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Example sentences for "behavior"

Lexicographically close words:
behave; behaved; behaves; behaveth; behaving; behavioral; behaviors; behaviour; behaviours; behead
  1. His question suggested something of anterior import, and she told him about the silhouettes, and the advantage the young people had taken of their power over her through their knowledge of her foolish behavior at the ball.

  2. The type of irreproachable coachman on the box whose respectability had suffered through the strange behavior of his mistress in this interview drove quickly off at her signal, and Conrad stood a moment looking after the carriage.

  3. They found Mrs. Adding with the Triscoes, and March saw nothing that was not merely friendly, or at the most fatherly, in the general's behavior toward her.

  4. Besides, the frank and direct behavior of Kenby and Mrs. Adding has been very obliterating to my early impressions of love-making.

  5. It did not occur to him that his behavior was immoral; he did not realize that it was creating a reputation if not a character for him.

  6. Most of the passengers at starting were English and American; but they showed no prescience of the international affinition which has since realized itself, in their behavior toward one another.

  7. I could believe, after your behavior to that poor woman about her son in Jersey City, you're really capable of it.

  8. He was on his good behavior while he was with us, and he's a great deal more conventional than most of them; but even he can't keep it up.

  9. He had the sense also of atoning by this behavior for some reckless things he had said before that to Christine; he put on a sad, reproving air with her, and gave her the feeling of being held in check.

  10. And what about Burnamy's behavior to Stoller?

  11. If a fair exchange is expected and received, positive ethical behavior is strengthened, allowing the individual to maintain their self-respect.

  12. It is not possible to easily deal with the resulting behavior problems unless the hypoglycemia is controlled.

  13. As a psychotic genuinely improves, their aberrated behavior often becomes more aggressive initially and thus, harder to control.

  14. It seems far more convenient for all concerned to suppress psychotic behavior with stupefying drugs.

  15. If the diet were drastically improved, the drugs given to control behavior in mental hospitals would be much more effective at a lower dose, or unnecessary.

  16. We are all to a degree responsible for the good behavior and safety of our fellow beings.

  17. One cause of Jim's inconsistent behavior about his bank account was the bad company he fell into on his playdays.

  18. This behavior of Count de Grasse," wrote the famous Tarleton, is "worthy of admiration.

  19. Closen notes with curiosity all he sees: "It is good behavior each time people meet to accost each other, mutually offering the hand and shaking it, English fashion.

  20. The first one who is affianced will have the pearls--Madame has said it; and I have a fancy that the little turquoise ring will be given to you when you go, for Madame approves your good behavior and charming manners.

  21. I feel that I ought to beg your pardon for my behavior yesterday.

  22. The Major-General's thanks are also due to the European and native officers and men composing the detachment, for their steady and gallant behavior throughout the operations, particularly on the 17th and 18th inst.

  23. The behavior of the Native Cavalry was also admirable.

  24. This discrepancy between pigment mixture and retinal mixture becomes clear as soon as one learns the physical make-up and behavior of paints.

  25. Here he related the strange behavior of the third stranger on entering the house during the hangman's song.

  26. The disturbance in the street had been occasioned by the frantic behavior of a man with a musket.

  27. Such behavior suggests that digging predators may be important natural enemies.

  28. Nothing is less like the mysterious operations of a faculty of reasoning transcending the laws of connection-forming, than the behavior of men in response to novel situations.

  29. What are the situations and responses that represent in actual behavior the quality that we call school patriotism?

  30. Successful responses to novel data, associations by similarity and purposive behavior are in only apparent opposition to the fundamental laws of associative learning.

  31. It is true that man's behavior in meeting novel problems goes beyond, or even against, the habits represented by bonds leading from gross total situations and customarily abstracted elements thereof.

  32. Purposive behavior is the most important case of the influence of the attitude or set or adjustment of an organism in determining (1) which bonds shall act, and (2) which results shall satisfy.

