Helene, who had risen with charming alertness at the first intimation of her mother's intentions, now confronted that frigid dame with the subdued radiance of her glance.
Confinement for days in a bare box car, with not even water to wash their faces and hands in, had not altogether robbed them of a certain trim alertness which seems to belong to the British fighting man.
To look at him you would never guess that he had so recently been wounded; his color is high and he moves with the stiff, precise alertness of the German army man.
It is nimbleness without grace, and alertness without intelligence.
Towards the end of the evening she saw with sudden alertness Ellen dancing with a new partner, a handsome young man, who carried himself with more assurance than the school-boys.
Ellen gathered up her presents into her lap, and sat there a few minutes through the last dance, which she had refused to Granville Joy, who went away with nervous alertness for another girl, and nobody spoke to her.
A glance at the map would show, however, that it was a very large field for seven guns, and that it would need all their alertness to prevent the driven game from breaking back.
Again the myth that colonial alertness is greater than that of regular troops seems to have been exposed.
From his Norman forebears he had, beneath all, a shrewdness and an elementary alertness not submerged by his vain, kind nature.
It was the time between the sowing and the hay-time, and there was a feeling of alertness in everything that had life, while even the rocks and solid earth seemed to stir.
He sat with his elbows on the arms of his chair and his hands folded beneath his chin, quite still, but with a queer look of alertness upon his whole person.
Not merely were its deep lines shown up, but all the old humor andalertness had gone.
Her eyes, the alertness of her face, the eager tones of her voice, were irresistible to him, an old tired man.
Our dear mother was on Sunday the 12th December in all her usual strength andalertness of mind.
I wish we had a touch of your hand to make the parties rise in the morning, at which they show as little alertness as usual.
Archie had no doubt whatever, as he got up with an alertnessthat had not been his for weeks, of the genuineness of the communication.
Something kindled behind his eye, some secret alertness possessed him.
With the superior alertnessand quickness of his race, a white behind the counter accomplishes more than twice as much as the former black.
In the affair last told, Davis showed a freedom from confusion and analertness that is very rare.
Now constant alertness is needed to see that every dollar laid out comes back, if not with addition, at least without loss.
A satisfactory reply need not postulate any other than ordinary intelligence and alertness for the south.
It is possible that the apparent precocious alertness of girls in their school years, and earlier, may be simply a predominance among them of the motor individuals.
Those who know them have come to expect a peculiar alertness of mind and freshness of method in any new work by this author, whether his conclusions be such as they are ready to receive or not.
After the departure of their foreign visitors the natives assumed an alertness strangely at variance with their usual stolid demeanor.
His brown eyes glowed and the White Chief noted that an eager alertness lighted his lean tanned face.
Such, indeed, proved to be the case, for one of the morning papers had contained an article, eulogizing the alertnessand general competence of Scotland Yard.
Just what the child feared no one could tell, but there was a constant appearance of alertness in her attitude even in her happiest moments.
After a time they even looked about them with, dim stirrings of an attitude other than a desperate alertness for danger.
Burl led them across-country, marching in advance with a matter-of-fact alertness for signs of danger.
They are being nurtured to greater alertness of mind, to greater keenness of observation, and the foundations are being laid for vastly enlarged social activities.
As alertness and enterprise began to be indispensable in commercial activity, he grew alert and enterprising.
A long peace had filled the lists of officers with old men past that age in which may be expected the alertness and energy that must be possessed by Jack afloat.
From the main-deck every thing was removed that could obstruct the easy handling of the tremendous mortars; and the men were drilled to skill and alertness in firing the huge engines of death.
That authority, as I shall show, transcends both in power and in alertness the natural reactions of the national mind, and is incomparably more potent in combating ideas.
I don't mean that their interest and alertness does not vary, but they are obedient and active-minded children, and they prefer their lessons with me so much that it has not occurred to them to be bored.
The coachman, a stolid, reliable man, well trained to his duties, did not offer to assist his master, but sat in most approved alertness upon his box while Haney painfully descended to the walk.
But he ceased this again, knowing that he must be of hair-trigger alertness to watch for the stamp of the white horse.
It was while she stared at it, letting her tensed alertness relax little by little, that she saw, or thought she saw, a hint of moving white pass over the top of the rise of ground and disappear among the trees.