Chattering and gibbering through the lower branches of the trees came a company of manlike creatures evidently urging on the dog pack.
The response to this was so surprising that Henrietta, whose teeth were already chattering with fright, almost tumbled over.
In the road and in the field opposite the stables the whole population was gathered, illuminated figures in eager, chattering groups.
Lucy, from the other side of the panels, had often heard Helena singing while she dressed, or chattering to the housemaid.
It had become already indeed almost incredible, in the glow of the May afternoon, and amid the hawthorn white of the hedges, the chattering birds that fled before them, the marvellous green of the fields.
To begin chattering away to her acquaintances, as if no Fanqua existed in the world.
Sandip must have felt the shadow of approaching defeat, and this made him try to gain time bychattering away without waiting for a reply.
A group of starlings beneath the trees were noisily chattering away.
She kept onchattering away there at my bedside, on all manner of things.
The tow-head was just behind, and the cattleman could hear the sound ofchattering teeth; so he whipped off his overcoat and tossed it back.
When he entered the hall the chattering had stopped, and the coat had disappeared into the shadow of a granary.
The forest paths were dappled with sunlight as Father and I strolled down its winding glades, and all the wood things were chirping and chattering with joy.
Sometimes I made for the hills, but often I chose the city, for I liked to wander through the streets and make friends with the chattering children.
I want my soup," cried Coupeau, "and you two fools are chattering over those fal-lals!
They found him at last crouched on the floor under the bed, with his teeth chattering with cold and fear.
At the same time Little Yi's parents dashed towards her and embraced her, and they all began chattering and crying.
The next evening, after tea, when Chu Ma was chattering to Mrs. Buckle's amah, Nelly thought it would be nice to have another ride with her father.
He was expansive by nature, and of a rather chattering temper, and he loved indulging in confidences.
He was very happy when he came to himself again, for he would lose himself: it was impossible to hear the inward voices amid the chatteringof human beings.
You got a terrible drenching, and I was afraid you would have a congestive chill when they brought you in here as white as a sheet with your teeth chattering like castanets.
Yer right, it ain't," said Berry withchattering teeth.
Finally, the spectacle of the chattering group on the back porch of the Blue Pigeon proved more than Racey could stand.
I dud-dud-dunno," insisted Rack Slimson, his teeth chattering as Racey shook him.
The children were crying, or laughing, and the women chattering as they went about the getting of breakfast at the fires.
Suddenly she looked at her watch and sprang up from the arm of her uncle's chair on which she had been perched, chattering and content, for a couple of hours.
Dick Carson and Max Hempel, still close together, descended into the swarming, chattering crowd which was delightfully if confusingly congested with pretty girls, more pretty girls and still more pretty girls.
I bowed to her in token of understanding what she said, but I was not sure that she noticed it, for she just went on chattering in her soft little voice.
She opened the door of the tapestry room as she spoke, for while chattering they had mounted the staircase and made their way along the corridor.
The belfry story of the centre tower glowed with a pink flush in the sunset, and a cloud of jackdaws wheeled round the golden vanes, chattering and fluttering before they went to bed.
The jackdaws knew it, and whirled in a mad chattering cloud round their old home, with wings flashing and changing in the low sunlight.
Mrs Janaway drummed with her knuckles on the supper-table, in amazement that her husband should dare to standchattering at the door when she had told him that the meal was ready.
There was old Red Squirrel chattering and scolding at poor Mrs. Robin, doing his best to chase her away from her nest; and she, poor brave little Mother bird, was sticking tight and refusing to leave her precious blue eggs.
Mixed with his barking and growling was a scolding, chatteringvoice that Buddy had never heard before.
But the leaves of the old elm tree were very thick and they could see nothing, though the chattering and scolding and calls for help were still going on.
As he got to the hazel thicket he heard small voices chattering and laughing, and caught a glimpse of Red Squirrel and his family, with their pockets just bulging with the hazel-nuts.
There was a great chattering and scolding from the branches of an old elm tree on the front lawn.
He was a happy old dog as they ran across the crisp fields; there were flocks and flocks of bright-colored thistle birds, chattering and getting their breakfast of seeds from the weeds, but old Dog Sandy didn't count those.
All was cheerfulness in this marble anteroom, a family of young daughters laughing and chatteringwith their mother while the noisy night crept slowly on.
Egress being afforded, out hopped an enormous magpie, that strutted around the room, chattering away as independent as a lord.
There, doctor, it is his favorite magpie he has sent you,' exclaimed the woman, looking proudly upon the piece of chattering ebony.