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Example sentences for "beleue"

Lexicographically close words:
beleeving; belega; beleive; beleived; belemnites; beleued; beleve; belfries; belfry; belges
  1. And let him assuredly beleue that the same prieste, hath power giuen him of Christe (as beinge his vienre, or deputie on earthe) to absolue him of all his sinnes.

  2. Firste to beleue the breade to be chaunged into the body, and the wine into the bloude of Christe.

  3. If it beleue certeinely and wholie, all the Articles of the Christiane faithe.

  4. Eche Christian oughte vndoubtedly to beleue that this consisteth in foure poinctes.

  5. Apostles would euery manne not onely to confesse with mouthe, but to beleue also in harte, are these.

  6. The Iewes before thei be Christened (by the determinacion of the counsaile holden at Agathone), are cathechised, that is to saie, are scholers at the enstruction of our beleue nine monethes.

  7. This is such a lying knaue that none wil beleue him, for the more he sweareth, ye les he is to be beleued.

  8. I thinke verely, that if some of these Lubbars had bene there, and practysed amongest others, I beleue they woulde haue carryed awaye the beste games.

  9. He sayeth not / which thinke well in their mynde / which do beleue well / but he sheweth the signe of owtwarde worshippinge / that is to bowe the knee / and kisse.

  10. Dearly beloued / beleue not euery sprit / but proue the sprites / whether they are of Godd or not.

  11. Thow hast the wordes of eternal lyfe / And we beleue and are sure / that thow art Christe the sonne of the lyuinge Godd.

  12. To him giue all the Prophetes witnesse / that all they which beleue throughe his name / shall receyue remissiõ of synnes.

  13. These they do carye aboute with them / they reade them / and thoughe they beleue not / because they are blinded / yet do they cõfesse that these wrytinges are true.

  14. He that played thys playe was a chylde borne to all myschiefe, whiche by other vngracious deedes afterwardes, made men beleue the other to be true that were done before.

  15. And yet no kynde of brute beastes looketh for anye rewarde of theyre yong for their noursynge and teachynge, excepte we luste to beleue that the Storkes noryshe agayne they dãmes forworne wyth age, and bear them vpon their backes.

  16. They be greatly therefore deceiued, whych thynke it sufficiẽt to be borne, & no lesse do they erre whyche beleue that wysedome is got by handelynge matters and greate affayres wythoute the preceptes of philosophye.

  17. They are deceyued whyche beleue that nature hathe geuen vnto man no markes, whereby hys disposiciõ maye bee gathered, and they do amisse, that do not marke them thar be geuen.

  18. I doe beleue that the lyke was neuer séene nor heard off.

  19. Her talke was not long, but yet she made him beleue that nature failed her, and that by litle and litle she drewe towardes her ende: desiring him to haue her and her poore soule in remembraunce when he made his orisons and praiers.

  20. But sir, I do beleue assuredly that she is the fairest woman in the world, wherfore desire me not to thynges that bee vnlawefull.

  21. Beleue not that the Scythians doe bynde frendship with any othe: for they make their othe by obseruation of faith.

  22. It semeth vnto mee Gyges, that thou doest not greatlye beleue the woordes whiche I speake vnto thee, of the beautie of my wyfe, but because eyes bee better witnesses of thinges then eares, thou shalt see her naked.

  23. But what soeuer yee be, you shall not make me beleue at this tyme, that yee be marchauntes, and so I bid you farewell.

  24. Amadour: "I beleue it is impossible your selfe more faithfully to loue your owne honour than I do.

  25. When Florinda perceiued his ill intent, she could scarce beleue the same, considering his honest requests made before time, and therfore asked him what it was that he desired.

  26. Thou sayest in thy letter, that thou canste by no meanes beleue that I haue giuen bribes, and vsed meanes to buye myne Empire, as other haue done.

  27. Amadour vnderstanding well by those woordes, that she had desyre to remedy her owne necessitie, vsed the best maner he coulde deuise, to the intent that in makyng her beleue a lye, he should hyde from her the truthe.

  28. The good and vertuous man, without sighte or knowledge we loue, serue, and aunswer for him: wherein the wycked we cannot beleue what he sayeth, and lesse accepte in good part the thyng whych he doeth for vs.

  29. And I beleue that Demosthenes spake those wordes by folowyng the sentence of Diogenes, who sayeth, that euery beast after such acte is heauy and sad.

  30. By this tale ye may se that men feare many tymes more than they nede, whiche hathe caused men to beleue that sperytes and deuyls haue ben sene in dyuers places, whan it hathe ben nothynge so.

