In matires vnto purpoos according, So that a wight sume not excessyfe, 318 For trusteth well, hit is tedious thyng For to here a childe multiplie talkyng, Yif hit be not to the purpose applied, And also wyth goodly termys aleyde.
Demene you with mete & drynke so soberly That ye not be Infecte wyth glotony.
Votum, wyshynge: O wolde God that the adulterer had bene drowned in the ragyng sea, whan wyth hys nauye of shyppes he sayled to Lacedemonia.
And suche an oracion can not cause the hearer to take anye heede, when it goeth so in and out, and comprehendeth not any thyng wyth perfecte wordes.
Verborum bombus, when small & triflyng thynges are set outwyth great gasyng wordes.
Superabundancia, when y^e sentence is laden with superfluous wordes, as, he spake it wyth his mouthe, he sawe it wyth hys eyes.
Extensio, is that wherby a swete and pleasaunt modulacion or tunablenes of wordes is kepte, because some are spoken wyth a sharpe tenure or accent, some wyth a flatte, some strayned out.
A common place shall bee, wyth wordes to exaggerate howe much it profiteth to keepe goodnesse, to bee in companye wyth good men, and contrarye howe greate myschyefe the companye of euyll men dothe cause.
More weþ{er} louyly is me my gyfte To do wyth myn quat so me lykeȝ?
Zyff zowyr mastyrchep wyll ony thyng wyth me, I xall be at Cley.
And then Heracle commaunded hym all to god and to the hooly crossewyth all the devocion that he myght.
C ‘Myght I have spoken wyth hys dere brethren, Or with eyther of them twayne, To show to them what him befell, My hart were out of payne.
CIX ‘Alyce shal be at sojournyng In a nunnery here besyde; My tow[690] sonnes shallwyth her go, And there they shall abyde.
CX ‘My eldest son shall go wyth me; For hym have I no care: And he shall bring you worde agayn, How that we do fare.
CVII Then wente they to theyr suppere Wyth such meate as they had; And thankèd God of theyr fortune: They were both mery and glad.
XXII Alyce opened a backe wyndowe, And lokèd all aboute; She was ware of the Justice and Shirife bothe, Wyth a full great route.
Some you shal soner kyl, then amende wyth stripes: but the same bi loue and gentle monicions you may leade whither ye wyll.
An horsecolt, which forthwyth sheweth his gentle kynd, is not straight way forced wyth the bytte to cary on his backe an armed manne, butwyth easy exercises he learneth the fashion of warre.
Fyrst the vse of tonges whych commeth to them without any greate studye, ther as olde folkes can scarse be hable to learne them wyth great labour.
Except wyth much studye y^u forme and fashion this, thou shalt be a father of a monster and not of a man.
Now is this a great inconuenience, but it is yet a greater, that they leaue at home their dogge wel taught, their horse well broken and taught, and theyr son enstructed wyth no learnyng.
An oxe if you pricke hym to harde wyth godes, wyl caste of his yocke, and run vpon hym that pricked hym.
It is told in the lawe, that a certen sowter, when he layd one of hys sowters vpon the hynder parte of the heade wyth a laste, he stroke oute one of hys eyes, and that for that deede he was punyshed by the lawe.
Themistocles within a yeres space lerned perfitely the Persians tong because he wolde the better cõmen wyth the kyng.
The chylde naked was hanged vp wyth cordes by y^e armeholes, as though he hadde bene a stronge thyefe, and there is amonge to Germanes no kynde of punishement more abhorred then thys.
And all his men confortit war: For thame thoucht weill, bath les and mair 120 That thai suld les thar fayis drede, Sen thair purpos sa wyth thaim yheide.
For him, said he, thoucht herd to ma Pes wyth King Robert Bruce his fa, 150 Quhill that he of him vengit war.
It wes gret cunnannes to kep Thar takill in-till sic a thrang, And wyth sic wavis; for, ay amang, The wavys reft thar sycht of land.
