More I could saie, and more I would saie of these and other things, were it not that in mine owne iudgement I haue said inough alreadie for the aduertisement of such as be wise.
Blesse O Lord this light, that is alreadie sanctified in thy sight, which hast lightned all men that come into the world (or the whole world) to the end that by the same light we may be lightned with the shining of thy brightnesse.
And herevpon he once againe did homage to the same king Henrie, which now could not be for the earledome of Huntingdon, the right whereof was alreadie by him surrendered.
Wherfore I will omit to saie anie more of wild and sauage beasts at this time, thinking my selfe to haue spoken alreadiesufficientlie of this matter, if not too much in the iudgement of the curious.
Certes this to me is no maruell at all, sith I haue read of greater, and mentioned them alreadie in the beginning of this booke.
The French king thanked the king of England for his gentle offer, but he alledged that the truce wasalreadie concluded, so that he could not then attempt anie thing against the same without reproch to his honour.
Mr. Edward Waller on the death of the countesse of Warwick:-- Curst be alreadie those Essexian plaines Where .
Erie Leofwinus throwghe the campe ypass'd, And sawe bothe men and erlies on the grounde; They slepte, as thoughe they woulde have slepte theyr last, And hadd alreadie felte theyr fatale wounde.
There were alreadie eight dead, and more then fifty sicke, and as we thought, past all hope of recouery.
In the way three Indians were taken, which said, that the Ladie of that Countrie had notice alreadie of the Christians, and staied for them in a towne of hers.
As for those partes which lie West and to the Southwardes, it may well bee hoped they will yeeld Wines with a small helpe, since the grapes doe growe there of themselues alreadie very faire and in great abundance.
The Gouernour commanded to loose a grayhound, which wasalreadie fleshed on them, which passing by many other Indians, caught the counterfait Cacique, which had escaped from the Christians, and held him till they came to take him.
And the table being alreadie laid he inuited them to dinner.
For which the Gouernour and all the rest were very sorie, for they had alreadie made some roades, and no Indians could bee taken, because the countrie was full of marish grounds, and in many places full of very hie and thicke woods.
He had alreadie bought seuen ships, and had all necessarie prouision aboord them: he appointed Captaines, and deliuered to euery one his ship, and gaue them in a role what people euery one should carrie with them.
Duke William and they that were with him stood (as no maruell it was) sore astonied, and amazed: so that he which thought he had alreadie all England fast in his fist, did now despaire of his owne life.
Henrie Knighton reporteth of this voiage as followeth, in somewhat a differing sort from this alreadielaid downe.
There were comealreadie to the castell, before the approching of the maine armie, the archbishop of Canturburie, the duke of Aumarle, the earle of Worcester, and diuerse other.
Then the eight appellants standing on the other side, cast their gloues to him, and in prosecuting their appeale (which alreadie had béene read) offered to fight with him man to man to iustifie the same.
Before the dore her yron charet stood, Alreadie harnessed for iourney new; 8 And coleblacke steedes yborne of hellish brood, That on their rustie bits did champ, as they were wood.
Not to debate the chalenge of your right, 8 But for this carkasse pardon I entreat, Whom fortune hath alreadie laid in lowest seat.
I haue alreadie deliuered him letters, and there appeares much ioy in him, euen so much, that ioy could not shew it selfe modest enough, without a badg of bitternesse Leo.
No, but the Barbers man hath beene seen with him, and the olde ornament of his cheeke hath alreadie stuft tennis balls Leon.
For neither in the one nor in the other, can I forsee anye remedie for mine honouralreadie lost.
The occasion why there be so many, isalreadie declared in his proper chapter.
The king hearing the pope named, waxed maruellous angrie: for they of Rome began alreadie to demand donations and contributions, more impudentlie than they were hitherto accustomed.
By which meanes, looke what is abated from the vsuall number of Hacknies, should (with a gainefull recompence) be added to their goodnes: and hereof this quarter hath alreadie taken some experiment.
I am a rimer of the Irish race, And haue alreadie rimde thee staring mad.
In the dedication of the first part to Prince Henry, the author says of his work, "it cannot want envie: for even in the birth it alreadie finds that.
So that barrainnesse is yet more miserable which neyther hadde, nor shall haue child, euen as they be more happie which haue alreadie lyued, then they which neuer haue, nor shall hereafter be borne to liue.
Rose hath alreadie made several little Changes for the better; improved the Ventilation of Robin's Chamber, and prevented his hearing soe manie Noises.
The old Story, whereof you have alreadie seen many Parcels; but, you know, my Vein ne'er flows so happily as from the autumnal to the vernal Equinox.
Peter, which alreadie he had drawen out of the scaberd, therewith to strike if he did not the sooner forsake his horrible errour & naughtie opinion.
Moreouer, he caused to be reported for a certeine truth, that the same Robert was alreadie created king of Jerusalem.
Thomas of Yorke, whom he knew alreadie to haue set himselfe vniustlie against the ancient constitutions of holie fathers, and against the Lord himselfe.
The archbishop of Canturburie had alreadie staied foure or fiue yeares in the parties beyond the sées, about the matter in controuersie betwixt him and Thurstane archbishop of Yorke, who was likewise gone ouer to solicit his cause.
But such was the prease of the companie that stroue to leape in with her, that it streightwaies sanke, so that all those which were alreadie in the boat were cast awaie.
Me thought I was this night alreadie dead: 5 (Strange dreames that giue a dead man leaue to thinke) And that my Ladie Iuliet came to me, And breathd such life with kisses in my lips, That I reuiude and was an Emperour.
Wherefore I doe conclude, that Chenchi is one of the confines of this kingdome, separated by certaine huge mountaines, as it hath bene alreadie said, that lie out towards the South.
My intention in this labour, is only to proue two things, as I haue alreadie said: the one, that such diuelish artes haue bene and are.
Your goods are seized alreadie for the Duke; And, if Prince Alberdure be found deceast, The least thou canst expect is banishment.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alreadie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.