In the Place of Islands (Chasti Ostrova) is reputed to be a spring with a sour taste, while almost within the limits of the town of Sitka, Dr.
Enough to say of it, that in its limits are two mines, one of which has yielded over sixty-five millions of dollars in gold, and the other ranks among the richest of the mineral producing veins of the world.
She was well within the limits of acceptable standard, and her features were even enough, and her hair a middle blonde--but she had something else.
I want you to consider me your friend--within the limits of State good, that is.
For a little while the stream of youthful humanity flows sluggishly as between the banks of a canal, but once beyond the schoollimits it returns to nature.
I did not find it necessary to go to the limits of my knowledge.
Azote and the Gaza route were the limits of the first evangelical preachings toward the south.
A sea contracted within such narrow limits may seem but ill to deserve the singular epithet of broad, which Homer, as well as Orpheus, has frequently bestowed on the Hellespont.
Without presuming to investigate the nature or motives of this extraordinary conductor, we shall content ourselves with the more humble task of describing the extent and limits of Constantinople.
It created the very conception of charity, and broadened the limits of its obligation from the narrow circle of a neighborhood to the widest horizons of the race.
Beyond the limits of the Roman Empire, Sapor II, the king of Persia, waged three bloody wars against the Christians in his dominions.
It is impossible to justify the vain and credulous exaggerations of modern travellers, who have sometimes stretched the limits of Constantinople over the adjacent villages of the European and even of the Asiatic coast.
The only serious question presented is as to that article of the agreement which limits the distribution of the funds to be paid by the United States under it to the Sac and Fox Indians now in the Indian Territory.
We were shown into Bellingham's office to await results Lessingham paced agitatedly to and fro; he seemed to have reached the limits of his self-control, and to be in a condition in which movement of some sort was an absolute necessity.
Had speed not been of primary importance I should have insisted on the transference of the expedition to the somewhat wider limits of a four-wheeler.
Or for the sake of richer and more ornate effect, while confining our picture or illustration to the limits of the type-page, we may use our margin for a decorative framework or border.
Hence the actual origin of number may safely be excluded from the limits of investigation, and, for the present, be left in the field of pure speculation.
So reluctant, in many cases, are savages to count by words, that limits have been assigned for spoken numerals, which subsequent investigation proved to fall far short of the real extent of the number systems to which they belonged.
Beyond the limits given, the islanders have indefinite expressions, but as far as can be ascertained these are only used when the limits given above have actually been passed.
The origin of number would in itself, then, appear to lie beyond the proper limits of inquiry; and the primitive conception of number to be fundamental with human thought.
With respect to the limits to which the number systems of the various uncivilized races of the earth extend, recent anthropological research has developed many interesting facts.
Gloves are not much use in the prairie frost, and mittens, which are not divided into finger-stalls, will within limits fit almost anybody.
It was wholly unpaid labour, for which the men who preferred to remain within the safe limits of the saloon deck would presumably get the credit.
It was a slip of willow which will grow close up to the limits of the eternal ice, and it bore a rude representation of the British ensign union down, which signifies "In distress.
The only change that has been made in the limits of the diocese is that, in the year 1839, the county of Leicester was detached from the see of Lincoln and joined to Peterborough.
The counties of Northampton and Rutland were thelimits of the new see.
The triforium arches in the two easternmost bays, on both sides, have the hatchet ornamentation in the tympanum; this may either mark the limits of the old Benedictine choir, or may simply suggest earlier work.
Here are two people writing after the present west front was erected, and for persons before whose eyes the present west front appeared every day, and speaking of the tower and of the west front as well-known limits to a certain work.
It is, on the other hand, equally possible to carry the registers down several tones below the places called the breaks, so that at the limits of each register there are a number of tones which may be produced by two different mechanisms.
It must, therefore, be the voice trainer's business very carefully to ascertain the exact limits of the registers in every single case.
The reader will find in our columns a report, as ample as our limits have allowed, of the public breakfast given in Edinburgh on Wednesday last{1} to our distinguished countryman James Montgomery, and his friend the missionary Latrobe.
Texas was a vast territory, undefined as to its limits at that time, but covering an area eight or ten times greater than that of the largest state then in the Union.
Fortunately the limits of the land occupied by these dangerous little creatures is pretty well-known, and those who venture upon it with horses do so at their own risk.
The boy had altered wonderfully; but still there were limitsto the fatigue he could bear.
Those who thus shine only to dazzle, are influenced merely by custom and example, and neither examine, nor are qualified to examine, the motives of their own practice, or to state the nice limits between elegance and ostentation.
Providence has fixed the limits of human enjoyment by immoveable boundaries, and has set different gratifications at such a distance from each other, that no art or power can bring them together.
What then are the extent and limitsof the Liberty of the Will?
Such is the operation, and such are the limits of human foresight.
No one who looks back to his early childhood, can fail of recollecting, that, at times, his thoughts would even then reach the very limits of human thought.
I will give an account of a few of our boards, and that must suffice, or I shall exceed the limits I have prescribed to myself.
I expect that you will not be much harder to dispose of than this money, when you are beyond the limits of U.
The cans and the nuns mark the limits of the channel, and they tell you to steer between them.
When this limitation is fixed, it usually limits the shareholders to one vote regardless of the number of shares held.
They have the right to purchase property, to sell and mortgage assets of the corporation within the limits prescribed by the charter, regulations and by-laws of the corporation.
Carriers commonly endeavor to limit their exceptional liability by making a special contract with a shipper, by the terms of which the carrier limits his exceptional liability in case of loss.
Nowadays, such a constitution usually limits a legislature to a short biennial session and defines in detail what laws the legislature may and may not pass.
If not in one locality, then in another, whatever political projects are attainable within such limits by his school of philosophy may be converted by him and his co-workers from theory to fact.
But he was too good-humoured a man to be offended at such a harmless act of youthful levity; and five minutes were usually thelimits of anger with this amiable man on such occasions as I am about to relate.
Finding that no limits were likely to be put to my folly, my father very properly refused to honour any more of my bills.
The population here very far exceeded the limitsusually allotted to human beings in any situation of life except in a slave-ship.
They are undoubtedly found well outside the limits of modern (political) Assam, i.
In point of fact, the Constitution was simply the minutes of an agreement among certain gentlemen, to define the limits within which they would accept trust- funds, and the objects for which they should expend them.
At last he reaches the limitsof another estancia, and the pasturage of a stranger herd.
It is seldom that her wishes cross the limits of the domestic circle, which to her is earth itself and all that it contains which is most desirable.
Not that there were at the beginning of this period any distinct limits of demarcation from the days immediately preceding it: the contrary was the case.