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Example sentences for "reservoirs"

Lexicographically close words:
reserveth; reserving; reservist; reservists; reservoir; reset; resetting; resettled; resettlement; resettling
  1. The soil in which the four service reservoirs on the railway are built proved to be about the worst for such work.

  2. This has made all the reservoirs water-tight.

  3. Each of the four service reservoirs is of the same size, and lined with 4 in.

  4. They serve less as waterways than as reservoirs for the irrigation of the fertile plains through which they flow.

  5. Up to that time Liverpool had drawn its main supply from reservoirs on Rivington Pike.

  6. For water the city has gone into Mid-Wales and purchased the Vyrnwy Valley, and from the lake and the reservoirs there is able to draw an unfailing supply of some fifty million gallons daily.

  7. The annual overflow of the Nile necessitated the construction of reservoirs and irrigation canals, and caused frequent changes of boundary lines.

  8. The water-supply is of paramount importance, and has led to the construction of reservoirs and conduits, at very heavy cost, which in many places will have a permanent value long after gold-sluicing has ceased.

  9. A Water-supply Department has been formed by the Western Australian government, and measures are being taken to obtain supplies of artesian water, as well as to construct a system of reservoirs and dams on a large scale.

  10. It is profitable to surround the reservoirs with inferior conductors of heat, to avoid losses.

  11. The contents of the precipitating reservoirs have to be stirred up very well, and for this purpose we can either arrange a mechanical stirrer or do it by hand, or the best would be a "Korting steam stirring and blowing apparatus.

  12. The water coming down under heavy pressure from the mountain reservoirs passed through giant hose which would carry a hundred miner's inches, and, striking the mountain side with terrific force, washed away the earth from the rocks.

  13. When these and other reservoirs ultimately become filled with sediment, for reservoirs and lakes are but temporary things, the Gulf of California will again become the burial ground.

  14. Artificial reservoirs are by no means the only sources of such danger.

  15. Year after year and century after century the accumulating snows over this elevated region consolidated into glacial ice and slowly pushed outward the surplus reservoirs of cold.

  16. A similar phenomenon occurs when dams give way and reservoirs suddenly pour their contents into the restricted channels below.

  17. From this scanty and inadequate supply of two inches of water allowance must be made for an enormous loss by evaporation; so, as the writer said, "the polar reservoirs are despoiled in the act of being opened.

  18. In the hotter regions many covered compensation reservoirs are provided, and these make good the wastage caused by excessive evaporation where pipes cannot be used.

  19. You will, however, have observed that the water in all our shallow reservoirs appears intensely blue when observed from any distant and elevated point of view.

  20. The seas were designed not only to form great reservoirs of water, but by means of their evaporation to be the sources of rain, snow, and various meteors.

  21. For a long time the traces of several springs and their reservoirs in the lands of the Abbey de Verveins had been entirely lost.

  22. It appeared, nevertheless, by ancient deeds and titles, that these springs and reservoirs had existed.

  23. The three tubes, which received the air from the bellows, passed into three small reservoirs in the trunk of the figure.

  24. If, when a cloud of gas approaches or when men carrying gas reservoirs approach the trenches, you can start a bonfire every few yards along the line, the poison gas will be sucked into this up-draught and dispersed by the heat.

  25. Many streams in the West carry such enormous amounts of silt that the storage capacity of reservoirs has been seriously impaired, even within a comparatively short time.

  26. They built cisterns and reservoirs to store it up against the time of need.

  27. This ditch, with its reservoirs and pond, is no slight work.

  28. In some places holes had been excavated, probably for the double purpose of securing materials for the wall, and providing reservoirs for water against a time of need.

  29. He was much pleased with the manner in which they had terraced off the bluff of the mesas into little garden patches, irrigating them from the large reservoirs from the top.

  30. Here they collected, erected stone fortifications and watch-towers, dug reservoirs in the rocks to hold a supply of water, which in all cases is precarious in this latitude, and once more stood at bay.

