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Example sentences for "rhapsodist"

Lexicographically close words:
rhaps; rhapsodes; rhapsodic; rhapsodical; rhapsodies; rhapsodists; rhapsody; rhatany; rheim; rheostat
  1. This is generally allowed to have been a¸¤ammAid al-RAiwiya, a famous rhapsodist who flourished in the latter days of the Umayyad dynasty, and died about 772 A.

  2. The compiler was probably a¸¤ammAid al-RAiwiya, a famous rhapsodist of Persian descent, who flourished under the Umayyads and died in the second half of the eighth century of our era.

  3. The certainty is clinched when the rhapsodist is without the humorous sense.

  4. One can see the rhapsodist talking interminably, involving himself ever deeplier in a web of his own spinning; the great lady gazing in wonder.

  5. Solon made a law that the poems should be recited with the help of a prompter so that each rhapsodist should begin where the last left off; and he argues from this that Solon did more than Peisistratus to make Homer known.

  6. It was necessary, of course, to divide the poem to be recited into parts, and to compel each contending rhapsodist to take the part assigned to him.

  7. The rhapsodist added the passages to suit the Dionysus feast, at which he was reciting.

  8. In other cases the rhapsodist rounded off his selected passage by a few lines, as in Iliad, XIII.

  9. But we ask why, if an editor or rhapsodist went through the Iliad introducing corslets, he so often left them out, where the critics detect their absence because they are not mentioned?

  10. Just as the younger rhapsodist is related to the solemn rhapsodist of the old time.

  11. Xenophanes wandered over Sicily as a rhapsodist of truth.

  12. This introduced musical effects of a novel sort, such as were not possible for the accompaniment of the reciting rhapsodist and were attained only imperfectly by the common song.

  13. These aid the rhapsodist in maintaining an uninterrupted, rhythmic flow of speech, and also continue to be used as means for intensifying the rhythmic impression.

  14. The rhapsodist of Homeric times, though welcomed as a guest by the superior classes, was not himself regarded by them as a companion of equal rank.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rhapsodist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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