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Example sentences for "will know"

  • In continuing the examination of this solemn subject, we remark as a second and further characteristic of the knowledge which every man will possess in eternity, that he will know himself even as he is known by God.

  • He will know God, and he will know himself, with a distinct, and accurate, and unceasing intelligence like that of the Deity.

  • If you are robbed this night, I will know by whom to-morrow.

  • But you, my dear Count, and a few others, will know that I aim at paying my debt to talent, old memories, and friendship.

  • He will know we are likely enough to do it.

  • You mayn't see it now, but when you get older you will know it.

  • He is going to be an officer in the king's army, and wants to learn as much as he can, so that, if he ever gets with his men into such a mess as Braddock tumbled into, he will know what to do with them.

  • There is but one captain here--Captain Sand, and it is well for all to remember that he will know how to make himself obeyed.

  • If Negoro has known how to come as far as this, he will know how to go farther.

  • Dingo will seek for you; it will know how to find you again.

  • For I will know: what Devil, to do mischief Unto my vertuous friend, hath shifted shapes With that unblemished beauty?

  • But do not ask a promise from me for a year; give me even six months; by that time we will know whether we are necessary to each other's happiness or not.

  • I may find him agreeable as a relative; but as Emperor of Austria, he will know me as King of France alone.

  • I will give him her letters to me, and then he will know that he never has been loved.

  • Go you but ten doors from where men have knowledge of you, and see how many of the world, or Christians, will know you by this goodly livery, to be one that hath put on Christ.

  • That you are a man, he will know when he sees you;--whether a good or bad one, he will know if he has any skill in discerning the good or bad.

  • If the man be a good judge of silver, he will know: the coin will tell its own tale.

  • Madame, in a fortnight we will know more;" and, saluting Diana with a respect mingled with love and sadness, Bussy took leave.

  • It was not them; it was you, with some man whom I do not know, but whom I will know, I swear.

  • I will know everything," she cried, excitedly.

  • I will know," said Claude, catching her up by the arm.

  • You must," cried the woman angrily; "I will know.

  • Now we will know if he will let thee go with all thy beauty, and me with all my faculties.

  • If he comes with divine authority to the thing he attempts, he will know how to use the appliances, of which the teacher is only the first.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "will know" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brown gravy; turn away; will accomplish; will away; will bless; will defend; will demand; will depend; will doubtless; will endeavour; will feel; will fill; will give; will grow; will haue; will hide; will look; will manage; will not depart from; will only; will power; will show you the; will sometimes; will stand; will tell you what; will wear