Sainfoin, as already intimated, is perennial in its habit of growth.
Sometimes a less quantity will suffice, as when there is more or less of seed in the land, and, as already intimated, because of the store of seed in the land in many instances, it is not necessary to sow it at all.
When the subsoils are simply stiff clays, deep subsoiling, as already intimated, may render much service, but when composed of hard pan this may not be practicable.
Successive crops of hay may be grown from year to year on the same land, as already intimated.
The tenure upon which farm-lands are held in Queensland, as already intimated, seemed to us to be not a little confusing.
As already intimated, characters which cannot be whitewashed in England are often encouraged to emigrate to Australia.
And this ground afforded, as already intimated, a plausible footing to the father for proceeding to extremities against the son.
As already intimated, the prospects of both had been blighted through oppression and villainy, brought to bear upon them by distant relatives, who were the infamous agents of a still more infamous government.
The wonderful prosperity of the Company had excited, as already intimated, the envy of the merchants in London and Bristol; moreover, the people suffered from the monopoly being in the hands of a few stockholders, who controlled the market.
Hicks, as already intimated, was a very short man, very rotund about the belly.
In the south, as already intimated, the rulers of Lagash and the dynasty of Ur are the earliest of which we have any record.
In later times, among the Assyrians, the Nabu cult, as already intimated, grows in popularity.
As already intimated, the German and Russian languages are spreading over the country, and will eventually obliterate the native tongue without the enforcement of arbitrary measures on the part of the dominant powers.
The censorship of the press is still enforced to a certain extent, though as already intimated it is far from being so rigid as heretofore.
As already intimated, to this church belongs the interest of having always preserved its original character as a sanctuary of the Greek Orthodox Communion.
As already intimated, its agricultural interests are largely on the increase, the strongest element of permanency.
The annual export, as already intimated, is considerably over sixty thousand hogsheads.
The special fruit of this province, as already intimated, is oranges, and it is safe to say that none produced elsewhere can excel them.
From the Snake to the Boise, as already intimated, the country was, if anything, still more barren and desolate, than the region we had just passed over.
As already intimated, we found the Gila very high and still rising.
But, as already intimated, the Protestants believe in putting the bible in every house, hotel and school.
But, as already intimated, notwithstanding these enormous sales, the bible is read so little by the present generation that it may well be called The Neglected Book.
As already intimated, if the whole book is of God, it is difficult to see why certain portions of it should be more or less godly than others.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "already intimated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.