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Example sentences for "general health"

  • This remission is delayed if the patients allow themselves to run down in general health.

  • More commonly new joint-pains are experienced, fresh crops of petechiae appear, and the trouble may be prolonged for weeks, even months, the patient meanwhile suffering not very greatly in general health.

  • As is usual with such difficulties, I believe, I would be free from discomfort for a time, and then the piles would get sensitive and irritable, come down at stool, and gave rise to severe pain that seemed to affect my general health.

  • My general health is much better since I have taken the "Golden Medical Discovery" although I have been obliged to work hard on a farm.

  • And my troubles are yielding slowly but surely; my general health is better than for twelve years--all of which I owe to Dr.

  • With the improvement in general health, has come the changes that would be expected in food and other matters of daily life.

  • My Dear Mary: I arrived here yesterday from Alexandria and found Aunt Maria well in general health, but less free to walk than when I last saw her.

  • I am improving, I think, in general health, but cannot tell certainly as to the difficulty in my chest, as I have been unable to test my progress.

  • As regards myself, my general health is pretty good.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "general health" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cars were; could write; general application; general battle; general chase; general conception; general culture; general discussion; general favourite; general form; general idea; general laugh; general outline; general policy; general prices; general rule; general society; general strike; general truths; general view; general were; general will; generally about; generally called; generally used; policy towards