The next day I sent the boat again for water and before night all my casks were full.
The next morning I sent my pinnace with 2 hogsheads and 10 barrecoes for water; they returned at noon with the casks full of water; very thick and muddy, but sweet and good.
And now, being well stocked with wood and all my water-casks full, I resolved to sail the next morning.
Who seals up more[520] casks of wine that will bear long keeping?
The casks were filled; and the boats, after waiting for some time the return of Mr Duncan and Sam, came back.
Mr Symonds, the second mate, proposed to return for our shipmates after the casks had been hoisted on board.
A mad scene followed; wild with enthusiasm, casks of bullets and flints and powder were rolled to fort gates and their heads knocked out.
The Gordon Journal: "Mr Spendlow and self surveyed 22 casks of beef, and condemned it, which we reported to the General.
He tested the weight of the other casks and found them equally heavy.
Nor were they greatly concerned about the safety of the treasure they had left behind, for the entrance to the cavern lay deeply buried, and Cobo, the guerrilla, stood guard over the chests of plate and the casks of coin.
The boat returned at night with six men and the casks filled, having left four behind to go on with the cutting of wood against next day.
Seeing no living creature on it during that time, and the shore being very broken, we came to an anchor about two miles from it, and sent ten of our crew in our best boat with some casks to get water and cut wood.
The must is at once run off into casks in order that it may not ferment on the grape-skins and imbibe any portion of their colouring matter.
From these vats the fluid is allowed to flow through hose into rows of casks stationed below.
Aboveground are several large store-rooms, where vintage casksand the various utensils common to a champagne establishment are kept, and a capacious cellier, upwards of 150 feet in length, with its roof resting on huge timber supports.
The latter is worked with a metal screw, and the must is conducted through pipes or hose to casks holding from two to four thousand gallons each, in which it ferments.
It now rests until the end of the year, when it is drawn off into new casks and delivered to the buyer, invariably one or other of the great champagne houses, who willingly pay an exceptionally high price for it.
Pumps, bottle-washing machine, and the revolving casks in which the sugar is dissolved for the liqueur, are all moved by steam, and the association even manufactures the gas used for lighting up the establishment.
In a cellier adjoining the press-house stands a large vat, capable of holding 50 pièces of wine, with a crane beside it for hauling up the casks when the cuvée is made.
The wine is again clarified and placed in fresh casks with the bungholes only lightly closed until all sensible fermentation has ceased, when they are securely fastened up.
I guess Lion Ben would think it was his consarn to let us have the vessel for nothing, and then have water-casks stove up for the fun of the thing.
The next morning, the water-casks were put into a boat, and Jacques piloted them to the place.
We have brought her down to the mouth of the river, where she is moored in safety; also some casks of water, and all the provisions we have been able to procure.
We did as he directed; but notwithstanding our efforts several seas which rolled up broke into the boat, carrying away all our water-casks and the larger portion of our provisions.
All the wine to be kept thus, should be racked once in about six months, and the casks kept well filled.
To keep empty casks in good condition they should, after cleaning, be allowed to become thoroughly dry, when they are sulphured, closed tightly, and laid away in the cellar.
We generally do not use anything, but simply clean the casks well, in racking red wine.
The must is generally allowed to run into a large funnel, filled with oat straw, and passes through a hose into the casks in the cellar.
The casks should always be kept well filled, and must be looked over and filled every two or three weeks, as the wine will continually lose in quantity, by evaporation through the wood of the casks.
These should correspond somewhat with the size of the casks we intend to fill; but they are somewhat unhandy if they hold more than, say four hundred gallons.
It is very important that the casks are "wine-seasoned," that is, have no other tang than of wine.
If this method is to be followed, the casks are not filled, but enough space left to allow the wine to ferment, without throwing out lees and husks at the bung.
It is also much more convenient to let these large casks remain in their places, than to move them about.
Coles however persisted that these wore so far inland that they could only have come from the flour casks which we had emptied before starting.
Before we had gone very far alarming symptoms met my eyes in the form of staves of flour casks scattered about amongst the rocks, and even high up on the sandhills.
You saw him descending half- naked into the cellar, round which lay the winecasks like monsters: Bacchanals and Bacchantes danced towards him, seized their victim and destroyed him!
We took aboard several casks of fresh water for drinking, besides our bear meat; put everything to rights, and then shutting ourselves inside, concluded to take a long sleep before resuming our journey northward.
Three large casks were placed together against one side of the wall, and the faucets in them clearly told for what purpose they were used.
Would not a law enforcing the conveyance of ten casks of wine for every cask of brandy afford Parisian industry the indispensable materials of its labour, and give employment to our locomotive resources?
But then we have ingenious machinery invented for felling the oak, cutting it up into staves, and forming them into the wine-casks that are wanted.
Here, for instance, are men who are in want of casks for the storage of their wine.
This is an obstacle; and here are other men whose business it is to remove that obstacle by making the casks that are wanted.
He had made for himself a hiding–place under the dunnage in the run, by removing a quantity of ballast, and arranging a number of empty casks so as to conceal his retreat from any who might search the hold for him.
It is not a great sight to look at the casks that contain port wine.
The fishing and other duties would be a source of amusement to the sailors, who, if they chose, might return home occasionally in the vessels that came to take away the full casks of oil and land the empty ones.
Some casks of water were also embarked; but not many, for, in the event of a fresh supply not being found on landing they could easily melt down the snow and thus manufacture what they required from time to time.
Just as they were rolling back the casks under the shelter of the tent, Maurice Negus rushed up to Mr Meldrum in company with Florry, both of the children being intensely excited evidently about something they had seen or heard.
We will probably be glad enough to get it bye and bye," he said; and he then caused the despised seal "beef" to be cut up in pieces and salted down in one of their spare casks in case of future need.
Sam worked hard all the morning of the trial, covering the casks with a thick mixture of hot pitch and tar.
Sam and he, having fixed several casks in a frame, built a house on this platform.
I have been helping ship the casks to-day, and we have stowed them so as to leave space into which your sisters can crawl and the entrance be stopped up with casks, if we should be overhauled.
The captain then gave the order for the men to go below and stow the casks again.
Several casks of powder, which had been brought up to be more ready at hand, were piled in one corner of the cabin.
Some were hoisting up her cargo and placing it either on deck or in the after-cabin ready for trade, and others were fixing in a slave-deck fore and aft, while casks of water and bags of farina were being brought on board in large quantities.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "casks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.