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Example sentences for "certain articles"

  • It may return a number of times every day, or sometimes not for several days, during a period of many weeks or several months.

  • The sebaceous follicles are often still larger and more numerous than they normally are at that age, and seborrhoea is {147} often, though not always, met with.

  • When the Court is not sitting, the duties conferred on it by certain articles of Convention XII.

  • Certain articles of food, as oysters and eggs, lead always in some persons to intestinal disturbance.

  • Excessive acidity of the stomach, seeds of fruit, certain articles of food, the presence of worms in the stomach, and draughts of ice-water may simply act as exciting causes to a centric predisposition.

  • Certain articles of food not necessary to mention here produce constipation.

  • On the thirtieth, Surville desired to capitulate on certain articles, which were rejected by the duke of Marlborough, who gave him to understand that he had no terms to expect, but must surrender at discretion.

  • A third law related to certain articles of the national debt, which was now converted into several joint-stocks of annuities, transferable at the bank of England, to be charged on the sinking fund.

  • On the other hand, Henry was obliged to issue a Forest Charter, based on certain articles of Magna Carta, which declared that no man should lose life or limb for hunting in the royal forests.

  • In order to enrich Raleigh and her numerous other favorites, she granted them the exclusive right to deal in certain articles.

  • Canada, grant preferential duties, or practical free trade, in certain articles exported to the British Isles.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "certain articles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    both kinds; certain articles; certain bodies; certain branches; certain cases; certain evening; certain natural; certain people; certain person; certain persons; certain plants; certain portions; certain proportion; certain provisions; certain seasons; certain sections; certain sense; certain small; certain thing; certain tree; certain woman; certainly very; convict labour; homologous parts; human faculty; other orders