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Example sentences for "oracion"

Lexicographically close words:
opulus; opus; opynyon; ora; oracle; oracles; oracular; oral; orally
  1. An Oracion Historicall, vpon Kyng Richard the thirde sometyme Duke of Glocester.

  2. An Oracion Historicall, howe Semiramis came to bee Quéene of Babilon.

  3. An Oracion Ciuill or Iudiciall, vpon Themistocles, of the walle buildyng at Athenes.

  4. This oracion of a common place, is like to the laste argu- ment or Epilogus of any oracion, whiche the Grekes doe call Deuterologian, whiche is as moche to saie, as a rehearsall of that whiche is spoken of before.

  5. This Oracion is called a common place, because the matter conteined in it, doeth agree vniuersally to all menne, whiche are partakers of it, and giltie of thesame[.

  6. An Oracion made vpon the fable of the Shepeherdes and the wolues.

  7. Frame your Oracion vpon a sentence, as in the Oracion before.

  8. Reade his Oracion in the seconde booke, made vpon the funerall of the dedde soldiours.

  9. This oracion of a common place, serueth bothe for the ac- cuser and the defender.

  10. An Oracion called Thesis, as concerning the goodly state of Mariage.

  11. In the makyng of it, ye shall diuide it thus, to make the Oracion more plaine, into three tymes.

  12. As in the oracion that Porci[us] Chato made agaynst the sumptuousnes of the women of Rome / thus begynnynge.

  13. And on this maner dothe Aristides begyn his oracion made to the praise of Rome.

  14. A very elega[n]t example is in the oracion that Angele Policiane made to the laude of histories / whiche is this.

  15. Of the whiche places Tul[-] ly in his oracion for Milo bryngeth in the more parte to gyther in a cluster on this maner.

  16. As Tully in his oracion now often alleged argueth against Clodius by signes goynge afore the dede / as that Clodius sayd thre dayes afore Mi- [E.

  17. Example of bothe is had in the oracion [E.

  18. For after the proheme of the oracion and the narracion / than go we to the prouynge of our mater.

  19. The seconde kynde of an oracion demonstratiue is: where in is praysed or dyspraysed / nat the persone but the dede.

  20. COnfutacio[n] is the soilyng of suche argumentes as maye be induced agaynst our purpose / which part is but lytle vsed in an oracion demonstra- tiue.

  21. Composicion is an apte settinge together of wordes, whych causeth all the partes of an oracion to bee trymmed al alyke.

  22. And in this kynd both the whole is cõpared to the whole, & the partes to partes: as in the oracion of Cicero for Milo.

  23. For it is a kynde of oracion that is lette downe euen to the mooste vsed custume of pure and clere speakyng.

  24. Articulus, article is, when eche word is set asunder by cutting the oracion thus.

  25. Inutilis repeticio eiusdem, is a vayne repeting agayn of one word or moe in all one sentence, whyche faute by takyng lytle heede, Cicero also fell into, as in the oracion for Aulus Cluencius.

  26. The playne and euident speche is learned of Gramarians, and it keepeth the oracion pure, and without all faute, and maketh that euerye thyng may seme to be spoken purelye apertlye, and clerelye.

  27. And suche an oracion can not cause the hearer to take anye heede, when it goeth so in and out, and comprehendeth not any thyng wyth perfecte wordes.

  28. Sometyme it is more largelye declared, as in the oracion for Murena.

  29. And it foloweth as we saye in one tenour, distinguyshyng all the oracion wyth small ornamentes both of wordes, and sentences.

  30. He was inclined to mysticism and had written a work entitled Oracion de Fe interior, which the Inquisition admitted to contain no reprobated doctrine but yet to be dangerous for popular use.

  31. In his mystic zeal he imagined himself inspired in the composition of a work entitled El Discipulo espiritual que trata de oracion mental y de espiritu, which he submitted to several learned theologians, whose emendations he adopted.

  32. Suddenly, the first stroke of the Oracion broke through the air.

  33. He did not remain long in this position, however, for just after he had reached the Parian, the Oracion began.

  34. Fabels and tales wyll the chylde lerne so muche the more gladly, and remember the better, if he maye see before his eyes the argumentes properly paynted, and what soeuer is tolde in the oracion be shewed him in a table.

  35. The daughter of Quintus Hortencius so expressed her fathers eloquence, that ther was longe ago an oracion of hers to se, that she made before the officers called Triumuiri, not only (as Fabius sayth) to the prayse of womankynd.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oracion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.