Of Walis als wyth hym had he, And of Irlande ane gret menyhe; 100 Of Pouty, Aquytane, and Bayon He had full mony of gret renoun.
Men sais, Schir Thomas Randale than, Chassand, the Kyngis baner wan; 88 Quhar-throu in Ingland wyth the Kyng He had rycht gret price and lovyng.
For thai falyheit of thair entent, Thai war that tym sa fowly schent, That fiften hundreth men and ma 616 Wyth fewar war rebutit swa, That thai with-drew thaim schamfully.
Wele boyes here ys he, That wyl fyyt, and not fle, For I am in my jolyte, Wyth so forth, Gybbe.
And I wow, quoth Dawkyn, May I mete wyth Tomkyn, Hys flayle I schal hym reve.
For whan I remembre & calle to mynde her beaute, bountee & noblesse, that was as wel wyth her kyng my lord Arthur as wyth her.
It was soo that I mett wyth myn onkle William by the weye, and there in the felde I payed hym the iiijli.
Thomas Brampton at the Blak Fryers in London wyth syche other as he and I apoyntyd wyll helpe yow to aspye on for me on ther part.
Item, men seye that the Erle off Oxenfford is abowt the Ilde off Tenett hoveryng, som seye wyth grett companye, and som seye, with ffewe.
I can not yet make my pesse wyth my Lord of Norffolk nor my Lady by no meane, yet every man tellyth me that my Lady seyth passyngly well of me allweys notwithstandyng.
I send yw demi a riale for to by wyth swger[119-1] and dates for me.
For Christ made never no cathedrals, Ne with him was no cardinall Wyth a reed hatte as usen mynstrals; 315 But falshed, foul mote it befall!
Trevisa: 'The herbe agnus-castus is alwaye grene, and the flowre therof is namly callyd Agnus Castus, for wyth smelle and vse it makyth men chaste as a lombe.
Wyth armynes powdred bordred at the vent'; Hawes, Pastime of Pleasure, ed.
And be cause my seyd Lord Norffolk ys so nere of blode to yowr hyghnesse knyghted, that meevyd me to be the more wyllyng to condescend to the forseyd purchasse, and so trustyng your Lordshyp wold be ryght well pleased wyth alle.
Pleasyth you to wete that I sent yisterday Loveday to Norwyche to speke wyth the Vykyr of Derham[105.
Kyng Harry, both of hys owyn lyflode or of any other mannys that he had to doo wyth all.
I hafe also, seth I came to Norwiche, enformed hym whate proffyt ease and avaylle I may help stand hem both yn my maister godes and yn hys lyvelode; yff he or hys frendys set littlle by it, I may nat do wyth all.
Item, I wold ze schuld do Rychard Calle hye hym of makeng of alle the acountes and, zyf nede, lete hym gete help and kepe Thomas Hunnworth stille wyth yow, and be war of of Pykyng [Pickering ?
Aprylle for the yerys that I have be wyth my mastyr, whesche shal be at Hocke Monday next cumyng v^e yer and an halfe; for the whesche yerys I have reseyvyd at sondery tymeys vli.
The yerle of Mentaye, thow arte my eme, The fowarde I gyve to the: The yerlle of Huntlay, cawte and kene, He schall be wyth the.
Ther was no freke that ther wolde flye, But styffely in stowre can stond, Ychone hewyng on other whyll they myght drye, Wyth many a bayllefull bronde.
The stonderdes stode styll on eke a syde, Wyth many a grevous grone; Ther the fowght the day, and all the nyght, And many a dowghty man was slayne.
Wyth that scharpe arowes bygan to flee, I tell yow in sertayne; Men of armes byganne to joyne, Many a dowghty man was ther slayne.
My lorde your father he gretes yow well, Wyth many a noble knyght; He desyres yow to byde That he may see thys fyght.
