That is, there have been writers who have devoted all their energies and talents to the cause of evil, who have consistently and sincerely opposed Christian morality, and zealously endeavored to make the worst appear the better cause.
That is, there have been writers who have devoted all their energies and talents to the cause of evil, who have consistently and sincerely opposed Christian morality, and zealously endeavored to make the worse appear the better cause.
For one I would now preach the Holy Ghost as zealously as they have been preaching Man, and faith instead of the understanding, and mysticism instead &c.
The success of the measure in Rhode Island, emboldened the effort in Massachusetts, where the advocates of separate negro organizations had been laboring zealously for its accomplishment.
Considered thus, the Proclamation is not merely defensible, but it is more; it is a proper and efficient means of weakening the rebellion which every person desiring its speedy overthrow must zealously and perforce uphold.
Not long had the Church of Milan begun to use this kind of consolation and exhortation, the brethren zealously joining with harmony of voice and hearts.
Possibly he may be influenced in some degree by a just resentment of the ill-treatment he has received; but other intelligent persons acquainted with the people of Canada, have zealouslyaffirmed the same to me.
Each succeeding pope, however much he may have differed from his predecessors on other points, zealously agreed in one, that of maintaining by every possible means the papal ascendency.
He now began to fear that he had been rash in engaging so zealously to bring the poisoners to punishment.
His impetuous disposition hurried him into many squabbles by the way, and his knights and followers, for the most part as brave and as foolish as himself, imitated him very zealously in this particular.
Religion could not be so violently attacked and so zealously denied by so many, if the relation of life to God were the absolute relation and were present before all others.
A number of the young men also, whose anger and jealousy had been aroused by his sudden popularity, and the attention which had been paid us, sided zealously with the priest and his party, and joined in the clamour against us.
We were so intent upon our house-building project that, contenting ourselves with a self-denying breakfast of cocoa-nuts, we at once set zealously to work in carrying it out.
Meanwhile the teaching and preaching Jesuits were zealously at work, turning the dissensions of the enemy to account, and contrasting its schism upon schism with the unity of the Church.
Bruno has been zealously blackened by Catholic writers for the obscenity of some of his writing [219] and the alleged freedom of his life--piquant charges, when we remember the life of the Papal Italy in which he was born.
But though in the nature of the case their inclusion on the side of freethought is not to be zealously contended for, they must be classed in terms of the balance of testimony.
Perhaps those who will not submit may have to betake themselves to the caves of the mountains while the new barbarism establishes itself in the rich plain.
Phoenicia was close beside; Aram was not far away; northward the Hittites maintained their elaborate ritual.
The Hebrew press, though still in its infancy, co-operated with them zealously in furthering their beneficent purposes.
He voted for the election of James Madison and zealously supported his administration.
He never discharged any duty in a perfunctory manner, but as chairman of the committee on the Judiciary labored zealously in behalf of reform in our laws.
He is aptly called God's grace, who obtains the grace of God through good deserts, to the end that he may zealously fulfil his commandments.
Saul held the garments of the false witnesses, and zealouslyinstigated their minds to the stoning.
It began in our church in modest fashion back in those early days, and was fostered zealously at the Lenten devotions and society meetings.
He worked zealously for the Restoration of 1688, and he was the founder of the Darien scheme.
Sincerely to aspire after virtue is to gain her, and zealously to labour after her wages is to receive them.
Harrison, who was zealously getting up petitions for the support of the inquiry into the constitution, was clapped into the Tower.
James, in his very contracted mind, imagined that, because the bishops and ministers had so zealously advocated absolute submission to his will, they would practise it.
He was feebly supported by the Lord Keeper North; he was actively and zealously undermined by his colleagues, Sunderland and Godolphin; but still Charles hesitated.
He at once declared for William on his landing, and exerted himself zealously for his interests in Scotland.
Musgrave and Howe represented the nation as bleeding to death under this Dutch vampyrism; but William had touched the right chord in the national character, and an address of thanks and zealouslypromised support was carried.
Even those who had gone most zealously to work were obliged to return with most disconsolate reports, and to assure the king that, if he turned out every magistrate and militia officer, the next would still vote against Popery.
This is a sufficient answer to the calumny sozealously propagated by the Royalists that the Scots had sold the king to the Parliament.
They called on the Londoners to invigorate their train-bands, and to put the City into a state of defence; and their call was zealously responded to.
The Presbyterians were by far the most numerous, and were zealously supported by the Scots, who were nearly all of that persuasion, and desired to see their form of religion prevail over the whole country.
They therefore counselled James to remain as a king at Dublin, and leave his generals to put down the opposition in the north; and in this they were zealously seconded by D'Avaux and the French.
She flattered herself that the illegitimacy of her son might be got over, and went zealously into the affair.
He very zealously asserted that he had been called to the head of the nation by God and the people, and that none but God and the people should take his office from him.
In competition with law custom frequently carries the day, p.
She ardently longed for the arrival of the body-guard from the Emperor, which would protect her in the first moment of danger; and she waszealously employed in increasing the number of her friends amongst the Goths themselves.
Should mother and son betray such feelings more frequently, then, certainly, he would be compelled to overthrow their government as zealously as he had hitherto upheld it.
Whence it proceeded, sir, that those who now so zealously espouse the Austrian interest, have been so plainly forgetful of it on other occasions, I cannot determine.
But however secure he might feel, he did not relax his usual vigilance, in which he was zealously seconded by Toweno; and whenever the one was absent from the garrison, even for a short time, the other always remained at home on the watch.
It was, on the contrary, the natural result and full development of the indifferentistic and unionistic germs which the General Synod inherited and zealously cultivated during the whole course of its history.