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Example sentences for "sailes"

Lexicographically close words:
saild; saile; sailed; sailer; sailers; saileth; sailing; sailings; saill; sailmaker
  1. Hereupon many resolued to fall from him, and to set their sailes with the fauourable gale which blew vpon the fortune of the King.

  2. And must we fall before him now, adoare him, Blow all we can to fill his sailes with greatnes?

  3. We need not add this wind by our observaunce To sailes too full alredy.

  4. They brought the Sloop and Shallop and (as we are Informed) the Sailes and Compasses of the three Scooners to Menhagen, whereupon they manned the last mentioned Sloope with ten hands and soe went after Capt.

  5. But because we supposed our selues to be neere our port, we tooke in all our sailes except onely the foresaile and the mizzen, and so we remained all that night.

  6. The leaues they cut very small, and weaue them, and so make sailes of them, for all maner of shipping, or els very fine mats.

  7. And so what by the seas and our men of warre I presume that of 75 sailes that came from Hauana, halfe of them will neuer arriue in Spaine.

  8. Herewith our maine saile was torne from the yarde and blowne ouerboord quite away into the sea without recouery, and our other sailes so rent and torne (from side to side some of them) that hardly any of them escaped hole.

  9. The nauy hauing refreshed themselues at the Groine, and receiuing daily commandement from the king to hasten their iourney, hoised vp sailes the 11.

  10. The right honorable the Erle of Cumberland hauing at his owne charges prepared his small Fleet of foure Sailes onely, viz.

  11. At the Hauana there met 33 sailes of Noua Hispania.

  12. From whence (striking their sailes in the meane season) they dispatched certaine of their smal ships vnto the duke of Parma.

  13. Now we went meerily before the winde with all the sailes we could beare, insomuch that in the space of 24.

  14. How should I put into the raging deepe, Who haue no sailes nor tackling for my ships?

  15. Twas time to runne, Æneas had been gone, The sailes were hoysing vp, and he abourd.

  16. Are these the sailes that in despight of me, Packt with the windes to beare Æneas hence?

  17. Harfager and Tostie, they hoised vp their sailes and directed their course homewards, bearing sorowfull newes with them [Sidenote: Simon Dun.

  18. Al things being thus brought to passe according to Brutes desire, wind also and wether seruing the purpose, he with his wife Innogen and his people imbarked, and hoising vp sailes departed from the coasts of Grecia.

  19. Then the winde comming about at the Northeast, we sailed West Northwest: after that, the winde bearing to the Northwest, we lay with our sailes West southwest, about 14.

  20. Then the flaw something abating, we and the Confidence hoysed vp our sailes the fourth day, sayling Northeast and by North, to the end to fall with the Wardhouse, as we did consult to doe before, in case we should part company.

  21. Admirall, that then the rest of the ships shall tacke or take off their sailes in such sort as they may meete and come together, in as good order as may be, to the intent to keepe the consortment exactly in all poynts.

  22. Then we took in all our sailes to make little way.

  23. If Consequence do but approue my dreame, My Boate sailes freely, both with winde and Streame Cas.

  24. Heere he found the cargazon or freight of a rich East Indian carack; which together with great abundance of sugars, Brasil-wood, and cotton he brought from thence; lading therewith fifteene sailes of tall ships and barks.

  25. Sebastian, about two leagues, which are to be taken heed of, which a farre off in faire weather shewe like the sailes of ships.

  26. By which occasion the force of their sailes draue them on shore, without any hurt of them that were in them.

  27. In the morning the Sea was asswaged and the wind slaked, but not the Muskitoes: the sailes which were white seemed blacke with them in the morning.

  28. This 31 at noone, comming close by a foreland or great cape, we fell into a mighty rase, where an island of ice was carried by the force of the current as fast as our barke could saile with lum wind, all sailes bearing.

  29. The Admirall shall carie the light, and after his light be once put out, no man to goe a head of him, but euery man to fit his sailes to follow as neere as they may, without endangering one another.

  30. The Portugals, and French chiefly, haue a notable trade of fishing vpon this banke, where are sometimes an hundred or more sailes of ships: who commonly beginne the fishing in Apriell, and haue ended by Iuly.

  31. Nowe in this meane season they trymmed their shippes of the hurte receiued by the late tempest, & at the returne of the two ships and Vergantyne, they hoysed vp sailes and departed.

  32. And the 30 first sailes turned backe toward the cape of S.

  33. The 30 sailes that lay in the yle arose in the night, and went to the sayd hoste in the gulfe.

  34. And it was sayd that there were 400 sailes and moe.

  35. Our topsailes strike we tho and fit our sailes to fight, Our bulwarke at maine mast also is made likewise aright.

  36. Wherefore continuing his course into the sea, he met within a day or two, with certaine sailes lately come from Spaine: among which was a ship appertaining to Monsieur Gourdon gouernor of Caleis, and found aboord her one M.

  37. Item, that they be ready with the first faire winde, to set saile and sailes in the voyage, and not to put into any port or harbour, but being forcibly constrained by weather, or other apparent and vrgent cause.

  38. They having a loom gale (we being altogether becalmed) with both their great ships came up faire by us, shot at us, and on the sudden furled their sprit sailes and mainsailes, thinking that we could not escape them.

  39. But because wee would bee the better acquainted with this stonie and rockie ground, wee strooke our sailes lowe and athwart.

  40. From this Riuer wee retired toward our shippes, where being arriued, we trimmed our sailes to saile further toward the North, and to descry the singularities of the coast.

  41. The same day we got our sailes to the yard, and our top masts on end, and rigged the shippe what we could.

  42. M saw a flet of 16 Sailes Larg and Small Signleled the prize and Cast him off and made a Signel and made sail after them the peallice gave Chace to on that was to Leeward and the Veangence come with us att 7.

  43. Yif thou committest and bitakest thy sailes to the winde, thou shall be shoven, not thider that thou woldest, but whider that the 75 wind shoveth thee.

  44. Att 3 a clock the villain backt her sailes and they went from us.

  45. Lincolne[n] a Ship most neatly that was lim’d In all her Sailes with Flags and Pennons trim’d.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sailes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.