  31. The remains of these great reservoirs thus created are objects of admiration to our modern engineers, not only for the boldness and magnificence of their construction, but also for the beneficence of their purpose.

  32. The great antiquity of the Aden water reservoirs renders them intensely interesting, since they are believed to be as old as the most ancient monuments in existence raised by the hand of man,--not excepting those of Egypt.

  33. Sixteen of these useful reservoirs are credited to one of the latest kings of Kandy.

  34. The marvelous ruins of these reservoirs are the proudest and most significant monuments which remain of the former greatness of this country.

  35. The oldest of these immense reservoirs is believed to date back some centuries before Christ's appearance upon earth, evincing by their construction a degree of organized thrift and effective energy hardly equaled in our time.

  36. The conditions of secrecy, the envelope of mystery, strongly implies something socially disgraceful, or radically wicked, and ministers of the Gospel should not constitute themselves the locked reservoirs of such turbid streams.

  37. Are there certain subtle electrical currents sheathed in human flesh that link us sometimes with the agitated reservoirs of electricity trembling in the bosom of yet distant clouds?

  38. The softening process is this: Into one of the empty reservoirs is introduced a certain quantity of the clear lime-water, and after this about nine times the quantity of the chalk-water.

  39. At Canterbury there are three reservoirs covered in and protected, by a concrete roof and layers of pebbles, both from the summer's heat and the winter's cold.

  40. Adjacent to these reservoirs are others containing pure slaked lime--the so-called 'cream of lime.

  41. The reservoirs are covered; a leaf cannot blow into them, and no surface contamination can reach the water.

  42. You remember, of course, that the Kaxorians had great reservoirs for storing light-energy in a bound state in their giant planes.

  43. Other scientists began to have visions of the realms beyond, and they sought to tap the vast reservoirs of Nature's energies, the energies of matter.

  44. Yet they need huge reservoirs to store it.

  45. Diagram to illustrate a probable cause of formation of lava reservoirs, and to show the connection between such reservoirs and the volcanoes at the surface.

  46. While there must be reservoirs of molten rock beneath active volcanoes, it is none the less clear that they are small, local, and temporary.

  47. As already pointed out, such reservoirs as exist must be local and temporary, or it would be difficult to see how the existing condition of earth rigidity could be maintained.

  48. The sedimentation tank was of sufficient size, when compared with the area of the experimental slow sand filter, to represent the Georgetown and McMillan Park Reservoirs when used in connection with the large filters.

  49. The large proportion of the total purification that takes place in passing through three reservoirs successively, holding in the aggregate a quantity of water equal to about 7 days' use, is very striking.

  50. When the costs of pumping, pure-water reservoirs usually necessary, etc.

  51. The mud deposited in Georgetown and McMillan Park Reservoirs is so fine that the accumulation of many years is not very noticeable in its effect on the depth of water.

  52. The storage of water by reservoirs for irrigation purposes has thus far been one of the untried problems in Arizona.

  53. The soil is fertile, the climate healthful, and with water storage in reservoirs a city will grow equal to any on the Nile.

  54. Twelve feet below the surface of the spring a block tin tube conveys the water into reservoirs placed at the bottom of this vault.

  55. Then, by filling the reservoirs through the long tube by hydrostatic pressure, the air is excluded, while the gas is not allowed to escape.

  56. These reservoirs are strong oak barrels, lined with pure block tin in such a manner as to be perfectly gas-tight, and furnished with two tubes, one quite short and the other extending from the top to the bottom of the reservoir.

  57. In the course of ages perhaps the sand will again be shifted until such reservoirs as the "Deep rock-holes" are filled in and hidden, or partially covered and converted by the natives into wells.

  58. While he yet prayed the clouds gathered overhead, the rain fell in torrents, and the reservoirs were filled to overflowing.

  59. Nicodemon ben Gorion therefore hired of a friendly neighbor twelve huge reservoirs of water promising to have them replenished against a given time, or failing this to forfeit twelve talents of silver.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reservoirs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.