Jacolliot shows that as the French code is copied or adapted from the Justinian, so equally the Justinian was derived from that of Manu, many centuries previously.
This picture is copied bodily from a French caricature, ‘Le Chef de la Grande Nation dans une triste position.
He copied the insignificant and the important with equal conscientiousness, but with an evident predilection for the commonplace and the morally repulsive; in fact, everything with him centred in one plan, vigorous but harsh.
Had he copied and translated the codex he found in the library of Pamphilus at Caesarea, instead of that he procured from Beraea, it is probable that he would have found it not to contain the passages of Gnostic tendency.
The Hebrew Gospel was closely related to the Gospel of St. Matthew; that we know from the testimony of St. Jerome, who saw, copied and translated it.
For the rest, Don hoped that he had copied Count Borg's own voice and manner successfully.
I have machines, copied from the torture rooms of Ancient China, which can extract any secret!
Cairn, "was copied from the wall of a certain tomb--now reclosed.
He soon found the information for which he was looking, and having copied it into his notebook, he left the reading-room.
Copied from the tomb of Neferhotep to Abd-el-Qurnah.
To-morrow it will be sent to AEgina, to be copied in gold, as the soft wax becomes injured from frequent contact with your sister's burning hands and lips.
Izdubar strangling a lion and fighting with a lion (relief at Khorsabad) is admirably copied in Delitzsch's edition of G.
They are not copied from things, but are archetypal for reality and need no confirmation from experience.
Rajendra Lala Mitra says that the Buddhist books of the "Great Vehicle" are in a servile manner copied from Brahmin treatises.
James copied the story from "Luke," of a later date.
In some quarters these analogies are admitted, but it is said that the Buddhists copied from the Christian scriptures.
The question now arises, Which author hascopied from the other?
James" copied the story from Luke, the companion of Paul.
At about the same time the consulship was offered to Marcus, the home papers copied an interview from the Washington journals in which the name of Bruce figured gratifyingly.
Mamma says bangs are copied from a doubtful person, an actress, and she's not sure she wants to see me have them.
Among the rest was a page of chemical signs and those used by the alchemists, some of which he had copied off for magic.
That Mr. Mendham faithfully copied this last peculiarity is shown by his own singular misconception of the word, which he has taken to be complete, and on p.
He therefore either copied the title of what he thought a genuine edition, or carelessly substituted that of the counterfeit.
This passage was copied from a British paper; part of it only, perhaps, was transcribed.
He professed to have copied this piece from an antique dug up with his own hands in the environs of Modena.
At the same time, they may possibly have been copiedfrom others of earlier date; and I therefore send you a slight sketch of the figure of Rollo.
The others are wholly destroyed; nor could Ducarel find even a fragment of the effigies that had been upon them; but engravings of these had fortunately been preserved by Montfaucon[81], from whom he has copied them.
You see we have merelycopied your own statement upon oath, in which you have detailed all these frightful circumstances with horrible minuteness!
Whatever was not approved, met with immediate destruction; the rest was carefully corrected and polished, and afterwards copied out into a big book, a sort of ledger, bought at Stamford fair.
The rituals even of the respectable Degrees, copied and mutilated by ignorant men, became nonsensical and trivial; and the words so corrupted that it has hitherto been found impossible to recover many of them at all.
They were copied from the talismans of Persia and Arabia, and given to every candidate at his initiation.
A medalcopied by Montfaucon exhibits a female nursing a child, with ears of wheat in her hand, and the legend (Iao).
The benches behind the bar were empty, the bailiff slept with his gray chin on his breast, the clerk copied pleadings in the record, pausing now and then to look out at the flurries of snow.
From there a clerk copied them on to a blank form, sealed it with a gilt seal, and, like the young judge, forgot the incident.
What you have just copied from the board is to be used for this dictation.
A number of the invitations should now be copied neatly on the board.
Some of the circus stories should be copied neatly on the board.
Then the whole class may try to make them better before they are copied on the pages of the circus book.
Some of the riddles should now be copied neatly on the board.
The letter D: enclosed within it is painted "The Agony in the Garden," copied from the preceding picture by Mantegna.
Benjamin West, copied the "Gevartius," and at this day there is no picture in the Gallery more often copied by students.
Vatican (also copiedand engraved for the Arundel Society).
He set out in 1508 in the suite of Philip of Burgundy, and remained about ten years in Italy where he copied the works of Leonardo and Michael Angelo.
One of the best known and most be-copied pictures in the Gallery.
This composition was copiedwith variations by Gaudenzio's follower Giuseppe Giovenone in a picture now at Turin.
Later writers merely copied it, until, in 1804, Carlo Amoretti applied to it a criticism which left hardly a date fixed, and not one of those anecdotes untouched.
In that inestimable folio of drawings, once in the possession of Vasari, were certain designs by Verrocchio, faces of such impressive beauty that Leonardo in his boyhood copied them [124] many times.
The design of them was hastily copied and printed in Pinkerville and scattered broadcast over the United States and copies were sent to Europe, and there reproduced.
Bert copied sketches, he made notes, he made a quite tolerable and intelligent copy of the essential drawings and sketches of the others.
Reality has since copied Prince Carl with an astonishing faithfulness.
He had clearly seen her staring under the gas-jet at the copied letter.
It doesn't matter, but you ought to have signed it before it was copied in the letter-book.
Reading and explaining aloud, he inscribed the cabalistic signs of correction in the margin of his proof, and she faithfully copied them in the margin of hers, for practice.
But we are ourselves firing wide of our mark, or digressing from the point: which is, that the above paragraph, copied from the Stirling Journal, is evidently the production of a lady.
The advertisement is copied literally from the Times newspaper.
The Latins have changed and confused this story, which the moderns have, in their turn, copied without examination.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "copied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.