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Example sentences for "cation"

Lexicographically close words:
catholicis; catholicity; catholicus; catholike; catholique; cations; catkin; catkins; catlike; catnip
  1. For example, all acids have the same cation H^+.

  2. On the other hand, all the phosphides produce the same toxic and therapeutic effects, whatever the cation with which they are united.

  3. Why you di'n' tell me ed'cation goin' teck my boy 'way from me?

  4. On the theory that the phenomena are wholly due to unequal ionic velocities this result would mean that the cation like the anion moved against the conventional direction of the current.

  5. It will be noticed that in neutralization the anion of the acid and the cation of the base are not changed.

  6. The term "oxidation" is applied to all reactions in which the valence of the metal of a compound is increased, or, in other words, to all reactions in which the charge of a cation is increased.

  7. Thus, in the example given above, the mother observes correctly that defæcation is inhibited, and produces crying and resistance.

  8. Thus the mother of the child in whom defæcation is inhibited by negativism may have made further observations.

  9. Or little pigs to buy an edge-cation with curly tails?

  10. Bobby felt quite wealthy, able to buy all sorts of things, an edge-cation or .

  11. He knew he wanted the "glassies" and the bat and wasn't quite sure but that he might want the pigs to help buy an edge-cation when he grew to be as big as Richard's fathers who said he wished that he had one.

  12. In the words of soil science, this functioning like a storage battery for minerals is called cation exchange capacity.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.