative, peremptory, binding upon all (allgemeingueltig) both assentient and dissentient.
He will have nothing to do with a transcendental basis of morals; and the dogmatist who dislikes cross-examination is out of his court.
The dogmatist objects to private judgment or free thought on the ground that, as it gives no criterion, it cannot lead to certainty.
The dogmatist cannot, however, profit by this advantage.
A dogmatist is one who assumes that human reason can comprehend ultimate reality, and who proceeds upon this assumption.
He despised reason as heartily as any papal dogmatist could despise it.
Has any dogmatist succeeded in drawing up a confession of faith by means of the Bible which could not be attacked by means of reason?
But surely many actions of the dogmatist proceed upon mere probability.
Veri falsique: these words were used in different senses by the dogmatist and the sceptic, the former meant by them "the undestructibly true and false.
The talk about freedom suits a sceptic better than a dogmatist (see Luc.
The dogmatistis in the habit of identifying his dogmatism with religion; and that is the reason why his definitions of religion and morality will unfailingly come in conflict with the common sense of the people.
Secularism is the reaction against dogmatism, but secularism still accepts the views of the dogmatist on religion; for it is upon the dogmatist's valuations and definitions that the secularist rejects religion as worthless.
There is an exquisite piquancy in the raw, shy epigrams of the abrupt little dogmatist who is just out of her teens.
It would be no longer possible to front the political dogmatistof the hearth-rug with a social and religious dogmatism as brusque and unreasonable as his own.