However much misquoted in Medwin's Life of Shelley, the verses must have been bad; but it is more probable that 'Carolus Mackintosh .
Jesus either disbelieved this Scripture, or remembered that the Devil, like other pillars of the Church, grossly misquoted to suit his purpose, and the temptation failed.
You will generally find that he has either misquoted the words, or mistaken their meaning, from a neglect of the context; or perhaps has both misquoted and mistaken.
He laughs best who laughs least," misquoted Dorothy, as the wagon continued to jog along.
Is there any other time when you know that he complained about being misquoted insofar as the facts of the assassination are concerned?
Now you mentioned the fact that the newspaper misquoted your husband?
There is no such provision as to honouring receipts in this much-misquoted convention.
He began with the proposition that my morning sermon had been "entirely contrary to the Scriptures," and for ten minutes he quoted and misquoted me, hammering in his points.
It was also at Chautauqua, by the way, though a number of years earlier, that I had my much misquoted encounter with the minister who deplored the fashion I followed in those days of wearing my hair short.
The father of Shelley misquoted Job, and said, "Oh, to be brought down to the grave in grief through the follies of an ungrateful child!
That statesmen like Gladstone misquoted him, and churchmen like Wilberforce reviled him--these things were as naught to Darwin--his face was toward the sunrising.