John Oldcastell, arested and put into the Tour of London, for certeyn poyntes of heresye whiche he held ayens the beleve of holy chirche: and after he brak prison and wente away.
A foul vice is of tonge to be light; For who-so michel clappeth, gabbeth ofte.
If the fyr doth any wight brenne, blame his owne wit that put him-selfe so far in the hete.
If such beleve be in your mynde y-grave That litel thing may do you greet plesaunce, You to begyle, or make you for to rave, I wil nat cause no suche encomberaunce!
But [of] suche diversite of sectes, ayenst the rightful beleve of love, these errours ben forth spredde, that loves servantes in trewe rule and stedfast fayth in no place daren apere.
Why make ye men beleve that your golden trentall songe 95 of you, to take therfore ten shillinges, or at the leest fyve shillinges, will bringe soules out of helle, or out of purgatorye?
In every thing she doth but as she shold: Construe the best, beleve no tales newe, For many a lie is told, that semeth full trewe.
And if thou laudest and joyest any wight, for he is stuffed with suche maner richesse, thou art in that beleve begyled; for thou wenest thilke joye to be selinesse or els ese; and he that hath lost suche happes to ben unsely.
I beleve veryly yf ye do your part to have pees, God of Hys gret grace schal graunte it to you, the q[wech give] you the speryte of wysdam to gyde you on to Hys pleser.
And no trost what my maister wele do, for I can right evele beleve that he wele bere owt the cost of the tyncte whan he maket straunge to ley dowun the condempnacion, &c.
I cannot thinke that he hath informed us all truely, yet not for that, we will not suffer him to disobey our writinge; but sithen he disobeyeth our writinge, we may beleve the better his gydinge is as we be informed.
I beare in hande, I threp upon a man that he hath done a dede or make hym beleve so, Ie fais accroyre .
Because they canne flatter and lye, Makynge beleve the cowe is wode.
And also ther ben men y nowe, that han no beleve in hem.
For I trowe, that no man wolde beleve the noblesse, the ricchesse, ne the multytude of folk that ben in his court, but he had seen it.
And we beleve it for sothe, alle that God hathe seyd be the mouthes of his prophetes.
Beleve me I should preferr Wilsons, shorte and sweete if I were judge, a peece surely worthy prayse, the practise of a good scholler, would the wiser would overlooke that, they may perhaps cull some wisedome out of a players toye.
To quhat effect suld I hym langar perswaid, Or quhat bettir may belevethan he hes said?
I beleve it that sorrows are dangerus companions, converting badd into yevill and yevill into worse, and do no other service then multeply harms.
I do therefore most humblie beseich my soverayne Lord not to beleve any of thos, in my particuler, who under pretence of offences to kings, doe easily work their particuler revenges.
And ye will not beleve what they say in the streete, 115 When your mashyp passeth by all such as I meete, That sometimes I can scarce finde what aunswere to make.
Wil ye beleve this queane, before she hath tryd it?
Aske him your selfe, Master Rat, if ye beleve not me: And help me to my neele, for Gods sake and Saint Charitie!
Ah, ye will notbeleve how this doth my heart wounde.
But sir, I beleve that it is good, that you lese no tyme, and that you have pacience, if with these our Ceremonies we trouble you.
Therefore purposyng to provide to the one and thother foresaid inconveniences, I beleve (savyng alwaies better judgement) that the walle ought to be made highe, and the Diche within, and not without.
And all men knowe that Cesor was not of the faith of Christ, nor yet did he beleve as St. Paule did; and after a fewe wordes moore he gave judgement, and commaunded the Sheriffes to doe execucion.
Thus sche, which whilom hadde leve To duelle in chambre, mot beleve In wodes and on helles bothe, For such brocage as wyves lothe, 4650 Which doth here lordes hertes change And love in other place strange.
Sawtr shuld reporte as he dede than itt had be reportyd of another, in als moche as I had awgth hym goodwyll befor; and she prayid me that I shud notbeleve seche reports tyll I knewe the trowth.
As we beleve and confesse the Scriptures of God sufficient to instruct and maik the man of God perfect, so do we affirme and avow the authoritie of the same to be of God, and neather to depend on men nor angellis.
I verely beleve the same, and do abhorre and utterly refuis all Doctrine alleged necessary to Salvatioun, that is not expressedly conteined in the same.
So say ye, (quod the Quene,) but I cane beleve that.
Bot the authors of this invention, howbeit they knew the vulgar people did not beleve them, yit being secure that no man wold controle them regarded not man's secreit judgement.
But so long as thei ar bold to affirme, and yit do prove nothing, we man say, that albeit all the warld beleved thame, yit beleve thei not God, but receaves the lyes of men for the treuth of God.
Yf thow acknowledge wyth the mouth, that Jesus is the Lord, and beleve in thyn harte that God raissed him up from the death, thow shalt be save.
For yf we beleveto gett the inheritance of heavin throw good werkis, then we beleve nott to gett it throw the promesse of God.
Ergo, he that belevith nott the Gospell belevith nott God him self; and consequentlie thei that beleve nott as is above written, and such other, beleve not God.
We beleve that a man shalbe justifeid without werkis.
And we beleve in Jesus Christ, that we may be justifeid be the faith of Christ, and nott be the deidis of the law.
The Holy Ghost shall reprove the world of synne, becaus thei beleve not in me.
Ye ar all the sones of God, because ye beleve in Jesus Christ.
Men tolde hym that they weer ffrowarde karlys, butte he wolde nott beleve it, and yitt men seye, that he woll to them ageyn.
I beleve hyr; for I thynke sche hathe the lyffe that sche can holde hyr content with; I trowe she woll be a sore laboryng woman this ij.
I am fayn to borow the mony to pay it by that Lord I beleve on, for I cowd not gadyr a nobyll of areragys syn I was with yow at London of alle the lyvelod ye have.
Item, as ffor your goyng to Seyn James,[186-5] I beleve it but atwyen ij.
He is mair gay than ever ze saw him; he puttis me in remembrance of all thingis yat may mak me beleve he luifis me.
So to conclude; whether wee beleve the testemonie of Peter Martir and Ferdinandus Columbus, which affirme that Christopher Columbus discovered the firme firste in anno 1498.
Sufficiently to make any enquiries relitive to their religious opinions, from their depositing Various articles with their dead, belevein a State of future ixistance.
I always look at the 1 t Chief & the 2d whin they go & will also follow ther example & go on also You See those 2 men they are chiefs, when I go they will take Care, they beleve your words.
I beleve we have been unperceived by the Indians in this movement.
The mynysters dilygently shall examyne, and yf they stedfastly beleve in them, and will truly and feithfully graunt and confesse them, and to the ende of ther lyf stedfastly kepe them: and yf they have no wifys: .
And as many of you as do beleveupon the Pope of Rome, or any of hys lawes, which he sets forth in these daies, you do beleve to your utter condemnation, and except the great mercy of God, you shall burne in hell perpetually.
Immediately the Sheriffe spake unto him, and sayd: 'if thou docst not beleve on the Pope, thou art damned body and soule!
Dere brethren and sistern, as many of you as do beleve upon the Father, the Soune, and the Holye Ghost, unto everlasting lyfe, see you doe the workes appertaining to the same.
Now friend still I belevethat Prayers affects great good, but I beleve that the fire and sword would affect more good in this case.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beleve" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.