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Example sentences for "kepte"

Lexicographically close words:
kepis; kepit; kepith; keppit; kept; kepyng; kepynge; keramic; keratitis; kerb
  1. And if it should happen that eny of them were not there present, his Felow for aneynst hym shall goe alone, the which Order shall be kepte and observed, as well in goyng in Procession as elliswhere in other Places.

  2. He of his boddie han kepte watch and ward.

  3. Allso they sent what beaver they could spare to pay some of their ingagementes, & to defray his chargs; for those deepe interests still kepte them low.

  4. Robinson & y^e rest) must still be kepte back, or els all will be spoyled.

  5. Some of y^e worst of y^e company were disperst, and some of y^e more modest kepte y^e house till he should be heard from.

  6. But no Indeans apeared; watch was kepte all night, but nothing was scene.

  7. Being robbed by y^e French-men by y^e way, and carried by them into France, and were kepte ther 15.

  8. She was of a holy lyf, and moste humble and honourable, as the whiche every yere kepte and held a feste upon Crystemasse-day of her neyghbours bothe farre and nere, tyll her halle was ful of them.

  9. Thus carelesse a tyme with them I lived at pleasure, Surfetted with self will and with fonde delite; I knew no golden meane, nor never kepte a measure, But like a kyndlie beare gan tymelie to byte.

  10. And fulle honestely they ben kepte in that place; and sum ben restoryde unto hyr witte and helthe a-gayne.

  11. Sume be straught from there wyttes,” it declares, “thuse be kepte and mayntend in the Hospital of our Ladye of Beddelem untyle God caule them to his marcy or to ther wyttes agayne.

  12. Incontinent he commaunded some of those Captaines to be slayne, and kepte the residue bounde.

  13. They kepte that nyghte good watche, as in a house of enimies, but the poore Indians durst not once interrupte them.

  14. In Mexico was large and greate barnes and houses to receyue and kéepe the Corne for prouision of the Citie, with officers and vnderofficers, who did receyue the same, and kepte accompte thereof in bookes of paynted figures.

  15. Cortes incontinent called that Captayne out of his house, and caused him to be choked, and so was the matter kepte close that his death was neuer knowen, whereby the snare was vndone without any rumour.

  16. These stréetes are kepte alwayes cleane, and the moste parte of the houses haue two dores, the one towarde the calsey, and the other towarde the water, at the whiche they take boate to goe where they list.

  17. It was thought that they kepte a certaine holy day, peace was againe offered, but they answered with dissimulation.

  18. And ffurther allso That the sayde Wardens of the yeomanry for the tyme beinge shall allwayse se and looke y{t} the saide instrumentꝭ be kepte Cleane and that they shall do upon theyre owne Chirgis.

  19. And Thomas Warren saed he hathe kepte all to hymsylf & nevˀ mynded nor thoughte to trouble in any respecte and denyeth the byll also.

  20. And the Fryer vnderstandinge of his facte, kepte him in a certayne secrete place of his couente vntil fortune did otherwyse prouyde for his safe goinge abroade.

  21. Monday, and there ar be this tyme proclamacions made, or shall be, thorwe London, the pees to be kepte up on grete peynes; and the Lumbards to occupie the merchaundizes as thei dide til the Counsail or Parlament have otherwise determyned.

  22. I was one of the cheeffe that kepte bothe my Maister Paston and myn oncle[206.

  23. They never gave that which was in their actuall possession, yf by any meanes possible they mighte have kepte it themselves.

  24. And the people kepte in subjection desire nothinge more then freedome.

  25. These thinges are kepte secrete by the marchantes, and suche as depende upon the trade of marchandize are lothe to utter the same.

  26. And like as a little passage given to water, it maketh his owne way; so give but a small menne to suche kepte in tyranie, they will make their owne way to libertie; which way may easely be made.

  27. Firste, it is to be considered that his domynions and territories oute of Spaine lye farr distant from Spaine, his chefest force; and fair distante one from another; and are kepte by greate tyrannie; and quos metuunt oderunt.

  28. And that our said armee, blessid be God, hath among theyme selfe kepte such love and accorde, that no maner of fray or debate hath bene bitwene theym sithens the tyme of thair departing out this our Reame.

  29. Sche told me that they shuld kepte a day on Monday next komyng be twyx her brother and Ser Andrew Hugard and Wyndham.

  30. Emond Brome, jentelman, and with nakid swerds fawte wyth hym be the space of a quarter of a owre and toke hym presoner; and when they had kepte hym as long as they lyst, lete hym goo.

  31. I pray yow yf your sor be hol, and so that ze may indur to ryde, wan my fader com to London, that ze wol askyn leve, and com hom wan the hors xul be sentte hom a zeyn, for I hope ze xulde be kepte as tenderly herr as ze ben at London.

  32. And when they had kepte hym as long as thei lyst, thei led hym to the seyd Byshop of Norwiche and askid of hym swerte of the peas, and forwyth relessid her suerte and went her way.

  33. God yeue grace that the see may be better kepte than it is now, or ellys it chall ben a perlyous dwellyng be the se cost.

  34. The twelfthe that men shold worshippe the olde and auncyent men for theyr age and more for theyr wysedom than for her riches this knyght made none of thyse lawes/ but he first kepte hem.

  35. That day wherein she rode about the city of Rome, she gaue occasion to be spoken of a whole month after, one inquirynge of an other what great Romaine lords they were that kepte her company?

  36. He kepte his pacient a ful greet deel In houres, by his magyk natureel.

  37. And yet he was but esy of dispence, He kepte that he wan in pestilence.

  38. He seeth hys father well whetteled wyth drynke, and heareath hym bablynge oute that, that shulde be kepte in.

  39. Christe our Lorde hym selfe, the daye before he suffred, kepte it solemnly with his disciples, and consecrated, and ordeined it continually to be celebrated, and eaten in the remembraunce of him selfe.

  40. But whan it began to be skant well kepte vppon the Sonday neither: then was it commaunded that euery manne should receiue it thrise in the yere, or ones at the leaste, at euery Easter.

  41. In time past euery Thursdaie also was kepte as the Sondaie.

  42. But because we might sieme therein, somewhat to gratifie the Heathen (whiche that daie kepte solempne holie daie, to Iupiter their Idolle) it was laied doune againe.

  43. Who kepte Jonas in the fisshes mawe Til he was spouted up at Ninivee?

  44. A vineyard," he concludes, "maye not be kepte nother sauyd but by his socour and helpe that all thynge hath and possesseth in his power and myghte.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kepte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.