Long Boates with Scouts are put to land before, Vpon light Naggs the Countrey to discry.
Seuen of their Boates being round about vs were so sharpely paide with the iron peeces, stone peeces, and Caliuers, that the 17.
When any boates are to passe vp or downe the riuer, they take away certaine boatesvntill they be past.
By reason of the great quantitie of it, the men of that countrey doe pitch their boates two or three inches thicke on the outside, so that no water doth enter into them.
Ianuarie one of their boates borded vs with sixe or seuen men, saying that their King was desirious to deale with vs for such wares as hee had, and sent to know from whence we came, and we said wee came out of Holland.
We went with our boates vp the riuer seeking refreshing: but the Inhabitants gaue vs to vnderstand by signes that wee might returne, for there was nothing to be had.
From Cirion we went to Macao, which is a prettie towne, where we left our boates or Paroes, and in the morning taking Delingeges, which are a kind of Coches made of cords and cloth quilted, and caried vpon a stang betweene 3.
On Munday we sent our boates ashore for fresh water, which (by reason of the raine that fell the former night) came plentifully running downe the hilles, and would otherwise haue beene hard to be gotten there.
Then the Generall sent many boates aboord the Reuenge, and diuers of our men fearing Sir Richards disposition, stole away aboord the Generall and other shippes.
Vpon this the sayle stood off againe, and the night approching, our boates lost her and so returned.
The 27 of October we passed by Zante with a merrie winde, the 29 by Corfu, and the third of Nouember we arriued at Istria, and there we left our great ship, and tooke small boates to bring vs to Venice.
Their boates are made of Deers skins, and when they come on shoare they cary their boates with them upon their backs: for their cariages they haue no other beastes to serve them but Deere only.
So the tyde not tarryng for the kyng (as the proverb is), I hired 2 boates by meanes of Capt.
Adames junk was on the backsyde of the iland of Firando, and sent for boates to toe hym in.
The Chinas rowed for wagers this day in boates with paddelles, som 8 or 9 on a side, seting up a ma[r]k in the sea, and the boate which came first at it got.
There came newes to towne of a boates casting away coming from Langasaque, wherin were iij Chinas and 6 Japons.
Our junk being ready to goe out, Taccamon Dono sent me word that, except I would alow of 10 passingers to goe in her, we should have no boates to toe her out, nether would he suffer our offecers to goe in the junk.
I also tould hym I marveled that the Firando bongews the other day did take the ores out of the boates which carid us abord the Holland shipps, with such peeces of stuffes as were geven our folkes to make them aparell.
As also the Portingales of Amacau have lycense to goe yearely to the greate cittie of Canton both to buy and sell such commodities as they have, and had boates provided by the King of China to carry them up and downe with their goods.
And he is to bring us 30 boates lading of ston on the bargen, to make walls before it.
Also they of Goto staid 3 somos, or small junkes, theare of his, which were bound for Firando, and would not let them passe, but send out boates to bring in by force all such junks as passe within sight.
I caused store of boates to goe out to tow in our shipp, and wrote a letter to the capt.
But so soone as they landed each of them brake his Oare, thinking by that meanes to preuent vs, in carrying away their boates for want of Oares.
Their boates were made with wood and yron all along the keele like our English boates: and they had nayles for to naile them withall, and fish-hookes and other things for to catch fish as we haue here in England.
At our comming backe againe to the place where their tents were before, they had remooued their tents further into the said Bay or Sound, where they might if they were driuen from the land, flee with their boates into the sea.
They haue one sort of greater boates wherein they can carrie aboue twentie persons, and haue a Mast with a saile thereon, which saile is made of thinne skinnes or bladders, sowed togither with the sinewes of fishes.
They are good Fishermen, and in their small Boates being disguised with their coates of Seales skinnes, they deceiue the fish, who take them rather for their fellow Seales, then for deceiuing men.
We receved ashore this day ij boates lading of prize goodes, being 131 fardelles and chistes, great and small, but I know not what is in them; and put duble lockes on the dore of the gedonge, both of ours and the Hollanders.
The tono being an eye witnesse and looker on when they did it, mooved hym soe much that he sent out certen boates full of souldiers after them, to have reskewed Ric.
There is flying news that they of Goto have taken ij boates of the theevs; but I think it will prove a lie.
I know not wherefore these people doe this but to mock at us, because we have no shipping com in as Hollanders have, and urge us to send out boates and men to look for nifells,[10] that they might laugh at us the better afterwardes.
Allsoe we receved iij boates ladinges priz goodes, landed at Hollandes howse out of their shiping, and put into their gedong under double lock likewais, being 225 fardels and chistes, whereof ij boates lading came out of the ship Bantam.
This day most of the inhabitantes of Firando, marid men and their wives, went a gossiping to Tabola, over to an other iland, many boatesbeing filled with them.
A brute was geven out the Tono (or King) of this place Firando would set forward towardes themperours court, and all the boates ready to accompany hym.
The Hollanders shot affe 5 peeces ordinance at their howse, as the boates passed by; but one recoyled and strouck up earth and stoanes, and hurt a Hollander very sore which gave fire.
And there was 146 labourers and xj carpenters this day, with xviij boates lading of stones.
We departed from Langasaque towardes Firando in the after nowne, and the dansing beares with Mr. Saris host were in the way in 2 boates with severall bankits; unto whom I gave a bar plate 4 ta.
So soone as we came to our boates we hoysed saile to goe toward our Pinnesse, doubting of some mischance.
That night wee returned aboord with our boates and our whole company in safety.
The next day part of the saide wilde men with nine of their boates came to the point and entrance of the Creeke, where we with our ships were at road.
Aluise, and Cape Memorancie, and certaine other lands, and how one of our Boates touched a Rocke and suddenly went ouer it.
John Ribault and his company, that they mighte saile in boates from thence through the contrie by ryver to Ceuola in xx’ti.
We had no other notice of the said wild men: for the wind came from the sea, and so beat vs against the shore, that wee were constrained to retire our selues with our boates toward our ships.
M188) It were best to build boates aboue the Saults: and it is easie to march or trauell by land to the end of the three Saults: it is not aboue fiue leagues iourney.
That day we landed in one of the saide Islands, and met with fiue men that were hunting of wilde beastes, who as freely and familiarly came to our boateswithout any feare, as if we had euer bene brought vp togither.
We with our boats went on shore in many places, and among the rest wee entred into a goodly riuer, but very shallow, which we named The riuer of boats, because that there wee saw boates full of wild men that were crossing the riuer.
There came also along the calsey manye Indian boates of enimies, who toke many of y^e Indian friends and Spaniards aliue.
These boates being thus manned and well appointed, our Generall entered into his Skiffe, and with the rest rowed to the shoare where were threescore horsemen or more, and two hundreth footemen readie to receiue them.
Here I tooke the boate with our Negros and ranne alongst the shore till I came to the Cape and found two small townes, but no boates at them, neither any traffique to be had.
This morning came out many boates which went a fishing, which bee greater boates then those which we sawe before, so that in some of them there sate 5.
Manie also of our small Pinnaces and boates vvere lost in this storme.
After the boates were returned aboord, presently they rowed againe to the shore full of soldiours; our people being all landed, they which for the first time had commandement, set vs in 7.
And when the boates rowed from the Generall, some of them went aboord the victualers, and tooke out of them certaine fire-workes.
Nowe as soone as the Generall with the most parte of the long boates were come together, they all at one instant rowed toward the shore, maintaining for a while the fight on both sides with their shot.
Our men now hauing won the strond, put themselues presently in battell ray; the empty boates returned to the ships, but after our people had taken the strond, the castle did neuer shoot shot.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.