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Example sentences for "recrossed"

Lexicographically close words:
recreative; recriminate; recrimination; recriminations; recross; recrosses; recrossing; recrudescence; recruit; recruited
  1. While executing this order the roar of the battle reached us from the extreme right of the army and our movements were by orders changed and we recrossed the river.

  2. We recrossed the field, driving the enemy beyond our first position in the timber on the east side of the road, for hours without protection of any kind, at very close range.

  3. Having asked and obtained the governor’s priestly blessing, they freely recrossed the Italian frontier.

  4. On the very night which followed the engagement Garibaldi and his sons recrossed the Italian frontier.

  5. Accordingly we recrossed the river without unnecessary delay and were soon relating our experiences around the camp fire while we ate a hasty lunch.

  6. The Indians finally recrossed the river to their rendezvous in the hills.

  7. Here we fired off our guns; and in the evening, having recrossed the river, encamped about a mile above, near where James Galloway now lives.

  8. My Gawd," he said, shaking his head as he recrossed the street and joined his comrades, "this is shore some funny country.

  9. The caissons recrossed the river during the night, for a new supply of ammunition.

  10. We recrossed the Rappahannock at twelve o'clock in the night.

  11. Both parties drew off, the French to Ronco, where they recrossed the Adige; the Austrians to a position behind the well-contested village of Arcola.

  12. This was greatly feared, for had General Lee advanced upon us, it is difficult to see how our men, though somewhat covered by the fire of our batteries from Falmouth Heights, could have recrossed the stream without fearful loss.

  13. I think we remained there three days; and the third night, I think, after we got up into that position, it was said the Rebels recrossed the river.

  14. Under cover of the night we recrossed the Rappahannock in safety.

  15. Our army, having accomplished its object, recrossed the Potomac, after what was decidedly a drawn battle.

  16. The demand for the surrender of the Menomenie murderers was entirely disregarded: and the British party of the Sacs and Foxes recrossed the Mississippi, and assuming a hostile attitude, established themselves upon Rock river.

  17. About ten o'clock in the forenoon, Keokuk and one hundred followers, recrossed the river, and proceeded in martial array to the garrison.

  18. After an hour of alternate smoking and talking, Keokuk arose and shook hands with Black Hawk, saying he should return to-morrow; and then recrossed the river in silence.

  19. Running out of grub, Henderson again recrossed the divide, and went down the Indian River and up the Yukon to Sixty Mile.

  20. As the Rendezvous broke up, Mr. Carson joined a large party, and recrossed the mountains to the Yellowstone, where they had already had so many bloody encounters with the Blackfeet Indians.

  21. It was found quite difficult to follow their trail, for, during the night, a herd of several thousand buffaloes had crossed and recrossed it, quite trampling it out of sight.

  22. He therefore recrossed the branch, took up a safe position for the night, and sent Lieutenant Sheehan back to Sibley for reinforcements.

  23. The movement of General Sully resulted in overtaking the Sioux who had recrossed the Missouri and were hunting in Dickey County, North Dakota.

  24. He recrossed the farmyard, quieted the dog, which had started barking again, went out on the road bordering on his ditch, and disappeared in the direction of Tourville.

  25. And so he began to read the letter, which was written in a large English handwriting, crossed and recrossed in every direction.

  26. Washington, with less than twenty-three hundred men, recrossed the Delaware at night.

  27. Washington recrossed the Delaware into Pennsylvania with his prisoners and spoils that very night.

  28. Her jupe, of the same colour, recrossed and interlaced with tawdry gold tinsel, came only to the knee, below which appeared limbs that many a Roman statuary had modelled, so perfect were they in every detail of symmetry and beauty.

  29. These narrow roads, barely wide enough for two horsemen abreast, crossed and recrossed in the dark forest, ever leading between walls of the same dusky foliage, with scanty glimpses of a blue sky through the arched branches overhead.

  30. As we rode along the farm lanes where the rail fences had {474} been torn away as they were crossed and recrossed by charging columns, we found, not widely separated, the victims of the bayonet.

  31. He therefore turned back, and recrossed the North Anna.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recrossed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.