Maisters feare not for I haue wit inough To beguyle my selfe, and to beguyle you 500 I haue vegyled many one I may say to you I pray you kepe that in councelll +liberty.
Carteret came and sat a while, he being angry for Sir Williams making of the maisters of this fleet upon their own heads without a full table.
Aw can't tell why a workin man Should wear his life away, Wol maisters grasp at all they can, An grudge a chap his pay.
Alsoe wee doe order that the said Clarke shall porsecute such pĖsons as the Maisters of this Companye shall from tyme to tyme geeve order for.
Well, your maisters have much to answer for that bring ye up so wickedly.
Of these foure the moost difficile or harde is to inuent what thou must say / wherfore of this parte the Rethoriciens whiche be maisters of this Arte: haue writen very moche & dilige[n]tly.
IF euery man my lordes and maisters of this citie wolde obserue and kepe the ryght and maiestye of a man agaynst his owne wife / we shuld haue ferre lesse en- combrance now with the hole thronge tha[n] we haue.
The Stewarde of a Noble mans house, may not be so bolde to invite straungers, uppon his owne head, and set them downe at his Lorde & Maisters table.
My Maistersof saint Albones, [dae107] Haue you not Beadles in your Towne, And things called whippes?
This other, the Maisters Mate shall haue, And Water Whickmore thou shalt haue this man, [dal005] And let them paie their ransomes ere they passe.
And then enter the Captaine of the ship and the Maister, and the Maisters Mate, & the Duke of Suffolke disguised, and others with him, and Water Whickmore.
The maidens that shoulde haue dressed theyr maisters suppers, they wepe and crye; boyes and prentises sorow and lament; they wote not what to say, whan thei come home.
By this tale, seruauntes may lerne to kepe theyr maisters biddyng: but yet I aduise maysters therby to take hede, howe they make an iniunction.
The cut and thrust notes on this occasion exhibit a complete match between the two great Shakspearean maisters of defence.
Now it is not to be presumed that the last-mentioned maisters of fence had taken any degree.
This day I come home; and as to our materes, I shall be with yow on Monday and Teusday next, be my maisters advys, and enforme yow of all, and of suche as I will not write.
Servants that have served deligentlie and faithfully to the benefitt of their maistersseaven yeares, shall not be sent away emptie.
To top both stones and darts good fellowes hoise apace: The quarter maisterswith glad hearts do know ech one his place.
And hard aboord he comes to enter in our boat, Our maisters mate, his pike eftsoones strikes through his targe and throat.
And eke the maisters mate, of stomacke bolde and stout, For all his wound receiu'd of late, yet stirred not a foot.
So to my office, where all the afternoon giving maisters their warrants for this voyage, for which I hope hereafter to get something at their coming home.
Lodyngland be assygned to be afore the seyd commesyoners; and it is supposed it is for my maisters londs, for as the seyd persone informyd me, the seyd comesyoners have been at Cotton, and there entred, and holdyn a court.
At one time wor ships were all loaded Sae canny and snug by the keels, And then a' wor maisters made money, And keelmen were a' happy chiels; But now your fine drops de the business!
Heere is a wond'rous Water for the Eye; This for the Stomacke: Maisters will you buy?
But now the third plage equall to the pestilence insued, by the working of the maisters of the forfeitures, and such informers as were appointed thereto.
But after, there were appointed two maisters and surueiors of his forfeits, the one sir Richard Empson, and the other Edmund Dudleie.
Then the keeper willed him to stand, which when he would not doo, the keeper nocked his arrow and shot vnto him, and killed him; who when he perceiued that it was his maister, then he called to remembrance his maisters former commandement.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maisters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.