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Example sentences for "lyue"

Lexicographically close words:
lyttel; lyttle; lytyl; lytyll; lytylle; lyued; lyues; lyuing; lyuynge; lyve
  1. In sore[gh]e {and} in Muche wo Schulle we lyue beo þu vs fro.

  2. He that honoreth his father, shall lyue the longer, and shall reioyce in his owne chyldren.

  3. Anone after, came one whiche toke on hym to be a phisitian; whiche, touchynge the pulse, sayde the malady was so vehement, that he coulde nat lyue an houre.

  4. Gette the home to thy bedde: for I parceyue thou canste nat lyue an houre to an ende.

  5. To whome he answered and sayd: nay father, I truste you shall lyue and occupy them your selfe full well by Goddes grace.

  6. I wylle leue to yow Sanynge I wyll that y'e gyue in my prefence er I dye whilis I lyue to the frere prechours.

  7. This philosopher was so Juste and trewe that he had leuyr dye/ than to lyue longe and be a fals flaterer wyth the sayd kynge.

  8. And not lyue to ete glotonsly & for to drynke dronke.

  9. But let Dame Partelot speake her pleasure, I would aduise all husbandes to lyue honestly with their honest wiues, and doe praie to God to plant mo sutch wiues to store the barren worlde that neuer or seldome bryngeth forth such increase.

  10. The Gods graunt that I doe not long remaine on liue without thy sweete haunt and company, which can no longer draw forth this breathing ghoste of myne, than can a Bodye lyue wythoute like Breathe in it.

  11. And as for all them that woulde do you wrong I will so helpe and mainteyne, ye shall not lyue long.

  12. Ah sirra, nowe I see truthe in the prouerbe olde, All things that shineth is not by and by pure golde, If any doe lyue a woman of honestie, I would haue sworne Christian Custance had bene shee.

  13. Haue I so many yeres liued a sobre life, And shewed my selfe honest, mayde, widowe, and wyfe And nowe to be abused in such a vile sorte, Ye see howe poore Widowes lyue all voyde of comfort.

  14. But all things contrary to your will and minde Shall be done otherwise: I wyll not be behynde To speake: And as for all they that woulde do you wrong, (I wyll so helpe and maintayne ye) shall not lyue long.

  15. For as for mine owne parte hauing money inowe, I could lyue onely with the remembrance of you.

  16. But such sporte haue I with him as I would not leese, Though I should be bounde to lyue with bread and cheese.

  17. And for myne owne parte, I doe not passe to lyue long after her, if I thought I should not haue your helpe and succour to reuenge her death.

  18. But the Princesse, who was resolued to lyue a good woman, abhorred all his lasciuious orations, requiring hym to bee better aduysed another tyme, before he presumed to vtter sutche talke, excepte to sutch that were his equals.

  19. Gete you thither and bye vs corne fro th[~e]ce/ that we maye lyue and not dye.

  20. And wyth thy swerde shalt thou lyue and shalt be thy brothers seruaunte But the tyme will come/ when thou shalt gett the mastrye/ and lowse his yocke from of thy necke.

  21. Ioseph is yet a lyue and is gouerner ouer all the land of Egipte.

  22. Ye thoughte euell vnto me: but God turned it vnto good to bringe to passe/ as it is this daye/ euen to saue moch people a lyue Feare not therfore/ for I will care for you and for youre childern/ and he spake kyndly vnto them.

  23. Than sayde Iuda vnto Israell his father: Send the lad with me/ and we wyll ryse and goo/ that we maye lyue and not dye: both we/ thou and also oure childern.

  24. Saye I praye the therfore that thou art my sister/ that I maye fare the better by reason of the and that my soule may lyue for thy sake.

  25. Geue vs feed/ that we may lyue & not dye/ & that the londe goo not to wast.

  26. I meane, and to obtayne and procure suche liuinge that we may lyue welthely and at pleasure without carke & care.

  27. Ah ha, nowe I wot wherabout ye be, belyke ye thîke that I lyue not accordynge to the gospell or as a good gospeller shulde do.

  28. But to retourne to oure purpose agayne, dost thou lyue chastly?

  29. Shulde theyr writyng that suche thinges disprayse and reuyle be dyspised of many blynde Dotardes y^t nowe lyue whiche enuy that any man shulde haue or vnderstonde ye thyng whiche they knowe nat.

  30. A prayer full profytable to them that shal saye masse / & here masse / or to them that shall be houseled & comunyed / and besyde for all other that ben on lyue or deed.

  31. He that eteth of this brede shall lyue without ende.

  32. Who that eteth me / he shal lyue for me / & he abydeth in me / & I in hym.

  33. And moost in especyall gyuynge vs thy blessyd body & blood for destruccion of our synnes encreace of vertue & grace / and synguler comforte to all that ben on lyue and deed.

  34. And that lande is ryght full of folke for they lyue commonly.

  35. And nowe of late it is a greate practes of the vpright man, when he hath gotten a botye, to bestowe the same vpon a packefull of wares, and so goeth a time for his pleasure, because he would lyue with out suspition.

  36. Their lyues, their language, their names as they be, That with this warning their myndes may be warmed, To amend their mysdeedes, and so lyue vnharmed.

  37. And for all other your lordshippes gentilnes I do most hertelie thanke you trusting if I lyue to requyte the same if I can.

  38. But lyue men good lif, and studie many persones Goddis lawe, and whanne chaungyng of wit is foundun, amende [th]ey it as resoun wole.

  39. Cicero agaynst Catiline: when they coulde not lyue honestlye, they had rather dye shamefully.

  40. Bygger: As for Milo, they saye he shulde not lyue that confesseth he hathe kylled a man, when M.

  41. Agayne the Iuste man shall lyue by his faithe.

  42. The Iues both by the ciuile ãd canon lawes ar not only permitted to lyue among the christians / but also to haue their synagoges: and tribute is taken of them.

  43. In the Primitiue churche forthwith after christes ascension / because the Iues which wer conuerted vnto christe did lyue a great while with thos gentils which hadd receyued the gospel / ther begon a very Iuishnes.

  44. Euell catholiques are they / which do lyue otherwise thẽ they saie that they do beleaue.

  45. The ende of policall gouernemente is / that the subiecte both sholde lyue in felycytie / ãd also in the practyse of godlynes / because that godlines and the true worshipp of God is the chefest of all vertues.

  46. This verily / fyrst that we shuld not please our selues: Agayne / that we shuld not so lyue after our own mynde / that we shulde cõtemne their saluacion.

  47. Cortez made hym no aunswere, but incontinent married with mistresse Catalina Xuarez according to his promise, and to lyue in peace.

  48. Yet it must please theim that entende to lyue without the reche of this disease.

  49. Truly who will lyue accordynge to nature and not to lust, may with this diete be well contented.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lyue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.