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Example sentences for "blessedness"

Lexicographically close words:
bless; blesse; blessed; blessedest; blessedly; blesser; blesses; blessest; blesseth; blessid
  1. That is the blessedness of our religion, that when Christ gives us a new heart, purified by repentance and faith in Him, He says it makes clean hands, in His sight, no matter how black they might have been.

  2. Do you think I can ever forget the blessedness of the balm that your faith in me poured into my crushed, despairing heart?

  3. But there is a third blessedness in our psalm.

  4. If we receive this forgiveness through Jesus Christ and our faith in Him, then we have manifold blessedness in one.

  5. You can no more give your heart rest and blessedness by pitching worldly things into it, than they could fill up Chat Moss, when they made the first Liverpool and Manchester Railway, by throwing in cartloads of earth.

  6. Let me ask you, then, following the words which I have read to you, to look with me, first at the blessedness of the pilgrims' spirit.

  7. Lastly, note the blessedness of the pilgrims' arrival.

  8. The other, out of the very same fact, draws blessedness and hope.

  9. And now notice the blessedness of the pilgrims' experience.

  10. Let me note next the blessedness which draws out the Psalmist's rapturous exclamation.

  11. The deepest secret of human blessedness has half whispered itself to her, and then for ever passed her by.

  12. And it may be our blessedness to die for it: to die daily by the crucifixion of our selfish will--to die at last by laying our bodies on the altar.

  13. He had once seen him afar off and worshipped, as it is the blessedness of boys to be able to worship; but never could he have dreamed in that day of the dear intimacy that was to come.

  14. He was assured of the gift, but what was the unspeakable blessedness to which, when forgiven, he was admitted?

  15. So when I turn to the concluding description of the blessedness of the Heavenly inheritance, I find just the same assurance, “God Himself shall be with them and be their God.

  16. Let the unspeakable blessedness of the divine safety call forth the notes of thanksgiving.

  17. See the unspeakable blessedness of this sacred promise.

  18. Whatsoever any community or individual has conceived as its highest ideal of blessedness and of good, that the risen Christ hath in His hands to bestow.

  19. If we rightly understand that the essential blessedness of heaven is likeness to Christ, we shall feel that mere wishing carries no man thither, and that mere sovereign will and power do not avail to set us there.

  20. But mark that the promise comes after a command, and is contingent, for all its blessedness and power, upon our obedience to the prescribed duty.

  21. Holiness and blessedness are, in some measure, separated here; there they are two names for the one condition.

  22. But then, as time went on, the meaning and blessedness and far-reaching issues of the Resurrection became more plain to them.

  23. So our Lord here, in accordance with the necessary limitations of our human knowledge, contents Himself with using what lay at His hand, and taking it as giving faint shadows and metaphorical suggestions as to spiritual blessedness yonder.

  24. The duty and blessedness of confessing Him (vs.

  25. And Cumhal said, bending his knees, 'I have come by the windy way 'To gather the half of your blessedness 'And learn to pray when you pray.

  26. He is some king or tyrant, as I gather from his piteous allusions to blessedness no longer his.

  27. As for the sweet savour that arose when his dinner was getting ready, it was too much for me; such blessedness seemed more than human.

  28. Divine blessedness into eternal self-knowledge, and that of the Divine wrath into a fixed purpose to punish sin.

  29. Conceive thus how perfect constancy and perfect kindliness, revealed in perfect purity, and clad in perfect majesty may manifest eternally in mystic unison the blessedness of a perfect personality.

  30. The blessedness of virtue was to stand independent of the sufferings which befell men.

  31. Its psalms and music are but echoing praise for the divine grace that renews the heart and restores the life to the blessedness of obedience to the moral laws of God.

  32. Right is the quality of highest rank, and all blessedness comes into unity and harmony under it.

  33. The goal of the moral endeavor, ever overcoming evil, was regarded as attained, not in this, but in a future life of blessedness under the divine approval.

  34. And the guilt of wrong-doing is heightened by the fact that it is a sin against the just, holy, supreme authority and will of God, the absolute personal ground of the right order and blessedness of the universe.

  35. Rapt into still communion that transcends The imperfect offices of prayer and praise, His mind was a thanksgiving to the Power That made him; it was blessedness and love.

  36. The joy of the Lord is the beatific vision of saints, the blessedness of the pure in heart who see God.

  37. Perhaps they saw more; perhaps they perceived, though but dimly, something of the meaning of the spiritual blessedness that had been foretold by their prophets.

  38. True blessedness consists in membership of the kingdom of heaven, which is a life of perfect relationship with man and nature based on perfect fellowship with God.

  39. In His teaching He plainly associated blessedness with the lot of poverty, and extreme danger with the lot of wealth.

  40. There is no blessedness except in being such as God; it would be altogether unmerciful to leave us unmerciful.

  41. That the interruption of his blessedness was but temporary, would hardly be fit ground for calling the man blessed in that interruption.

  42. I trust you have found this out for yourself, and that your hope in Christ makes you happy in the life that now is, as well as gives you promise of blessedness in that which is to come.

  43. There is another place where he wishes he had known this blessedness twenty years before.

  44. Without self-sacrifice there can be no blessedness either in earth or in heaven.

  45. There is blessedness; the blessedness of being good and doing good, of being right and doing right.

  46. That blessedness we may have at all times; we may be blest even in anxiety and in sadness; we may be blest, even as the martyrs of old were blest, in agony and death.

  47. Thrice blest, whose lives are faithful prayers, Whose loves in higher Love endure; Whose souls possess themselves so pure, Or is there blessedness like theirs?

  48. His overthrow heap'd happiness upon him; For then, and not till then, he felt himself, And found the blessedness of being little.

  49. There are times when I can think only on the happiness I had once hoped to share with you when heaven itself seemed dimmed by the blessedness I had anticipated on earth.

  50. I rather think, in the blessedness of the present the past is entirely forgotten," observed Ellen, thoughtfully.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blessedness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beatification; beatitude; blessed; blessing; bliss; cheer; cheerfulness; consecration; dedication; delight; devotion; ecstasy; elation; enchantment; exaltation; exhilaration; exuberance; felicity; gaiety; gladness; glee; glorification; godliness; grace; happiness; heaven; holiness; intoxication; joy; joyfulness; justification; paradise; purification; rapture; ravishment; sainthood; sectarian; sunshine; transport