The discovery of chloroform and anaesthetics has led to their use for the purpose of alleviating human suffering.
That science conduces to humanity by preventing {150} andalleviating animal suffering has been already alluded to (p.
It is, in my opinion, undeniable that the protests of the Churches and Church" leaders contributed to alleviating the measures against the refugees and their ultimate cancellation in practice.
These two worthy Caledonians operate together in alleviating our hard lot; and they do as much to please us, as the jealous and revengeful disposition of some body else will admit of.
The best apology I can make for the practice of gaming is, the hope of alleviating this most abominable system of starvation.
They are also recommended as being remedial or alleviating in cases of consumptive tendency.
Elecampane is cultivated for its roots, which are carminative, sudorific, tonic, and alleviating in pulmonary diseases.
The memory of such scenes set a kindly Swiss gentleman to thinking of ways and means for alleviating their horrors.
None has ever adhered more closely to its one single purpose of alleviating human suffering.
The value of Catholic services in alleviating pain and sickness, and the more exceptional forms of suffering, can never be overrated.
Besides the nuns, whose office dedicated them to acts of charity, many of the noble ladies found pleasure in alleviating the afflictions of the poor.
The moral and physical degradation and suffering of the inmates of prisons particularly appealed to her compassionate nature, and she set herself the task of alleviating their condition.
And there is perhaps no form of mere philanthropy so powerful to exact gratitude from the most unlikely objects, as that of alleviating pain.
The free hospitals for Chinese, set on foot by the army surgeons, not only did a great deal of good in alleviating suffering, but prepared the way for mutual good feeling in the after intercourse between natives and foreigners.
And, having seen the alleviating effects of cold water in fevers and inflammations, and knowing that there were no other remedies within reach, she at once decided on its application.
This task ofalleviating your trouble, or diminishing their number, is the only one I will or can now fulfil.
Without the sad sense of men's sorrows, there will be no earnestness in alleviating them, nor self-sacrificing devotion; and without much prayer there will be little consciousness of weakness or dependence on divine help.
Secondly, such a realisation of the dark facts is indispensable to all true work for alleviating them.
Opiates are of great use in alleviating the pains and twitchings in the limb.
He had been absent more than 16 years, and had revisited England, in the hope of alleviating the symptoms of a pulmonary complaint.
The Court of Guardians on December 1st appointed a committee to advise as to the best means of alleviating the wants of the people.
Could this money be more usefully employed than in alleviatingthese evils?
Then comes my text, alleviating the terror of that thought of destruction by showing the principles on which the reception and rejection are especially based, the sort of people who receive and who reject.
The resumption of aid flows from all donors is alleviating but not ending the nation's bitter economic problems.