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Example sentences for "bloude"

Lexicographically close words:
blotter; blotters; blotteth; blotting; bloud; bloudie; bloudshed; bloudy; blouse; bloused
  1. Where after he had seene the bloude Of Jesus Christ thus shed, And to the crosse his bodye nail'd, Awaye with speed he fled Without returning backe againe 45 Unto his dwelling place, And wandred up and downe the worlde, A runnagate most base.

  2. To the Snakes and other venemous beastes they gaue the bloude of men sacrifised, to féede them, and some saye they gaue vnto them mannes fleshe, whych the greate Lysarts doe eate very well.

  3. Aluarado gaue them licence, with such conditions, that in their Sacrifice shoulde no mans bloude be spilte, nor yet to weare anye weapon.

  4. By the reason of which false rightwesnesse they were dysobedient vn to the rightwesnesse of God/ which is the forgeuenesse of synne in Christes bloude and coude not beleue it.

  5. In the countrie of Aquitane, there was sometime a Lord, whose lands and lordships laye betweene Lismosine and Poictou, and for the antiquitye of his house was renowmed both for bloude and wealth, amonges the chiefe of all the Countrie.

  6. For the whiche mater your most nobill realme wrongfully (alas for shame) hath stond tributary (not vnto any kind temporall prince, but vnto a cruell deuelisshe bloudsupper dronken in the bloude of the sayntes and marters of christ) euersins.

  7. And herewithall hee began to ioyne many trifling and vayne words, whych dalyinge Suters by heate of Lusty bloude bee wont to shoote forth, to declare theym selues not to be Speachlesse, or Tongue tied.

  8. Wherfore abuse mee not but be content with this greate effusion of Bloude and murders already committed.

  9. The victory which thou shouldest haue gotten ouer me, had it not bene glorious inough for thine ambitious minde, but for more triumphant solempnity to bee crowned wyth the bloude of my dearest kinsman?

  10. So manie, with such force, and with such ease, Did Adhelm slaughtre on the bloudie playne; Before hym manie dyd theyr hearts bloude lease, Ofttymes he foughte on towres of smokynge slayne.

  11. Then, swefte as lyghtnynge, Egelredus set Agaynst du Barlie of the mounten head; In his dere hartes bloude his longe launce was wett, And from his courser down he tumbled dede.

  12. Thou beest a worme so groffile and so smal, I wythe thie bloude woulde scorne to foul mie sworde, Botte wythe thie weaponnes woulde upon thee falle, Alyche thie owne feare, slea thee wythe a worde.

  13. The erlie felt de Torcie's trecherous knyfe Han made his crymson bloude and spirits floe; And knowlachyng he soon must quyt this lyfe, Resolved Hubert should too with hym goe.

  14. His bloude went downe the swerde unto his arme, In springing rivulet, alive and warme.

  15. Before Duke Wyllyam's knyghts han hither went; Whose cowart arrows manie erles sleyne, And brued the feeld wyth bloude as season rayne.

  16. Theie batten[21] onne her fleshe, her hartes bloude dryncke, And all ys graunted from the roieal honde.

  17. But soon another wingd its aiery flyghte, 475 The keen broad pheon to his lungs did goe; He felle, and groand upon the place of fighte, Whilst lyfe and bloude came issuynge from the blowe.

  18. The erlie felt de Torcies trecherous knyfe Han made his crymson bloude and spirits floe.

  19. And now verely see/ his bloude is requyred.

  20. Than sayde Iuda to his brethr[~e]/ what avayleth it that we sley oure brother/ and kepe his bloude secrett?

  21. But he for payne and lacke of bloude Was fallen into a swounde, And there all walteringe in his gore, Lay lifelesse on the grounde.

  22. The soldan strucke a second stroke, And made the bloude to flowe: All pale and wan was that ladye fayre, And thrice she wept for woe.

  23. Also of signes some bee necessary, as that he liueth whiche dothe breathe, and some probable, as bloude in the garmente, whych myghte also come oute of the nose, or otherwyse.

  24. By the matter, y^e thynge that is made of it, as: Fleshe and bloude shewed the not it.

  25. God spared the Iewes in Egipt, whiche marked the doore postes with the bloude of the Lambe: not that Lambes bloude is able to deliuer men from death, but it was a figure of the bloud and passion of Christ Iesus.

  26. Faythful and moste Godly Treatyse Concernynge the Most Sacred Sacrament of the Blessed Body and Bloude of Our Saviour Christ.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bloude" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.