For we have brente Northomberlonde, Thy erytage good and ryght, And syne my logeyng I have take, Wyth my brande dubbyd many a knyght.
They swapped together whyll that they swette, Wyth swordës scharpe and long; Ych on other so faste thee beette, Tyll ther helmes cam in peyses dowyn.
The Perssy and the Dowglas mette, That ether of other was fayne; They swapped together whyll that the swette, Wyth swordes of fyne collayne: 51.
Syr Charllës Morrey in that place, That never a fote wold flee; Syr Hewe Maxwell, a lord he was, Wyth the Dowglas dyd he dye.
Wyth that the Perssy was grevyd sore, For soth as I yow saye: He lyghted dowyn vpon his foote, And schoote hys horsse clene awaye.
Then on the morne they mayde them beerys Of byrch and haysell graye; Many a wydowe, wyth wepyng teyres, Ther makes they fette awaye.
The captayne sayd unto him selfe: Wyth sped, before the rest, He cut his tonge out of his head, His hart out of his breast.
Yet had I lever to be rynde and rente, By Mary, that mykkel maye, Then ever my manhood schulde be reprovyd Wyth a Skotte another daye.
Myght I have spoken wyth hys dere brethren, Or with eyther of them twayne, 10 To show them what him befell, My hart were out of payne.
They went lyghtlye on theyr way, Wyth swordes and buclers round; By that it was mydd of the day, They made many a wound.
They swapped together, whyll that they swette, Wyth swordes scharpe and long; Ych on other so faste they beette, Tyll ther helmes cam in peyses dowyn.
The kyng called hys best archars To the buttes wyth hym to go: I wyll se these felowes shote, he sayd, In the north have wrought this wo.
Alyce shal be at our sojournyng 45 In a nunnery here besyde; My tow sonnes shall wyth her go, And there they shall abyde.
The Baron of Grastoke ys com owt of the west, Wyth hym a noble companye; All they loge at your fathers thys nyght, And the Battel fayne wold they see.
Scho wolde hav riven hys privich geare, But Gilbert wyth hys swerde of warre, Hee strake at her ful strang.
He sained hym wyth crosse and creede, Tooke furth a booke, began to reade, In Ste Johan hys gospell.
Theise men-at-arms thatte wer sea wight, And wyth theire armour burnished bryght, They went the sewe toe see.
Then the lettres wer wele made, The bondes wer bounde wyth seales brade, As deeds of arms sholde bee.
Durst noe man nighe her wyth his hande, But put a rape downe wyth a wande, And heltered her ful meete; They hauled her furth agen her wyll, Qunyl they cam until a hille, A little fra the streete.
The Warden sayde, 'I am ful woe That yow sholde bee torment soe, But wee had wyth yow beene!
Next in date comes the famous Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle, printed at Westminster by Wynkyn de Worde in 1496 as a part of the second edition of The Book of St. Albans.
This was published in 1883 by Mr. Thomas Satchell under the title An Older Form of the Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle.
The fayr mayden her byforn Was purtrayed an unykorn, With hys horn so hye, Flowres and bryddes on ylke a syde, Wyth stones that wer sowght wyde, Stuffed wyth ymagerye.
Syr Tergaunte, that nobyll knyghte hyghte, He presented the Emperour ryght, And sette hym on hys kne, Wyth that cloth rychyly dyght.
He yaf hit the Emperour, He receyved hit wyth gret honour, And thonkede hym fayr and ryght.
Erly and late Thyther cometh Kate Cysly, and Sare Wyth theyr legges bare And also theyr fete.
Come who so wyll To Elynor on the hyll Wyth Fyll the cup, fyll And syt there by styll.
She dryueth downe the dewe With a payre of heles As brode as two wheles; She hobles as a gose Wyth her blanket trose Ouer the falowe: Her shone smered wyth talowe, Gresed vpon dyrt That bandeth her skyrt.
Stryke the hogges wyth a clubbe, They haue dranke up my swyllyn tubbe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wyth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.