As Taylor well says, our judgment must not be swayed to the extent of abandoning what is probable for what is merely possible.
Like great white blossoms, the spotless head-dresses of the maids of Paradise swayed and bowed above the crowd.
A moment he swayed trying to keep his nearly lost balance, while he looked anxiously to see if the conspirators had heard.
Gradually the arc grew shorter, until he swayed perpendicularly from the branch.
She had no beauty, but she must have had a little vanity left, for when I showed her a photograph I had taken of her, she put her hard old hands together, swayed her head from shoulder to shoulder, and actually wept.
He struck the table, which swayed on its uneven legs, with his fist.
The public shouted and applauded so loudly that the blue tent with its stars and spangles swayed like a sail in a hurricane.
Her head began to ache, and the lights on the altarswayed before her eyes.
I sometimes wonder if our more experienced and more generally educated audiences of to-day would be swayed by Corwin's methods.
I was swayed by my old and unabated love for Roosevelt.
Hark to that shrill, sudden shout, The cry of an applauding multitude, Swayed by some loud-voiced orator who wields The living mass as if he were its soul!
As he did so, the whole bushswayed with delight, and it seemed to him that a spirit within it called his name as he turned away.
The cart swayed and twisted up the rough road when suddenly Nicolaia gave an excited exclamation.
As the child swayed back there came into view the face of Maren Le Moyne, flushed all over its rare darkness, glowing with tenderness, its great beauty transfigured divinely.
They could not speak for the jolt and jangle of its progress, for the clanging of its bell and the alarming sputter of electric sparks when it swayed on its springs and threatened to jump the rails.
They swayed in each other's arms and then, tripping on the leg of an overturned chair, went down together.
The bare branches of the trees swayed in the gusts.
Swayed she could be, but she would mot easily surrender.
Dorothy swayed uncertainly on her feet, then recovered self-command.
The arch of her bosom only revealed in movement the palpitant emotion that swayed her, with its quick rise and fall, but her voice held the bated quiet of a tempest at the point of breaking.
Then the breeze stiffened a little and the branches swayed with an enhancement of movement and sound--and the murmur was that of a benediction.
The sirens of this world who have swayed men's hearts and imaginations have never been dependent on their front teeth or their back hair.
That was the time when eight years of clean living and hard condition told, though a man's head were ringing like a bell from the cinchona, and the earth swayed under his feet when he stood and under his bed when he slept.
Somewhere in the shadow, a great trunk and gleaming tusks swayed to and fro, and a low gurgle broke the silence that followed on the snarl.
My peaceful father swayed the sceptre long, And you enjoyed the blessings of his reign, While you deserved the name of Africans.
I have never conversed with an intelligent man of color, (not swayed by interested and sinister motives,) who was not decidedly opposed to leaving his home for the fatal clime of Africa.
The bloody fight thusswayed backwards and forwards through the narrow streets for a long time.
The helpless but still animate form would then be left awhile in the street, while the crowd, as it swayed to and fro, gazed on it with cool indifference or curses.
For a long time they swayed backward and forward, apparently without any definite purpose, and moved only by the spirit of disorder that had taken possession of the city.
For an instant the affrighted guests swayed upon the verge of panic; then like oil upon troubled waters, soothing words were spoken and explanations suavely proffered.
He put his hands in his trousers pockets and swayed backward and forward.
Some of the men were so weak that they swayed from side to side as they halted.
As the tree swayed forward and fell, he ran down the trunk.
Swayed by an occasion, or by the responsiveness of an audience, Mr. Beecher would sometimes say something which was not meant as it sounded.
But a nature, as is the feminine nature, wholly swayed inwardly by emotion, and outwardly influenced by an insatiate love for personal adornment, will never stand the analysis you will give it.
Frontispiece: For half a minute or so it rocked and swayedagainst the sky-line.
He is remembered, and will be remembered, not as the author or manager, but as the great actor who swayed mankind with his supreme gift of humor.
And the roses, lifted to the level of their lips, swayed to their hard breathing.
After awhile, having wiped his own eyes, he went on once more: "Behind them swayed the rope as the men on the bridge slowly dragged it up and up.
He swayed slightly, shifting his weight, and his big toe began once more to curl and uncurl.
She swayed toward Big Tom, and would have fallen if he had not held her up--by that hand over her mouth as well as by the grasp he had kept on her elbow.
It was from his good mother, however, a lady of refined taste and remarkable mental culture, that young John derived his inclination for literary pursuits, and learned the maxims of justice and equality that swayed him through life.
The doctor dipped his paddle in the water and gently swayed it.
More slowly the oars swayed until probably a couple of hundred yards separated the boat from that awful undulating monster.
Bending over, Burton patted the big head, and Zip in his excess of delight bounded round the youth and wagged his tail so hard that it swayed his haunches correspondingly, and it really seemed an instance of the tail wagging the dog.