To debar them from transferring their stock, would be to lessen the value of the stock, which they rendered valuable by becoming the purchasers of it.
The President is impressed with the propriety of transferring the trial from the scene of the principal excitement to some other and distant county.
Manner, and all that is comprehended under the head of delivery, is a different attribute; and there Mr. Clay had an advantage, which is lost in transferring the speech to paper.
In the midst of all this, we make a treaty with Texas for transferring herself to the United States, and that without saying a word to Mexico, while receiving notice from her that such transfer would be war.
Soon after the discovery of the parasites in the blood, Gerhardt (1884) succeeded in transferring the disease to healthy individuals by inoculation of malarious blood, and thus proved that it is a true infection.
The horse-flies have been definitely convicted of transferring the trypanosome of surra from diseased to healthy animals and there is good evidence that they transfer anthrax.
Quickly transferringthe cap, without the pile, to the other hand, you place it on the table, to bear the brunt of examination, while you get rid of the prepared coins.
Take them in the left hand, and, transferring them to the right, press the second waxed dime against the centre of the undermost, to which it will adhere.
It was known that the enemy was transferring large numbers of troops, which had been released by the collapse of Russia, to the Western front.
No delay was made in transferring us to another neighbourhood, and we set out in a northerly direction, which boded little good, for we knew that unpleasant events were developing in that quarter.
It therefore seemed clear to Ahimelek that, in the event of the overthrow of King Hiram, there would be an equal opportunity for his own aggrandizement in transferring his daughter's hand to that of the new king.
DEAR NELL,--I am much obliged to you for transferring the roll of muslin.
Saxham's steady hand touched Patrine's in transferring the receiver of the telephone, and the chill of it stung like the touch of death.
Heavy duties called me homeward, and by transferring myself from the "Urgent" to the mail-steamer I should gain three days.
When Middleton arrived at the court-house the afternoon of his ride, he found an order transferring his company to a frontier post in the far Northwest.
The canton officials went through the ceremony of transferring their state mantles to the shoulders of the newly elected officers.
I will turn over my office to Sheridan with as little fuss or ceremony as a Colonel would do in transferring his Regt.
To do so would be analogous to transferring suddenly a ploughboy into a company of metaphysicians.
In the last mentioned view of the case, the rebirth is compared to the lighting of one lamp from the flame of another, rather than in the transferring of the oil from one lamp to another.
Dinner ended, Bob and I adjourned to the deck to make preparations for transferring our fair young guest to the Water Lily, so as to be fairly away from the wreck again before nightfall.
As a mere literary criticism on Smith's writings, it would appear that he had a habit of transferring to his own career notable incidents and adventures of which he had read, and this is somewhat damaging to an estimate of his originality.
Hayman, whose name appeared on the bill of sale transferring the sheep from Wall to Witherill, who recognized him as the man who had signed Wall's name, and who had claimed to be Wall.
The coroner was soon on the scene, and while the undertaker was transferring the bodies to coffins, a crowd of morbid sightseers assembled.
The governor was accused of transferring appropriations.
They should pay the amount of the debt into the Confederate treasury and receive a certificate relieving them from their debts, transferring it to the Confederate treasury.
But do not, we implore you, abdicate your rule over us, by transferring us to the blighting brutality and unnatural dominion of an alien and inferior race.
The policy of transferring a man from one department to another where he is better suited yields evidently valuable results.
He showed how efficiency could be enhanced by transferring the responsibility of standards of work from the workers to the managers.
Others I have found unalterably persuaded, that nothing is certainly remembered but what is transcribed; and they have, therefore, passed weeks and months in transferring large quotations to a commonplace-book.
Reason will, by a resolute contest, prevail over imagination, and the power may be obtained oftransferring the attention as judgment shall direct.
The joy of life is variety; the tenderest love requires to be rekindled by intervals of absence; and Fidelity herself will be wearied with transferring her eye only from the same man to the same picture.
The other has already been proved in another field, and I take the liberty only of transferring it from that field to our problem.
The physician can gain no results by transferring his knowledge to the patient in so many words.
Only after the second meeting did she progress to the point of diverting this maniacal idea from the woman and of transferring it to the man.
He errs only in transferring this distressing force to something alien, outside of himself.
In 1783 Fox introduced his bill for abolishing the Court of Directors, and transferring their power and patronage to seven commissioners nominated in the bill.
In August 1789 Congress passed the acttransferring the colonial lights to the Federal Government.
Several men have been injured, and several men killed in transferring to this light by small boat.
It would also quiet the scruples which many respectable people felt as to the lawfulness of transferring allegiance from one ruler to another.
Old stereoscopic camera, with mechanical arrangement for transferring plates to and from the dark slide.
I possessed examples at the time, but took no care of them, and no one else did in all probability; but it appeared to me to be the best means of transferring photographic impressions to wood blocks for the engraver's purpose.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "transferring" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.