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Example sentences for "jubilation"

Lexicographically close words:
joys; jubes; jubilance; jubilant; jubilantly; jubile; jucunda; judex; judg; judge
  1. Jamborees of jubilation are already rife in the latter locality.

  2. To the hour of death belonged jubilation and not mourning; the hour of birth was the hour of sorrow.

  3. Their advent led to a certain amount of jubilation on the part of those freshmen who were fond of the game.

  4. Marjorie had sprung from her chair and was performing a dance of jubilation about Veronica.

  5. Yet it is a triumphant climax of the Isolde Motive that is heard above the jubilation of the ship-folk, as the act comes to a close.

  6. There also is a resemblance in contour between the music of Agathe's jubilation and that of Tannhaeuser's hymn to Venus.

  7. The thought reminded him of his evening chores, and he set off for the barn with a fierce jubilation that it was almost the last time he would need to milk.

  8. Like a thundering cry of jubilation it was instantly echoed through the hall.

  9. And while all was jubilation in the palace of the new regent, that of the great man of yesterday stood silent and deserted--no one dared to raise a voice in his favor!

  10. And when that will shall blossom--then, my God, There will be jubilation in a world!

  11. Great was the jubilation while the effigy of the traitor was being consumed in the flames.

  12. Great was the jubilation while he was burning.

  13. So late in the day was the case closed that the judge withheld his decision until the next morning; but no one had a doubt as to its nature, and the muckers of Hatton held another jubilation that night with bonfires and much noise.

  14. Then, after the corpse had been found, rehabilitated and revived, there was a long outburst of joy, an exuberant jubilation that rang through the temples and the streets so loudly that it annoyed the passers-by.

  15. Even her bumptious rudeness could not conceal the jubilation with which she'd penned it.

  16. There was great jubilation among the heretics and the fishwives of Zeeland--frighteningly ugly creatures, Antonio-- dried the boy off and sent him here to give their regards to His Excellency the Governor.

  17. Everywhere, as already mentioned, consternation or masked jubilation were visible on people's faces.

  18. A cask of rum was brought up on the deck and the incident ended in jubilation and health-giving, which in point of good-fellowship and favorable augury left nothing to be desired.

  19. Great was the jubilation in Christendom; for more than seven centuries the followers of the Prophet had dwelt in the land from which Tarik had expelled Roderick the Goth in the eighth century.

  20. The people streamed down with the wildest jubilation and all the church bells were rung.

  21. Then a rope is tied round his neck, and with much jubilation he is towed to the shore.

  22. After a hot fight the Genoese gained the victory, and with 7000 prisoners sailed home to Genoa, where they made a grand procession through the city amidst the jubilation of the people.

  23. The joy over such "German defeats" will prove just as brief as the jubilation over such "Belgian victories.

  24. I wish I had some jokes to treasure up, but Oxford is not a joke-yielding place at present; Geanies must be jubilation itself compared with Oxford now.

  25. One of these same saints has been behaving outrageously in print, and everybody is full either of jubilation or indignation at what he has been writing about Darwin and Darwinism.

  26. Two hours later the jubilation was complete.

  27. When the men of Utah batteries passed out into the darkness that night from the dazzle of color they knew that the glamor of the victorious home-coming, the shouts and the jubilation were over.

  28. Some of the intense jubilation which rang in his mind had overflowed into his tone, making his sympathy ring hollow, and even false.

  29. Thinking now of his former jubilation Warren felt perfectly sick at the thought that it might have been wholly premature.

  30. So too the so-called reaction in Germany gives proof that it was only the discreet continuation of the warlike jubilation of liberty.

  31. But the monstrous significance of unthinking jubilation could not be recognized in the long night of thinking and believing.

  32. Gold and blue were the commoner colours: the jubilation was greater over red or green or purple.

  33. There was great jubilation in the palace, for this was the first baby the queen had had, and there is as much happiness over a new baby in a palace as in a cottage.

  34. And as if the clouds knew she had come, they burst into a fresh jubilation of thunderous light.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jubilation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    banquet; celebration; elation; feast; festivity; gaiety; glee; happiness; hilarity; jubilation; merriment; merrymaking; revel; revelry; treat; triumph