Then I shall be a squire I well understand: Well I thank your good grace, and your love I embrace, I was never before in so happy a case.
To me, "Tipperary" is still the most moving tune in the world.
Come hither to me, thou Gordon good, That aye wast readye att my call: I will give thee three hundred markes, If thou wilt let my beames downe fall.
It is not fit for a little foot-page, That has run throughe mosse and myre, To go into the chamber with any ladye, That weares soe riche attyre.
And aye their swordes soe sore can byte, Throughe help of Gramaryè, That soone they have slayne the kempery men, Or forst them forth to flee.
On this the bride all blushing did rise, The pearlie dropps standing within her faire eyes, O pardon my father, grave nobles, quoth shee, That throughe blind affection thus doteth on mee.
It is more meete for a litle foot-page, That has run throughe mosse and myre, To take his supper upon his knee, And sitt downe by the kitchen fyer.
In secrette she nurst him, and swaged his paine, While he throughe the realme was beleeved to be slaine At lengthe his faire bride she consented to bee, And made him glad father of prettye Bessee.
And we all wer such / euẽ deade throughe synne / and the children of wrathe.
But I aske them / what manier a violence and compulsion this is throughe which that necessite commithe of which they make their excuse?
The sonne of God praieth the father / that the Iues mighte not be vtterlie slayne and destroyed but scatered abroad throughe the worlde.
To him giue all the Prophetes witnesse / that all they which beleue throughe his name / shall receyue remissiõ of synnes.
Here I do let passe their masse / in which they make their mishapen Godd of breade / throughe their art of transubstantiation.
It were almes to[330] thruste a dagger throughe hys chekes, sayeth one.
Lett it curbe fooles and idiots, such as throughe folly Will not, or nycenes dare not, tast what's sweete, Alyke made for all pallats.
All our howses Are nothinge nowe but windowes, broad bay windowes So spatious that carts laded may drive throughe And neather loush oth' topp or eathere syde.
Instantly, after dinner, and gie't out I am not to returne till three dayes hence, So spreade it throughe the howse.
Full twoe and twentye severall liverye coatts, Made & composed all for severall yeares, Have I runne throughe in your most faythfull service.
I fyrst desyre To be beleived my love & utmost servyce Are vowed unto your greatnes, to which beleife The hazard of my life throughe all the daungers That ever fryghted weake mortallytie, Shalbe an instygation.
And many times you see, that a fruitfull tree, caried and set in an other place, decayeth, throughe the nature of the ground more barren.
The magnanimitie and valiaunce whereby they be immortalized, and their fame regestred throughe the whole world, is it extinguished in you?
The Duke as thou knowest, is absent, olde, and crooked, and at all houres in the mercy of death throughe the daungers of the warres.
And the king of Englande commaunded that the mariage of him and his sister shoulde be published throughe out his realme, that all his nobilitie might be assembled.
Not manye yeares paste there was at Bologna a notable Phisition, renowmed throughe out the whole worlde, called Maister Alberto, whoe beinge old, almost LX.
Doest thou pretende (throughe thine owne misfortune so rooted in thy harte by liuinge in these wildernesse) to depriue thy sonne of the honor, which the heauens and his good fortune haue prepared for him?
Their natures being of one disposition, as commonly one myschyefe procureth an other, al things began to be disquietedthroughe the attempt of that vngracious woman.
For throughe this Truce the Latines shall possede and participate parte of the prosperous successe of the Romane people.
And drove the Saxons from the realme, Who had opprest this land; 30 All Scotland then throughe manly feats[76] I conquered with my hand.
It is more meete for a litle foot-page, That has run throughe mosse and myre.
It is not fit for a little foot-page, 105 That has run throughe mosse and myre, To go into the chamber with any ladye.
And aye their swordes soe sore can byte, Throughe help of Gramarye That soone they have slayne the kempery men, 275 Or forst them forth to flee.
And yong children shall ther die, and a likelihoode that young women shall be allured vnto a wanton loue, throughe the flatterie and great perswasions of men.
So that sicknesses shall ensue, throughe which many of the simple sorte shal then die, and diuers also shall die, throughe the sodaine plague then happening.
Now this Honny whiche is thus runne forth, is named the Sodden Honny, whyche oughte in like manner to be poured into earthen pots, and to stande open for certaine dayes, skimming it dayly with a spoone, vntill it be throughe colde.
So, he throughe loue that moste dothe serue, and sue, Is furthest off his mistresse harte is steele.
That wonder greate to scape: but, GOD was on his side, And throughe them all, in spite of all, his shaken shippe did guide.
Who throughe the watchfull dragons pass’d, to win the fleece of goulde.
Euen so my selfe; throughe absence manie a yeare, A straunger meere, where I did spend my prime.
Pelagius, when al the flouddes throughe al Italye didde rage, but chieflye Tibris at Rome, whiche in many places was as highe as the walles of the citie.
Then ceassing there, it wente from thence throughe al the east partes of England into the Northe vntill the ende of Auguste, at whiche tyme it diminished, and in the ende of Septembre fully ceassed.
Thirdlye, yo{u} saye yt was by goinge throughethe fyre.
And aye their swordes soe sore can byte, Throughe help of gramarye, That soone they have slayne the kempery men, Or forst them forth to flee.
Throughe a forest as I can ryde, To take my sporte yn an mornyng, I cast my eye on euery syde, I was ware of a bryde syngynge.
Saies, You shal ryde yourselfe, brother, Ile beare you companye; Many a man throughe fals messengers is deceived, And I feare lest soe shold wee.
At the seconde juste they mette so togeyder, that the Lord of Clary struke the Englysshe knyght throughe the targe and throughe the shoulder a handfull, and therwith he fell from his horse to the erthe.
Though I brought never so many to hel, And to utter dampnacion, 50 Throughemyne ensample, and consel, Or thorow any abhominacion, Yet doth our lawe excuse my fashion.
In secrette she nurst him, and swaged his paine, 105 While he throughe the realme was beleevd to be slaine: At lengthe his faire bride she consented to bee, And made him glad father of prettye Bessee.
On this the bride all blushing did rise, 65 The pearlie dropps standing within her faire eyes, O pardon my father, grave nobles, quoth shee, That throughe blind affection thus doteth on mee.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "throughe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.