Come, Tigellinus, Let turne this bloody banquet Piso meant us Into a merry feast; weele drink and challenge Fortune.
Against she wakes, Invention, grow thou poore, Studying to finde a banquetwhich the gods Might be invited to.
And now, as if a farewell to the world Were meant, a sumpteous banquet hath he made; Yet not with countenance that feasters use, But cheeres his friends the whilest himselfe lookes sad.
He had spoken these last words in a curious manner which suggested that some significance other than mere conviviality would be attached to the banquet given by Caius Nepos on the morrow.
He was standing now in the midst of a compact group composed of those men who had been present two days ago at the banquet in Caius Nepos' house.
And at the chief festivals, when the temples are being repaired, all the women and children must quit the village till the evening shadows have fallen and the banquet of their husbands, fathers, and brothers at the temple is over.
In the village preparations for a banquet had meanwhile been made, and the women and girls were waiting in festal attire.
Seeing that Lloyd was really terrified, and fearing that her screams would bring some one from the house, the royal couple and their guests sprang to the rescue, nearly upsetting the banquet as they did so.
Jonesy was sent to inform his knight of the change from dungeon to tower, and the banquet went merrily on.
The banquet began in great state, but in a few moments was interrupted by a fearful shrieking from the depths of the bin.
Heathen Deity who had doubtless presided over the Wine-press with an unstinted hand earlier in the day during the banquet at the Guildhall?
The Pleasant Lions give thebanquet themselves now.
At this banquet of victory, neither thought that, a few years later, the rule of the Dons would be over; that their familiar places would know them no more.
At the banquet fiery Alvarado counselled with General Vallejo.
When he brought the banquet to his guest, "the flesh he put in a basket, and he put the broth in a pot, and brought it out unto him under the oak, and presented it.
Allusion is evidently made to the disagreeable nature of its flesh, which is penetrated with a strong musky odour, in verse 6: "Shall the companions make a banquet of him?
And when she heard of their cabal, she sent to them and got ready a banquet for them, and gave each one of them a knife, and said, "Joseph shew thyself to them.
A statedbanquet shall they have Of fruits; and honoured shall they be In the gardens of delight, Upon couches face to face.
The official dinners at Havre are always given at Frascati's, and it is here that the British colony holds its annual banquet on the King's birthday.
The Café Riche is one of the best places in Brussels for a banquet or a large dinner-party.
Félix Faure with a banquet when he visited Dieppe, caters for the Casino and the Golf Club.
The funeral bell began to toll while the banquet still went on, and the barons made themselves merry in the old hall.
Three days after the fight Harold sits at a splendid banquet among his friends, and a breathless messenger comes in fleet-footed with bad news.
Louis had made a great fool of himself at a banquet soon after he reached Rolf's tower in the [Pg079] Norman city.
He had his family up long before dawn and by dint of much fluency of language, for which he was famous, managed by eleven o'clock to have the banquet in readiness.
We banquet on visionary turtle, or play at aerial marbles, or drive a phantasmagoric four in hand.
The engineers of Belgium took the opportunity of the engineer's visit to invite him to a magnificent banquetat Brussels.
The population of Newcastle held holiday; and a banquet given in the Assembly Rooms the same evening assumed the form of an ovation to Mr. Stephenson and his son.
The ghost of that ill- starred noble might almost have seemed to rise at the nuptial banquet of his heiress, to warn the traitors of the signal and bloody massacre which their treachery was soon to occasion.
The company had remained at table during this long representation, and now the dessert was served, consisting of a "richly triumphant banquet of confectionary, marmalade, and all kinds of genteelnesses in sugar.
Women were allowed to join in this banquetprovided they brought fifteen or twenty heads of maize with them; they received every one his or her share of food and pulque.
At the house the banquet was ready and the guests had all arrived.
The father took the boy home and gave a grand banquet in his honor, to which he invited the most noble gentlemen of the country.
While they were preparing the banquet he took a walk, and passed through a street where there was a cemetery.
At the marriage banquet the king handed his son a glass of wine, and the latter recognized him and exclaimed: "Behold, the father serves the son.
You can imagine what sort of a banquet that was, and how the hall was adorned: gold and silver shone from all their necks; in the four corners of the room were four fountains, which continually sent forth wine and the most exquisite perfumes.
When the banquet was finished and the guests had departed, the king called Stella and asked: "What news have you, my child?
Meanwhile the queen-mother arranged another marriage for her son; but during the banquet the saint brought Pauline royal robes, and restored her three children to her.
His relations gave a funeral banquet and solemnly burnt the effigy.
Thus chased from the houses, the fiends flee to the banquet which has been set out for them; but here the priest receives them with curses which finally drive them from the district.
In 1648 Louis the Fourteenth, crowned with a wreath of roses and carrying a bunch of roses in his hand, kindled the fire, danced at it and partook of the banquet afterwards in the town hall.
When the banquet is over, the head is carried away into the depth of the forest and deposited on a heap of bears' skulls, the bleached and mouldering relics of similar festivals in the past.
A banquet on the flesh and blood of the bear follows.
One evening he found himself at a banquet at the house of a rich man whom for some reason he did not wholly trust.
And the banquet seemed a tedious and hateful thing to him.
Sir Thomas Lovell, had the Cardinal But half my lay thoughts in him, some of these Should find a running banquetere they rested, I think would better please 'em.
Sir Thomas Lovell, is the banquetready I' the privy chamber?
I have some of 'em in Limbo Patrum, and there they are like to dance these three days; besides the running banquet of two beadles that is to come.
While in San Antonio, Mr. Root and the Mexican Reception Committee were the guests of the International Club of that city; and on the evening of the day of their arrival, a banquet was tendered them by that club.
At thisbanquet Mr. Root made what may be called the first address of his Mexican visit.
The banquet hath been long enough," he said, "nor lacking for sweets.
Perchance, sweet maids;--or in some other less splendid castle where dungeons are of more account than the fine banquet hall of the de Giblet!
His Excellency the Ambassador, Messer Filippo Podacatharo, is a princely escort; and yesterday when he gave banquet to the merchants of Venice, all were in admiration at the sumptuousness of the fleet of Cyprus.