  33. Arithmetic is to him not a logical doctrine which he applies to various special instances, but a set of rather specialized habits of behavior toward certain sorts of quantities and relations.

  34. But these events and conditions have done nothing to stimulate me in respect to the behavior in question.

  35. The real issue in all this concerns the relative strength, in the pupil's intellectual life, of the "negative reaction" of behavior in general.

  36. Apart from what the delusion is, and whether or not you choose to believe in it, simply studying the behavior of the people involved, you should be able to tell who is acting normally and who is not.

  37. But the behavior of all was civilized and urbane, and if a thorn pricked or nettle burned, the sufferer concealed his pain and spoiled nobody's fun.

  38. He was not sure he wished to see Antonia in circumstances which would not allow him to express his resentment of her behavior toward the friend whom with her formal permission he had brought to her house.

  39. That was one of the times when I like the manners and behavior of this Injin the least.

  40. There was no mistaking these movements; and all the principal chiefs soon had their attention also drawn to the behavior of the dog.

  41. I believe this is quite unnecessary advice to you, Caroline, child, but I cannot help giving it, so unpleasantly surprised have I been at the behavior I have witnessed among some girls who ought to have known better.

  42. I must give you a few hints as to what I notice is common and unattractive behavior on these occasions.

  43. All noisy or unrestrained behavior is really very vulgar in any mixed company.

  44. This was after very insulting and even violent behavior by Dr.

  45. Lucy's behavior to her babe was a mixture of childish fondling and neglect.

  46. Sarah's absence had given rise to the most harrowing conjectures, made plausible by her extreme melancholy and fitful behavior since her infant's death.

  47. The only part of her behavior to herself to which she took mental exception was a certain pitying forbearance, a compassionate leniency with respect to her faults and foibles, that had grown upon her of late.

  48. We no longer approximate in our behavior to the mere impulsiveness of the lower animals, but conduct ourselves in every respect like members of a highly civilized society.

  49. But even a small change in the disposition of the weight will produce violent changes in the behavior of a coracle.

  50. Dressed in her simple mourning she looked dignified and calm, and her behavior corresponded well with her looks.

  51. The results of the action for which they are blamed were so splendid, that surely one might praise them for what they did, while the behavior of the others embarrasses all good men.

  52. Since I have learned nothing about his behavior and life from writings, no one should be surprised if I am willing to tell what I have heard told in public by some skillful speakers.

  53. Certainly it suits you to do nothing else; in this way you will receive the most generous reward for behavior that has been so wretched.

  54. His hatred of poor people also penetrates the text, often to bring into higher relief the behavior of aristocrats.

  55. Their foolishness, both in secular behavior and in religious belief, has thrived until this day, so that neither in the preparation of the Eucharist, nor in the location of the Apostolic see do they have anything in common with us.

  56. He spared their lives because of their untamed behavior and ugliness.

  57. Ulysses by this had watched the behavior of his people, and now understood who were faithful to him and who deserved no trust.

  58. Your companions have already been received into my palace, and have enjoyed the hospitable treatment to which the propriety of their behavior so well entitles them.

  59. To this beggar he made complaint of the King's wasted substance, and the insufferable behavior of these suitors of the Queen.

  60. Its unaccountable behavior made him conclude, at last, that the bird knew of some danger that awaited him, and which must needs be very terrible, beyond all question, since it moved even a little fowl to feel compassion for a human being.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "behavior" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    act; acting; action; activity; address; affectation; air; bearing; behavior; carriage; comportment; conditioning; conduct; custom; demeanor; deportment; doing; doings; employment; etiquette; exercise; feeling; form; function; functioning; gesture; guise; manner; manners; method; methodology; mien; moral; morality; movements; occupation; operation; pattern; performance; play; poise; policy; port; pose; posture; practice; praxis; presence; procedure; proceeding; psychology; reflex; reinforcement; style; swing; tactics; tone; way; work; working; workings