The wind inclining to be hot, but it is cool up to 7.
They are very greedy, of a blueish grey colour, occasionally inclining to red; the feelers are in some forked: they have no scales.
The soil is yellow and deep, occasionally inclining to brick-red; it is apparently much the same as that of Muttack.
With alum it gives yellow, inclining to lemon yellow.
Logwood is used with galls and copperas for the various shades of greys, inclining to slate, lavender, dove, and lead colour, etc.
Then affix, say, a single drop of japan in close proximity to the oil, immediately inclining the glass so that the japan may come in contact with the oil.
Vandyke brown, a warm brown colorinclining to a reddish hue, can be used for one coat of color and one coat of color-and-varnish.
A A is the shop floor, D the wall, B B the false or double floor inclining to the center, where a shallow metal gutter is let into the floor opening to a waste pipe which conveys all the waste matter outside the shop.
He stood in front of her, laying his right forefinger in his left forefinger andinclining his head.
Why have beasts their hearts in the middle of their breasts, and man his incliningto the left?
It is of a figure almost round, inclining somewhat to an oblong, in part resembling a pear; for being broad at the bottom, it gradually terminates in the point of the orifice which is narrow.
The piles and cross-beams, on which it has been raised, lie like a pavement all round it, inclining to the centre.
Gravel similar to Thames ballast at a depth of 17 feet towards the north, inclining to 22 feet towards the south end.
One of the great dangers with a soaring machine is losing forward speed, inclining the machine too much down in front, and coming down head first.
Mr. Seymour next pointed out to Tom a row of Roman candles, some of which were fixed quite perpendicular, others inclining at different angles, so that the balls might be projected to various distances, and thus produce a more varied effect.
Hence these plants are beautifully intermediate between the oxlip and the primrose, inclining rather towards the latter; and we may safely conclude that the parent oxlips had been fertilised by the surrounding primroses.
Yet all the while he was aware that the old English gentleman was a costly luxury for England to maintain, that Squire Bracebridge was after all nothing but John Bull, and that John Bull was inclining to lag behind his age.
All through the eighteenth century, and particularly through the last third of it, literature had been inclining to dwell on the joys of life in field and forest.
When annotto is used as a dye, it is always mixed with alkali, which facilitates its solution, and gives it a colourinclining less to red.
The red marble of Verona is of a red rather inclining to yellow or hyacinth; a second variety of a dark red, composes the vast amphitheatre of Verona.
But observe, that those who make lackers, frequently want some paler, and some darker, and sometimes inclining more to the particular tint of certain of the component ingredients.
The Pooree is a light-coloured cane, yellow, inclining to white, deeper yellow when ripe and on rich ground.
Native minium or red lead, has an earthy aspect, of a lively and nearly pure red colour, but sometimes incliningto orange.
The two blades are placed parallel to each other, and mounted upon a hexagonal frame, the arms b b inclining or forming obtuse angles with the blades, and from the middle of the arms short axles c c, extend, upon which the beaters revolve.
The water is next poured off by incliningthe tub to one side.
It has a reddish brown colour inclining to yellow; a faint but nauseous and rather disagreeable taste; and when rubbed between the fingers it imparts a smell somewhat analogous to its taste.
Decant the liquor that swims at the top, by inclining the glass; and, having washed it several times in warm water, dry it at a moderate heat, placing it on paper capable of absorbing all the moisture.
These, extending from either shore toward the middle of the river and inclining slightly down stream, took part of the weight, causing a rise of 1 foot 2 inches, and shed the water from either side into the channel between them.
The grain of ox beef, when good, is loose, the meat red, and the fat inclining to yellow.
At certain intervals, he grants them rest, delivering them from the body, so that they may return to inhabit the region where the universal Soul ever dwells, without inclining towards things here below.
In this case, the universal Soul is ever elevated above the others because she is not capable of descending, of falling, of inclining towards the sense-world.
These words signify that nature is a soul begotten by a superior Soul that possesses a more potent life, and contains her contemplation silently within herself, without inclining towards that which is higher or lower.
We however believe that the Soul created the world not by inclining (towards matter), but rather because she did not incline towards it.
Our course, inclining considerably towards the Missouri, made it necessary to leave the elevated region of the plains, and betake ourselves to the forests, soon after passing the Grand Prairie.
During all the day on the 23d we travelled along the south side of the Platte, our course inclining something more towards the south-west than heretofore.
Come hereāThe hand stretched outwards, with the palm under, and brought back with a curve motion downwards, and inclining to the body.
You will soon see the receiver filled with vapours of a dark-red, inclining to a russet colour.
Its taste is saltish, inclining to bitter; and it decrepitates on burning coals.
Spirit of Salt thus concentrated, called also Oil of Salt, does not smoke: it is of a yellow colourinclining to green, and an agreeable smell, not unlike that of saffron.
You will find in the receiver a clear liquor, somewhatinclining to an amber-colour, of a pleasant quick smell, and which being thrown into the fire instantly flames.
They give the Milk a russet-colour inclining to red; which may arise from their attacking the fat part.
This is easily perceived: for pure sublimed Sulphur is always of a beautiful yellow, inclining to a lemon colour.
The powder of Antimony, which, before calcination, was of a brilliant colour inclining to black, will become dull, and look like an earth.
Take a very deep, large crucible: place it in a furnace, so that it may stand inclining in an angle of forty-five degrees nearly.
This solution is of a yellow colour, incliningmore or less to a russet, or dark-brown, as it is more or less saturated with Iron.