He answered, that he did it for his wenches pleasure, who familiarly confessed that nothynge in the sayd Robert displeased hir, saue his friers coate.
Than quod the mayster: yf thou doist for nothynge ellys, I am content.
By this ye may lerne, yt is greate folye for a mayster to putte a seruaunte to that besynes whereof he can nothynge skyll and wherin he hath not ben usyd.
For Our Lady was nothyngeso curyous as ye be; but she was a good homely wenche lyke the mylners doughter of Botteley.
He tourned towarde his frendes and sayde: I am nothynge affrayde: for in that space, either I, the asse, or elles my lorde may dye.
And fyrst of all he thought on a feder, a straw, a pynnes poynte, and suche other; but nothynge could he deuyse but that it was somwhat; wherfore he came home all sadde and pencyfe for sorowe of losynge of his xl.
The chylde answered: father, seynge ye gyue to these prestes money to synge at my mothers buryenge, why be ye angry with me, that aske younothynge for my syngynge?
The kynge answered: if I shuld gyue euery manne so moche, that is my kynse manne lyke as thou arte, I shulde leauenothynge for my selfe.
But after that hys sonne kept such ryot, that in short tyme he had wasted and spente all, and had nothynge left but a henne and a cocke that was his fader's.
Forsothe Mayster, quod he, for nothynge in the worlde but to make vp your ryme.
By this tale ye may se that men feare many tymes more than they nede, whiche hathe caused men to beleue that sperytes and deuyls haue ben sene in dyuers places, whan it hathe ben nothynge so.
Thowthe I goo bare, take ye no care, I amnothynge colde.
Nothynge more rejoyceth the maryner, Then meane cooles[169] of wynde and plente of water.
We are undone, we grynde nothynge at all, 450 The greter is the pyte, as thynketh me.
And to them that be yonge begynners nothynge can be to playne or to short / wherfore Ho- race i[n] his boke of y^e craft of Poetry sayth.
All the people of Notyngham They stode and behelde; They sawe nothynge but mantels of grene That covered all the felde.
And many a buffet our kynge wan Of Robyn Hode that day, And nothynge spared good Robyn Our kynge in his pay.
Lytell Johan and good Scathelocke, For nothynge wolde they spare; When they fayled of the garlonde, Robyn smote them full sore.
Lytell Johan drewe a good swerde, The coke toke another in honde; They thought nothynge for to fle, 95 But styfly for to stonde.
Be the golett of the hode Johne pulled the munke downe; Johne was nothynge of hym agast, He lete hym falle on his crowne.
And many a buffet our kynge wan Of Robyn Hode that day; 30 And nothynge spared good Robyn Our kynge in his pay.
For I have not nothynge backe: butt have shewed you |shunned to declare unto you all all the counsell off god.
Come hyther, Looke uppon thys & wonder yet a littill It was my handyworke, yet nothyngeneare The synne of kyllinge Richarde.
He was an arrant peevyshe curre, Nothynge but so; and I protest syncerlye I would have hangd that dogge (had he beene myne) Althoughe a lyonnesse had beene hys dame.
Tys come about: twas allways in my mynde Nothynge should hange me, beinge naught by kynde.
Theres nothynge heare conceald but deathe and colde And emptye sylence, no companyon.
But thys is nothynge to the heape of scornes Will flowe on you hereafter.
Iesu there is nothyngein thys worlde that is other permanent, or alwayes in good state.
Nothynge but the greate wydnes of the place, and a sorte of bokes, that be bownde to pyleres wherein is the gospell of Nicodemus, and I cannat tell whos sepulkre.
He werythe a mytre, he may spend so moche as an abbot, he wãted nothynge but ye name, and he is called prior for this cause tharchebyshope is takê in the abbotes sted.
Notwythstanding, Brother, consider you wherein my power resteth to ayde and helpe you, and be assured (myne honor saued) I wyll spare nothynge for your contentment.
This reporte bred to the cruell Father (who nothynge degenerated from the Naturall Tirannye of hys Auncestors) greater Suspicions: for reuengement whereof he most wickedly toke further aduise.
That nothynge is worse, then that Cicero beyng a very good mã shulde owe his lyfe to Antonye the worst man of the world.
Improprietas, when a worde nothynge at all in hys proper significacion is broughte into a sentence as a cloude: as you shall haue syxe strypes you longe for.
I warant you they know their yong, growynge nothynge out of kynde, when theyr owne lyfe is nothynge else then an example of naughtynes.
But that tormentour deaffe with feruentnes, made no ende of his bochery, tyl the chylde was almost in a sounde: Anon the diuine turninge to vs, he hathe deserued nothynge quod he, but that he muste be made lowe.
He wyll therfore be taught nothyng soner then vertue, and abhorre from nothynge sooner then folyshenesse, if so be the diligence of the parentes wyll incontinent set aworke the nature whyle it is emty.
Here I haue nothynge to saye, but thys out of the comedie: We muste do as we maye do, when we can not as we wolde.
For there is nothynge worse then when the waywardnes of the master causeth the children to hate lernyng before they knowe wherefore it shulde be loued.
You wolde saye it were not a schole, but a tormentynge place: nothynge is hearde there beside the flappynge vpon the hande, beside yorkynge of roddes, besyde howlynge and sobbinge and cruell threatnynges.
For we remẽber nothynge so well when we be olde, as those thynges y^t we learne in yonge yeres.
There is nothynge more vnprofitable, then often to chaunge y^e master.
But these y^t can donothynge elles but beate, what wolde they do if they had taken vpon them to teache Emperoures or kynges chyldren, whome it were not lefull to beate?
Nothynge stycketh faster then that that is learned in yonge myndes.
It is agaynste nature that women shulde haue rule vpon menne: besyde that, nothynge is more cruell then that kynde, if they bee moued with anger, as it wyll soone be, and wyll not cease tyll it be full reuenged.
But beware touche there nothynge to a vayne vse or nycete of the worlde.
Yea they loue to playe the thefe well inoughe, but they loue nothynge worse then to here of it.
And bycause ye shall lose nothynge at my ||hande with wyshynge I pray god that Cannius maye neuer lacke a good can or a stoope of wine or bere, wherof he had his name.
Can ye saye your pater noster through to an ende & haue youre mynde runnynge vpon nothynge elles in all that whyle?
Howe can I helpe them whiche haue nothynge to gyue them, and scant inoughe for my selfe.
Why do you thynke it nothynge worth at al to haue a goodly glorious name.
The worlde bie diffraunce ys ynne orderr founde; Wydhoute unlikenesse nothynge could bee made.
Hailie the robber and the bordelyer, 410 Who kens ne thee, or ys to thee bestanne, And nothynge does thie myckle gastness fere.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nothynge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.