  31. The fyrst, to beleue in one God and to honoure him aboue all thynges.

  32. A sorte[236] of yonge men, for to laughe and pastyme, appoynted to gether to make hym beleue that he was sycke.

  33. And she (quod he), whom I beleue better than you all, sayth playnly, that ye lye.

  34. Whan I sought you, I beleued your mayde, that sayde ye were not at home, and ye wyll not beleue me myn owne selfe.

  35. By this tale ye may parceyue, that it is nat best at all tymes for a man to beleue his wife, though she swere vpon a boke.

  36. And yf you beleue not me, than for a more surete and suffycyent auctoryte go your way to Couentre, and there ye shall se them all playe in Corpus Cristi playe.

  37. Who wolde beleue that this marchaunt, whiche is both wyse and subtyle, wolde truste this ideot, that can speke neuer a redy worde, of xl peny worth of ware?

  38. Sd Halliberch answered her yt it was ye devill her answer was she did beleue it was and allso yt she sed to it in ye name of ye Father Son and Holy Gost also sd Halliberch saith yt sd Mercy sd that her soul was damd for yesterdays worke.

  39. And if ye beleue not me, read dili- Probus.

  40. Trust not me, but beleue Tullie him selfe, who writeth so, first, in that goodlie long Epistle ad P.

  41. Except there be any man, whiche may beleue that our Lorde God woulde inspire the righteousnesse of examination, to any one singular person, and to denie the same to priestes gathered together into counsaile without number, &c.

  42. Some do affirm it to be a foolishe rashe boldnesse to beleue hym, who proueth not by the scriptures that whiche he affirmeth in his worde.

  43. And I must speake (sayd he) as God geueth me grace, and I beleue I haue sayd no euill to hurt any body.

  44. Beleue not, that this example shall haue place onely among you, for there shalbe among externe nations, which shall imitate the same, &c.

  45. But beleue assuredly, that thou shalt not escape my handes vntill I pay thee thy desert, to the intent hereafter in mocking other, thou mayst haue cause to remember me.

  46. Whom in mocking wise she answered: "Can you make me beleue (M.

  47. He came to the gate of his Pallace (where beyng knowne that it was Montanine) his sister by any meanes coulde not bee made to beleue the same: so impossible seeme thynges vnto vs, which we most desyre.

  48. Mary I can soner beleue that then that they be men whiche esteme and passe more vpon the name, then the thynge.

  49. Beleue me I had rather be called fowle Thersites then haue a monstrous or a deformyed face, whether I haue a good face or no ||I can not tell.

  50. God forbyd elles, yea & many tymes a symple shepe lyeth hyd in a wolfes skynne, and yf a man maye credite and beleue the fables of Aesope, an asse maye lye secretely unknowen by cause he is in a lyons skynne.

  51. By my trouthe and ye wyll beleue me I neuer yet assayed nor proued whether I coulde do it or no.

  52. Hetherto I haue sufferyd thy lyes, but now get the another that wyll beleue the, thy tale of a tode.

  53. No, I doo not beleue it if that you dyd vowe it in youre awne name.

  54. Menedeme they that make cost of shame in soche thynges, beleue me, bestow theyr money euyll.

  55. Tell me, do you beleue that a Adamand stone wold drawe vnto him stele withowt any towchynge therof, and also to be separate frome him ayen of hys owne accorde, excepte that yow had sene it with yowre eyes.

  56. In case that you doo bynd youre selffe with a vowe, that yf ye matter chaunche happyly whiche you haue in hande, that I for you || shall fast twyse in on weke, do you beleue that I can fulfyl youre vow?

  57. No maruayle Menedemus thogh you be so disposyd, for all the world cannot make me to beleue yt, not & all doctoures of dyuynyte wold swere || it were trewe.

  58. O how like to the sone is the mother, for he hath left to vs so moche blood here in erthe, & she so moche mylke, that a man wyl skarysly beleue a woman to haue so moche mylke of one chylde, in case the chyld shuld sukke none at all.

  59. And ye will not beleue what they say in the streete, When your mashyp passeth by all such as I meete, That sometimes I can scarce finde what aunswere to make.

  60. Ah, ye will not beleue how this doth my heart wounde.

  61. And to beleue that god only is the sauer/ is the thynge that all the Iewes vowed in theyr circumcision/ as we in oure baptim.

  62. And when thou art come vn to the repētaunce of the Niniuites/ there hast thou sure ernest/ that how soeuer angre god be/ yet he remembreth mercie vn to all that truly repent and beleue in mercie.

  63. By the reason of which false rightwesnesse they were dysobedient vn to the rightwesnesse of God/ which is the forgeuenesse of synne in Christes bloude and coude not beleue it.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beleue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.