The prophecies of the apostles relative to the false teachers so soon to trouble the flock, already quoted,[618] declare the apostasy then rapidly approaching.
So did Alma teach the people of Gideon, as already quoted.
Mr. John Bigelow, already quoted in these pages, summarized Lincoln's character and achievements in a passage of singular eloquence and force.
In support of the position taken by Superintendent Wood, already quoted in regard to the orderliness of the Yukon, it is interesting to quote from Inspector Wroughton, who was in command of the Dawson Division.
These men were of the same calibre as the young constable in the foothill country who was caught in a blizzard while out on duty, and on whose body, as already quoted, was found a paper with the words: "Lost.
They too have not left any great monuments of architecture (see for further information the works already quoted of Bruhl, Brinton, etc.
Footnote 666: See the works of Castelnau, Von den Steinen, and Ehrenreich, already quoted.
Buttrick, already quoted, says in his statement of the Cherokee cosmogony: "When God created the world he made a heaven or firmament about as high as the tops of the mountains, but this was too warm.
Vandera makes it one hundred leagues from Santa Elena, while Martinez, already quoted, makes the distance one hundred and twenty leagues.
In the letter of 12 August from the Fleet Prison, already quoted (Hist.
What we know on that head comes exclusively from Winthrop's 'Journal,' already quoted.
That this law had been carelessly followed after the Reformation is clear, else Venus Levat, already quoted, would not have been married in 1631 under that name.
According to the table of receipts from manufacturers in the "summary" already quoted,[35] the 10d.
Lionel Curtis, Letters to the People of India on Responsible Government, already quoted at the end of Chapter IV.
Good examples are found in the writings of Mukerjee and Lajpat Rai, already quoted.
Her verbal output, when left undoctored by her clerks, is quite unmistakable It always exhibits the strongly distinctive features observable in the virgin passages from her pen already quoted by me: Desert vacancy, as regards thought.
Note also Paul's words to the Corinthians, already quoted: "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all?
The words of Jesus, already quoted, may be reinforced by the following passages: "Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "already quoted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.