This emulsion of the fatty and other substances of the food is termed chyle, and as such, the fatty substances are ready for absorption by the absorbents of the intestinal tract.
Vaginal irrigations of hot water, night and morning, relieve the congestion and stimulate the absorbents of the pelvic glands.
In order to purify the air it must be passed through absorbents for carbonic acid and water-vapor and hence some pressure is necessary to force the gas through these purifying vessels.
The explanation usually offered is that the material conveyed by the absorbents suffices to counterbalance the process of waste occasioned by the slow circulation.
Absorbents Absorbents are medicines which destroy acidity in the stomach and bowels, such as magnesia, prepared chalk, &c.
The disorder is communicated by the absorbents of the foot coming in contact with the suppuration which has been left on the ground from the diseased part.
There is sufficient moderate motion and friction of the limb to rouse the absorbents to action, and cause them to take up a portion of the bony matter thrown out, but not enough to renew or prolong inflammation.
Absorbents are composed of materials partaking of an alkaline character, and are used for the purpose of neutralizing acid matter.
The best forms of absorbents are the following: they restore healthy action to the lost function at the same time that they neutralize the gas.
Iodol, white sugar, ground and roasted coffee, and powdered charcoal are all used as protectives and absorbents on suppurating surfaces.
Absorbents are of some service, and charcoal may be given in any quantity.
The absorbents leading from the wounded part become swelled and painful, and in slight cases there are shivering and general indisposition for some days.
The absorbents of the penis may also become turgid and painful.
When the incited action soon terminates, and the activity of the absorbents is diminished, the fluid accumulates within the joint, producing Hydrops Articuli.
In some cases of chancre or other ulcer, the absorbents along the dorsum penis become swollen, and occasionally suppurate.
A violent burning pain attends the disease when advanced; the absorbents are irritated and inflamed, and the glands enlarge along their course.
If the morbid action be thus stopped, the absorbentswill remove the newly-formed matter, and restore the parts to their healthy condition.
In neglected cases great tumefaction of the labia takes place, along with excoriation of the neighbouring parts, patchy ulceration around, and swelling of the absorbents and of the inguinal glands.
Operation is scarcely justifiable when it is evident that the absorbents are affected.
External injuries sometimes appear to check the secreting action, and to excite the absorbents to remove the morbid growths, and this with or without rupture of the cyst.
The mass of arteries, veins, nerves, absorbents and their coverings, which passes along the groin and over the pubic bone, to the testicle.
The lacteals are known as the absorbents of the intestinal walls, and after digestion is accomplished, are found to contain a white, milky fluid, called chyle.
Renovated tissues must replace those which are worn out, and it is a part of the function of the absorbents to convey nutritive material into the general circulation.
Pearls were formerly used in medicine as absorbents or antacids; and among the ancients they were occasionally taken, dissolved in acid, both as a remedy and for the purpose of displaying the careless opulence and luxury of their possessors.
A common cause of spasm is indigestion, and the use of acescent liquors; these should, therefore, be avoided, and bitters and absorbents had recourse to.
Nyce, is essentially a large refrigerator, with the ice at the top, and provided with absorbentsfor removing from the air the moisture it has received from the fruit.
In middle age, nutrition and absorption are more equal; but in old age, the absorbents are more active than the nutrient vessels.
In early manhood he was athletic, and weighed one hundred and sixty pounds; but the excessive action of the absorbents over the nutrient vessels, reduced his weight, in the interval of eighteen years, to sixty pounds.
These two sets of absorbents run in different courses, but their destination is the same, {97} which is the right side of the heart.
The absorbents remove everything around; whatever else is useless, or would he injurious, is taken away, but this strange substance is unchanged.
The proper treatment of purging in cases of distemper, is first to give a good dose of Epsom salts, in order to carry away anything that may offend, and then to ply the animal with mingled absorbents and astringents.
It is supposed to be a disease of the absorbents of the skin, and its first indication is generally the appearance of little tumours called farcy buds on the face, neck, or inside of the thigh.
In a mixture of gases, chemical absorbents may be used to remove the gases one by one, the amounts present being determined by the successive changes of volume.
When particular substances are brought in contact with the skin, these absorbents take up some portions and carry them into the blood.
The remainder is ejected, in an unprepared state; the absorbents take portions of it into the system; and all the various functions of the body, which depend on the ministries of the blood, are thus gradually and imperceptibly injured.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "absorbents" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.