Schlegel here conveys an indirect censure on the Prussian government, for some acts of an intolerant nature towards its Catholic subjects.
We are intolerant of everything that is not simple, unbiassed by prescription, liberal as the wind, and natural as the mountain crags.
The weakness of the English proceeds from inequality and extravagance; it is the weakness of self-confident vigour, intolerant of rule, rejoicing in its own exuberant resources.
It is not that he desires to appear brilliant; it is that he is so intolerant of tedium that he sacrifices himself to fatiguing efforts in trying to strike a spark out of a dull stone.
Intolerant persecution is out of date, and the question will be solved by the stranding of the theological hull, owing to the quiet withdrawal of the vital tide.
The spirit of freedom which animated the Republic was of that selfish andintolerant character which accumulated privileges upon the Roman citizen, while it heeded little the rights of others.
She was very intolerant of the achievements of other women.
Intolerant and careless of the world's opinion as she was too apt to be, she felt that it would not do for her to remain all alone in Venice with Amaldi as her only acquaintance there.
Lady Wychcote wasintolerant of the idea that Bobby should become a writer.
His own tempestuous, rebellious, intolerant nature echoed to these trumpets of anguish and defiance and exultation.
I know how intolerant some dull old fogies are of youthful fire and fancy.
The result was, that the writings of Hutcheson, Adam Smith, and Hume had little effect on the popular intellect of Scotland, and its people are now the most bigoted and intolerant of those of any country in Europe, except Spain.
As founders of intolerant and mutually hostile Christian sects, Luther and Calvin rank among the retarders of modern civilization.
These two leaders of the Counter-Reformation, equally ambitious, equally intolerant of opposition, equally bent upon a vast dominion, had to separate.
Proximity soon kindles fierce jealousies between those intolerant creatures, who are obliged to live far apart, so as to secure adequate hunting-grounds.
Intolerant of these familiarities, the Spider shakes the leg encroached upon and flings the intruders to a distance.
He was intolerant of detail, and thus failed to model with the roundness that we find in Goethe's work.
All these have their priests, worshippers, propagandists, and votaries, among some of whom may be found as intolerant a spirit of bigotry as ever disgraced any falling church.
The loose robe and the towels gave him girth and substance, and on the wary, intolerant old face, with its gay white mustache, was fixed a look of serious purpose.
The other judges concurred with their leader, Mr Justice Keating making a yet further addition to the remarkable record of intolerant utterances in this case.
Muslim writers affirm that in his functions of mujtahad he displayed a restless and intolerant spirit, [Footnote: Gobineau; Nicolas.
Note how involved in the Law and in hypocrisy they still are who esteem themselves prominent saints and at the same time are intolerant of the infirmities of Christians.
Instead, he felt these suspicious, intolerant eyes following his soul in and out on its feeble errands.
Don't be quite such a brute, for you are a brute, a grasping, egotistical, intolerant brute.
With all her excellences, she goes down in history as a cold and intolerant woman whom we cannot love.
Nor was there in France--apart from the provocative insults to Catholics above mentioned--any such licence on the Protestant side as arose in Germany, though the French Protestants were as violently intolerant as any.
All the Protestant leaders, broadly speaking, grew more intolerant as they grew in years--a fair test as between the spirit of dogma and the spirit of freethought.
However that might be, Athens continued to remain the most aggressively intolerantand tradition-mongering of Hellenic cities.
They were inspired; these are not; and a few only were chosen, with the very aim of setting at naught the intolerant wisdom of the Pharisees.
It assumes the character of selfishness, bigotry, and the lust of intolerant dominion.
Their ministers now enjoyed the privilege of preaching where they pleased, and were no longer restrained by the Virginia intolerant construction of the toleration act.
According to tradition, he suffered frequent annoyances from the intolerant spirit of the times in Virginia; but he declared that "he durst not deny preaching, and hoped he never should, while it was wanting and desired.
They learned instead to use the Inquisition and the stake, to subject the human intellect to the yoke of an ignorant and intolerant priesthood, to degrade art and extinguish science for a thousand years.
Moreover, individual art is not the only form, and in particular the plastic arts have shown that they can live by mass action, and flourish under an intolerant faith.
I then administered Coca's Pulse Test (see the Appendix) and quickly discovered Elizabeth was wildlyintolerant to wheat and dairy products.
Checking her foods for allergies I discovered the normal pattern: Elsie was intolerant to dairy, wheat, eggs, corn, soy and concentrated sugars.
My husband developed a severe allergy to barley after drinking too much home-brewed beer; he also became highly intolerant to alcohol.
We need not wonder, therefore, at the intolerant spirit which is so active among all professing the Christian name.
This can be easily accounted for, as the Jewish religion was then the most intolerant of any on earth.
It follows, then, that believers in the Divine authority of the Bible must continue to be, what they always have been, intolerant and persecuting.
The moral precepts of the New Testament have never been strong enough to neutralize the violent and intolerant spirit that runs throughout the Scriptures, and which is the very life of the Christian faith.
If he nurse this intolerant spirit against Infidels, the Christian considers his "calling and election sure.
You may exult in the idea, that you have in your sacred books, the doctrine of but one God, notwithstanding your religion and its Christian offspring has been more cruel and intolerant than any on earth.