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Example sentences for "sayd"

Lexicographically close words:
saxteen; saxty; saxum; say; sayas; sayde; saye; sayed; sayenge; sayes
  1. It is situated at the foot of certaine hilles, which conteine in compasse by estimation aboue twenty leagues, compassing the sayd city on the one side, and a lake which is fourteene leagues about on the other side.

  2. March: who departing out of the citie of Bristoll in a good ship called The barke yong, in companie of other Marchants of the sayd citie, within 8.

  3. A relation of the commodities of Noua Hispania, and the maners of the inhabitants, written by Henry Hawkes merchant, which liued fiue yeeres in the sayd countrey, and drew the same at the request of M.

  4. And halfe a league within the land the citie of Nombre de Iesus was builded, East and West with the sayd cape right against a cliffe, which commeth from the sayd Cape, and goeth within the Streits.

  5. The sayd messengers told mee particularly without fayling in any one poynt, all that which the first messenger had tolde mee, and much more, and gaue mee more plaine information thereof.

  6. And then bespake the kings daughter, And these words thus sayd shee: .

  7. And when hee came that ladye too, Vnto that likesome dame sayd hee, Now God thee saue, thou ladye ffaire, The heyre of all my land thou'st bee.

  8. Thou takes a ffoolish part,' the Lord Iockye sayd 'And a ffoolish part thou takes on thee; Thou shalt haue a better then euer he was, That forty pounds cost more nor hee.

  9. Nowe sell me thy harpe,' sayd the kyng of Spayne, 'Thy harpe and stryngs eche one, And as many gold nobles thou shalt have As there be stryngs thereon.

  10. Wee beene harpers,' sayd Adler Younge, 'Come out of the northe countrye; Wee beene come hither untill this place This proud weddinge for to see.

  11. Now be my troth,' sayd Child Maurice, 'And that shall not be I.

  12. Then bespake her father deare: My daughter, I saye naye; Remember well the kyng of Spayne, What he sayd yesterdaye.

  13. Hée sayd also, that if he went from them, his subiectes woulde rebell, and compell him to kill the Spanyardes.

  14. Also, the sayd Gouernour sente other secret letters to Iames de Ordas and others, requiring them to apprehende and take prisoner Cortez.

  15. Then he called hys Spanyardes, and sayd vnto them: beholde, what woulde it haue preuayled vs to kyll these poore soules, hauyng yonder so manye enimies?

  16. Cortez sayd vnto him, lo sée what troth I haue vsed with thée, for Mutezuma dareth not to send any army, no nor yet displease anye person where I am.

  17. I haue promysid to dyuerce gentilmen and to my frendes to adresse to hem as hastily as I myght this sayd book.

  18. God have mercye; For as Peter is princeps Apostolorum, So to the[e] may be sayd clerlye, Of all foolys that ever was stultus stultorum.

  19. And to see the sayd reliquyes, Juels and plate safely and surely to be conveyde to owr towre of London in to owr Jewyll house there chargeing the m^r of owr Jewyls w^th the same.

  20. And further we wyll that you charge and co[~m]ande in owr name the sayd Deane there to take downe such monumentes as may geve any occasion of memorye of such supersticion and Idolatrye hereafter.

  21. There were at that tyme twoe shrynes in the sayd Cath.

  22. If you shall amongst you advise mee to write to hir, I shall forthwith; our towne lookes upon mee contracted & so I have sayd myselfe; what wonder the charge [change?

  23. You have often sayd I could not leave her; what to doe is very considerable.

  24. Ad: yt ys is called ye light of yor Conscienc, the true teacher, and sayd to be the first step to peace, ult verba.

  25. The name of religion, be it good or bad that is ruinated, God neuer suffers vnreuenged, He say of it as Ouid sayd of Eunuchs: Qui primus pueris genitalia membra recidit Vulnera qua fecit deduit ipse pati.

  26. But so closely were all those organizing implements obscured in the corpulent trunks of the trees, that euerie man there present renounst coniectures of art, and sayd it was done by inchantment.

  27. And calling the neighbours harde by, sayd I had caused my selfe to bee lockt into my chamber after that sort, sent awaye my curtizane whome I called my wife, and made cleane my rapier, because I would not bee suspected.

  28. She kneeled downe on her knees, and sayd it was such as Zacliarie the Jew had deliuered her with his owne hands, and therefore if it misliked his holines she craued pardon.

  29. I verie mildly and grauely gaue him audience, raile on them I did not after his tale was ended, but sayd I would trie what the lawe coulde doe.

  30. We had Curds and Creams; and she wished it were the Time of Strawberries, for she sayd they had large Beds; and then my Father and the Boys went forthe to looke for Master Agnew.

  31. Sayd I, "Rose, to be Mistress of this pretty Cottage, t'were hardlie amisse to marry a man as old as Master Roger.

  32. This is the Aue maria / that Gabryell sayd salutynge our blessyd lady / & it is the gospell.

  33. He aunswered: I sayd neuer more then the write sayth, nor yet more then I haue sayd before.

  34. And I say the Masse is holden greatly in estimation, and hygh amongest men, and is not founded in the word, therefore I sayd it was Idolatry and abhominable in the sight of God.

  35. I sayd (quoth he) that after our Lord Jesus Christ had eaten the Pascall Lambe in hys latter Supper wyth his Apostles, and fulfilled the ceremonies of the olde law, he instituted a new Sacrament in remembrance of his death then to come.

  36. It is an horrible heresie, sayd the Byshop of Orknay.

  37. In the first, thou hast sayd and taught, that the bread and wyne on the altar, after the wordes of consecration, are not the body and bloud of Jesu Christ.

  38. Anthonyes in the sayd Cytye of London, the year of our Lord God M.

  39. Then sayd the Accuser: Thou hast preached, sayd, and openly taught diuers and sundry other great errours and abhominable heresies agaynst all the vij.

  40. Moreouer by the same witnes it is testified, that the sayd Frier dyed immediatly before the sayd day came, without remorse of conscience, that he had persecuted the Innocent.

  41. He has received worde from the cytie of London, and his friends, great merchaunts all, and notably, Salmone and Glukstyn, sayd likewise that there will be no warre.

  42. The Kynge of Englande has layd siege to Calys and has sayd he will take the towne by famysshing.

  43. Have sayd I will gladly fall to their wish.

  44. The Cardinall sayd neither the Kynge of Englande nor the Frenche Kynge desire warre, but the honour of them and of their people saved, they wolde gladly fall to any reasonable way.

  45. She sayd ‘There came nobody but Andrew there all that day.

  46. To proue that the sayd Paget did resiste to the constable when he came to apprehend him.

  47. William Poyser sayeth, when the constable came to apprehende the sayd Paget he kept the constable out with force, and sayd he should not enter on him.

  48. To proue that the sayd Paget did say, Shortlye will come vnto the realme frenche dogges, I hope I shall see thame all rootted out.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sayd" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    sayd before; sayde vnto